Good to know

How the internet affects children

The Internet conquered the adult generation, then seduced teenagers and now it reached the smallest. It is not uncommon to meet a three-year-old kid, enthusiastically pressing buttons on his father's tablet. But what is hidden behind this harmless pastime?

What is the danger of the Internet

In preschoolers, the brake system is poorly developed. They are quickly excited, are involved in the process, but it is difficult for them to inhibit feelings and desires. The worldwide network is replete with dynamic games, colorful landscapes, superhero abilities. Even an adult finds it difficult to resist what to say about a baby. It fascinates him, fascinates him. He becomes a hostage to virtual reality.

The Internet is a drug for children. It tightens imperceptibly, it is difficult to escape.


Yes, there are many educational games and educational cartoons on the World Wide Web. There are children's presentations there, which the kid watches with pleasure and expands the knowledge gained. But behind these small pluses are huge minuses.

Curvature of posture

Sitting at the computer for a long time is a load on the spine. Now the Internet has become available via tablet and phone. Children play lying on their stomachs, on their backs, reclining, hunched over in three deaths. Since the child's skeleton is still being formed, such a pastime is fraught with curvature of the spine.

Vision drops

Looking at one point for a long time is harmful. In addition, children do not observe the distance from their eyes to the screen, they often play in the dark. This is a stress on the eye muscles. They get tired and atrophy, which leads to impaired vision.

Speech development lags behind, thinking suffers

At an early age, there is an active formation of brain cells responsible for speech and thinking. The child develops through communication. By asking questions, he learns to think, analyze. The foundations of logical thinking are laid. Replacing real communication with the Internet leads to one-way communication. No questions are asked, no answers, no dialogue. As a result, there is a lag in speech development and thinking.

Distortion of reality

A small child does not know how to think critically. He takes any information he receives as truth. The internet is full of distorted and false material. Computer games are based on non-existent abilities of heroes and fictional properties of surrounding objects. The child transfers the acquired knowledge into life. There are cases when children, pretending to be superheroes, jumped off the rooftops.

Cartoons and virtual games are setting the wrong values. Now the heroes are ruled not by goodness and justice, but by strength and cunning. Lust for profit and rudeness are not the least. Children no longer want to be astronauts and scientists. They want to be bloggers, killers, not work at all.

Forms cruelty

There is a lot of entertainment on the World Wide Web that contains scenes of violence. When a child sees them on a regular basis, he develops an attitude towards aggression as a normal, natural manifestation of personality traits. If cruelty is already established in early childhood, how will it be reflected in the future? Altered consciousness, no pity, no empathy. The World Wide Web is raising a violent generation.

Information not by age

On many sites, regardless of the subject, banners of non-childish content are placed. A child, climbing on web pages, can accidentally run into "explicit" pictures.

Programs addiction

Addiction develops faster in childhood than in adults. Beautiful graphics, superpowers, richness of special effects and the dynamism of virtual reality hypnotize a child. Time spent online is associated with joy, extreme sports and vivid impressions. This is enough for a stable connection "Internet = pleasure" to be fixed.

Affects the nervous system

Computer entertainment games, for whatever age they are intended, overexcite the nervous system. These entertainments are very dynamic in content. They often have the effect of surprise, which can scare the baby. Children develop unfounded fears. Since the child's mental processes have not yet been formed, the consequences can be unpredictable.

Currently, doctors associate the growing hyperactivity of children with the frequent and abrupt change of pictures on the screens, the dynamism of computer games.

No control

The above consequences are only those experienced by preschoolers. If the "virus" is not slowed down in time, then problems will grow in the future. Let's look a little ahead and see what threatens teenagers who are uncontrollably addicted to the Internet.

Lack of fresh air

The time children spend online used to be spent playing with their peers in the fresh air. Now they cannot be driven out into the street. There are both entertainment and network communication on the Internet. Children suffer from a lack of fresh air, which affects their health.

Interest in learning disappears

With the advent of the Internet, scientists have noted a sharp decline in children's interest in knowledge. The child no longer needs to bother. The websites provide ready-made answers to questions, and it is easy to find the information you need. Unlike study, where you need to make an effort to get the result.

Lack of communication

On the Internet, time passes unnoticed. 60 minutes flies by like 6. The child is less interested in communicating with friends face to face. Virtual reality is brighter and more attractive. She is preferred. Children addicted to computer games become withdrawn, unsociable, lose contact with society.

Decreased activity

The worldwide web is quickly addicting. There is not enough time for other activities. Sports, dance, competition and hobbies are becoming less attractive than virtual reality. Hence, a sedentary lifestyle, muscles atrophy, a tendency to obesity appears.

Sexually deviant behavior

Unhindered access to a forbidden topic attracts early interest and a desire to try. Children have early and promiscuous sexual intercourse, which leads to unplanned pregnancies and the spread of specific diseases.

Victims of cybercriminals

Little experience of life does not allow the child to recognize the danger. Children on the Internet are easy prey for criminals, maniacs, and sectarians. Over the past 10 years, the network has been actively recruiting minors into various illegal groups.

Types of virtual addiction

Attachment is not always formed through computer games. In order to recognize the problem in time, parents should know and distinguish between three types of Internet addiction.

  1. Playroom. The child often plays computer games for a long time.
  2. Network. Excessive passion for correspondence on social networks.
  3. Surfing. Long, aimless browsing of sites and beautiful pictures.

Internet communication rules

Is the Internet really necessary for a small child? In fact, a preschooler does not need it. All developmental games and logical ingenuities are in paper versions. These are board-didactic games. But if, nevertheless, you decide to develop your child using the worldwide network, the following rules should be strictly observed:

Time. For children of different ages, standards for staying at a computer (tablet, iPhone) have been established:

  • up to 5 years - no more than 10 minutes
  • 5-7 years - up to 20 minutes
  • 7-11 years old - up to 30 minutes
  • 12-14 years old - up to 45 minutes
  • 15-16 years old - up to 2 hours intermittently

The control. To know what your child is doing online, position the computer so that the monitor is always visible. For example, in a walk-through room, in a hallway.

Access. There are special programs of limited access that block sites and banners of "non-childish content". Even if a child makes a request on this topic, the browser will give him a short course in biology. The structure of the organs of boys and girls. Let him develop, since he is so curious.

In addition, you can enable "parental control" on your computer. Its advantages:

  • limits the time
  • monitors all activities on the Internet,
  • blocks obscene sites,
  • allows you to download games based on age restrictions.

Free time. Often, a child is addicted to a computer from stupid pastime, from not knowing what to do with himself. Don't use the internet as a nanny. Spend time with your children. Take a walk in nature, go to cafes, movies, talk, read books.

Additional activities. So that the child does not sit at the computer once again, write it down to the sports section, circle, dances. So you will kill two birds with one stone: less time for the Internet + physical development.

More communication. Invite your child's friends to visit. Together, three of us play much more fun than one. Communication skills, imagination, creativity, speech develop. Virtual reality will not replace “live” communication.

The harmful effects of the Internet are easier to prevent than to cure. Pay more attention to children and they will be less involved in virtual reality.

  • Influence of the tablet on the child: 10 reasons to say NO to the tablet!
  • 10 signs of children's addiction to computer games and the Internet: harm from the computer
  • Influence of modern gadgets on children (pros and cons)
  • How We Lose Our Children

Internet addiction in children: what it can lead to

Watch the video: How children use the internet - Children and the Internet #1 (July 2024).