
"Quicks" for children: instructions for use

In the treatment of rhinitis in childhood, preparations with a natural composition and a safe effect on the mucous membrane are especially appreciated. One of them is the Quicks spray. The basis of this preparation is water from the Atlantic Ocean, which contains many valuable trace elements and mineral salts. This spray can be used both for everyday cleaning of the nasal cavity and for the treatment of rhinitis, since Quix effectively relieves congestion and makes breathing easier.

One of the advantages of the drug is the special structure of the upper part of the bottle, due to which the solution is gently sprayed with the formation of fine particles that are unable to damage the mucous membrane. In addition, under the sprayer there is a system that cleans the incoming air and does not allow microorganisms to pass through, so the opened bottle is stored for a long time.


Depending on the concentration of salt and other active ingredients, there are three drugs in the Quix product line.

  • "Quicks Aloe"... The water, which is the basis of this spray, has a salt concentration of 0.9%, which is called isotonic. The volume of ocean water in 100 ml of the drug is 28.6 ml, and the remainder of the solution is occupied by ordinary purified water, to which 0.05 g of aloe vera extract is also added. There are no preservatives or other chemical additives in the preparation.
  • "Quicks Classic"... Unlike the previous version, this solution contains more salts (2.6%), therefore it is called hypertonic. Of 100 ml of this medicine, almost 85 ml comes from the water from the Atlantic Ocean, and only a little more than 15 ml is simple purified water. There are no other components in the composition of this "Quicks".
  • "Quicks Eucalyptus"... This type of spray is also a hypertonic solution containing 2.6% salt, but eucalyptus oil was also added to it in an amount of 0.015 ml per 100 ml of liquid. No other ingredients, including chemical additives and preservatives, are included in this solution.

All types of medicine are sold in plastic bottles that have a spray pump and a protective cap. The volume of the solution in one bottle is 30 ml. From this amount of medicine, approximately 220 doses are obtained.

Operating principle

The oceanic water present in "Quicks" helps to moisturize the surface of the nasal passages, liquefy mucous secretions, remove dust particles, crusts and various impurities. Manganese, silver, copper and other elements in its composition have antimicrobial and antiallergic properties, and also reduce the activity of inflammation.

Since the solution in the classic drug and the eucalyptus remedy is hypertonic, congestion and swelling pass when using these sprays. This is due to osmotic pressure, when, due to the high salt content, the drug "pulls" water from the cells of the mucous membrane. In this case, the medication acts exclusively locally - on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses.

Eucalyptus oil, which is an additional component of "Quicks Eucalyptus", has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and refreshing effects. The presence of aloe extract in an isotonic spray gives this medicine additional anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. The use of "Quicks" helps to restore the functions of the nose and reduces the risk of complications such as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media and so on.


Classic "Quicks" and the drug "Eucalyptus" are prescribed for acute diseases of the ENT organs, which are manifested by a runny nose.

Such funds are used in the treatment of flu, allergies and colds, when it is necessary to eliminate congestion so that the child can breathe normally through his nose. Spray treatment with Quix Aloe is also recommended for daily hygienic cleaning of the nasal cavity. The drug can be sprayed with a feeling of dryness in the nose, as well as to prepare the nasal passages for any therapeutic measures.

At what age is it allowed?

"Quicks" in blue packaging, which the manufacturer calls classic, can be used even for babies who are 3 months old.

The use of "Aloe" is allowed from the age of six months, and "Quix Eucalyptus" can be sprayed only from the age of 6.


Any of the "Quicks" preparations is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its components. If the child has suffered an injury or surgery in the nose, then the spray should be used with caution.

Side effects

Often, the use of "Quicks" does not cause any unpleasant symptoms. Only occasionally, at the beginning of treatment with hypertonic solutions, a burning sensation can occur immediately after irrigation, but it soon passes.

Instructions for use

Before using any spray "Quicks", you need to remove the cap from the bottle and spray the solution several times in the air. Only then can you begin treatment by inserting the tip into the nostril and pressing the cuff of the nebulizer with two fingers on both sides of the tip. After each use, the spout of the bottle is wiped and tightly closed with a cap.

The nasal passages are irrigated with the preparation "Quix Aloe" several times a day, but for babies under 6 years old - no more than four times. Usually, when processing, one press on the spray is made, but from the age of six, such a medicine can be sprayed into one nasal passage and two or three clicks.

The "classic" spray is applied twice or thrice a day by pressing the sprayer 1-2 times for each nasal passage. The same scheme is recommended when prescribing the drug "Eucalyptus". The duration of use of any "Quicks" is not limited in any way - the spray can be applied as long as it is necessary in a specific situation, for example, until rhinitis completely disappears or throughout the ARVI season.


If you use "Quicks" in a higher dose, you may experience burning sensation, redness and other local symptoms, which soon disappear after cessation of irrigation. Accidental swallowing of the solution has no harmful consequences.

Interaction with other drugs

"Quicks" is compatible with any other drugs and is often used to cleanse the nose before using other medications, such as antibacterial drops or vasoconstrictor sprays.

Terms of sale

All types of "Quicks" are freely sold in pharmacies, as they are non-prescription drugs. The average price of one bottle of "Classic" spray is 300 rubles. For a package of Aloe spray you need to pay about 320-350 rubles, and the cost of a preparation with eucalyptus oil is about 360 rubles.

Storage conditions

There is no need to store the bottle in the refrigerator, as "Quicks" does not deteriorate at room temperature. The shelf life of any of the sprays is 3 years from the date of manufacture, but the contents from the opened bottle can only be used for 6 months. If more than six months have passed after the first spraying of the solution, the medication must be discarded.


There are quite a few positive reviews about the use of the drug in children. According to mothers, after treatment with Quixom, the accumulated mucus and crusts soften, which helps to cleanse the nose, and thanks to the moisturizing effect, the spray helps to eliminate irritation. The advantages of "Quicks" include a natural basis, no addiction and safety for a child's nose.

The "classic" drug is praised for its use in infants, the aloe product for its pronounced moisturizing effect, and after using the Eucalyptus spray, a refreshing effect is noted, thanks to which it becomes easier to breathe.

Among the disadvantages of this line of drugs, they usually call the high cost, which many mothers consider overpriced, since there are similar drugs that are cheaper.


One of the most popular analogues of "Quicks" can be called "Aquamaris", which is also made from sea water. In drops, it is allowed to use it even in newborns, and the spray is prescribed for children over a year old. The preparation "Aquamaris Strong" contains a hypertonic solution, therefore such a medication can fully replace "Quicks classic", but it is prescribed for patients from 1 year old.

Aqualor preparations are no less demanded replacement for "Quicks". Medicines with this name are based on isotonic sea water. These are “baby” drops, allowed from birth, as well as “soft” and “norm” sprays, intended for children over 6 months old. The effect of the spray "forte" for patients from 1 year old provides a hypertonic solution, and in the "extra forte" product, which is allowed for children over 2 years old, additionally contains extracts of chamomile and aloe.

Other analogues of "Quicks" are "Sialor Aqua", "Marimer", "Humer", "Physiomer", "Nazol Aqua", "Aquamaster" and similar products. If you have a cold, your doctor may also prescribe Pinosol drops containing thymol, vitamin E, pine and eucalyptus oils. This remedy has been used since two years. Also "Pinosol" is produced in the form of a cream and ointment (they are also prescribed from 2 years of age), as well as in the form of a spray, which is allowed to be used from 3 years.

In more detail and clearly the action of the drug is presented in this video.

Watch the video: Author Talks. Bruce Feiler, Life is in the Transitions (July 2024).