Things for baby

Safety Criteria for a Newborn Crib

When buying a crib for a baby, you should not immediately stop at a model that seemed attractive in design and affordable. One of the most important criteria for choosing furniture for babies is safety. So what should you look for when choosing a baby bed?

How to choose a bed for newborns: safety criteria


The traditional material for making children's furniture is natural wood. Only in the process of its processing and in the production of beds are many impregnations, varnishes, enamels used. It is possible to ensure that all sanitary standards are observed only if the seller provides a hygiene certificate.

Water-based varnishes and paints are the safest. The type of wood from which the bed is made is also important. For kids, it is better to purchase furniture from hardwood varieties (birch, beech, oak, ash) or from pine, fir.

Stable construction

Growing up, the child becomes a little fidget. He has enough strength to rock and even knock over his bed. Especially the one with the rocking mechanism. Therefore, when choosing, be sure to make sure that the structure is stable: it is desirable that a rigid fixation of a stable state be provided in the crib.


A bed with a perforated or slatted bottom is most suitable for a baby. Such models provide air access to the mattress, but the crumb can be described. It is worth choosing an orthopedic mattress with coconut filling.


Correct cot partitions will help to avoid childhood injuries. The optimal distance between the planks is from 4 to 8 cm.

Bottom height adjustment

It is convenient if the bottom of the bed can be adjusted. Now they produce two- and three-level structures, in which the bed is lowered as the crumbs grow. This eliminates the risk of falling out of bed.


A little fidget jumps and rocks the bed, and because of this, its fastenings gradually weaken. Therefore, parents must constantly check whether they are strong enough, whether there are gaps between the joints and the elements of the crib. In this case, there will be no risk that the baby will pinch an arm or leg. To keep the child safe, you must also make sure that all the details of the crib are recessed or covered with special attachments.

Bumper and canopy

Only parents decide whether to organize a crumbs' sleeping place with a bumper and a canopy, these are not required elements. If you want to create a "royal" bed, consider the following nuances:

  1. The bumper must be flat enough so that the child cannot get on it.
  2. It is important to secure the canopy bracket well so that it does not accidentally fall on the crumb. If there are other small children or pets in the family, they may try to pull the curtains over the bed. In such cases, it is better to remove the canopy or shorten it so that the grown child does not reach it.


Growing up, the baby begins to try everything on the tooth - this is how he gets acquainted with the world around him. The same fate will befall the crib. Consider this point and choose a model with silicone pads, thanks to which the child does not injure his lips and gums. Be sure to make sure the rest of the parts are free of chips and notches. It is important that all surfaces are perfectly flat and that the edges are rounded.

  • 6 accessories to make your baby crib cozy
  • How to choose a crib for a newborn - what cribs are like
  • The baby is always there - baby cots for babies
  • Baby cot-transformer: pros and cons

Watch the video: Buying a Crib Mattress: Tips for Choosing the Best Baby Mattress (July 2024).