After childbirth

How and where to find free time: 6 life hacks for a young mother

All mothers, regardless of age, education and income level, have the same resource - time. There are only 24 hours in a day. At the same time, some manage to do everything, while others always do not have enough time. How to redo all the cases and still carve out time for yourself when you are on maternity leave? We have collected for you 6 life hacks from modern mothers - take them into service.

1. Cross out unnecessary things from your to-do list

The main mistake that most young mothers make is the desire to create sterile conditions for the crumbs, which is why they have to work as a cook and housekeeper 24/7. The most offensive thing is that the baby does not need these sacrifices at all. Moreover, all this harms both him and the whole family as a whole.

Make a list of household chores. If there are items about daily cleaning and ironing of children's clothes, cross them out without hesitation. It is necessary to iron all the baby's things only until his navel heals, and cleaning with mopping is enough to be done once every 3 days or even once a week.

2. Use your feed time wisely

Newborns are applied to the breast every 4 or even every 3 hours. The feeding itself lasts 10 minutes, and 20, and 30 ... At this time, try to read books. In just the first month you will be able to read everything that you could not find time for the last few years. In a year in this mode, you will completely turn into an expert and will be able to write reviews on literary novelties.

3. Use the benefits of civilization more actively

Now there are so many useful kitchen appliances, household appliances, hygiene products that you can save a lot of time. Use a multicooker, microwave, washing machine, steam generators, robotic vacuum cleaners, as well as diapers and panty liners - all this greatly simplifies life. With you to the hospital, you can take diapers designed for the smallest, and put them on to the baby from the first days of life.

4. Eat to live, not live to eat

Pay attention to how you eat. Most delicious and complex dishes do not benefit your health and shape. It turns out that you spend a lot of time and effort on what brings negative results. Ditch complicated dishes in favor of fresh and tasty, yet easy to prepare food. If you don't have time to make stuffed cabbage rolls, bake the meat in the oven. It is much faster and healthier. Sweet homemade pastries are also not at all what should be on the table every day, but only a huge amount of carbohydrates that settle on the waist and sides. Remind yourself that we eat to live, not the other way around.

5. Take time while your baby sleeps.

During the first month of life, the baby sleeps almost around the clock. Use this time to recover from childbirth and adjust to a new rhythm of life. Then the baby will sleep less and less during the day, but even 2-3 hours is already enough to rest, do his favorite hobby, sports, self-development, study or even work.

6. Keep calm

Most of the time is stolen not even by social networks, but by unrest, for which sometimes there is even no reason. Sometimes a young mother begins to worry so much that disturbing thoughts literally suck all the energy out of her, she becomes unhappy and helpless. Stay calm and solve real problems as they come, and most importantly, do not screw yourself over trifles, and in no case invent new ones for yourself. Try to meditate - it helps a lot to get rid of negative emotions and groundless fears.

Try using the life hacks that we told you about. Soon you will realize that you can do more, get tired less, and there seem to be more hours in the day.

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Watch the video: MOM HACKS . Toy Organization Ep. 9 (July 2024).