
Types of sleds and tips for choosing them

Moving with the baby on a walk or in any other situation should be comfortable for both the child and the adult. This issue becomes especially relevant in winter, when the sidewalks and roads are covered with snow. For such conditions, there are children's sleds, which today are presented in a wide variety of models and configurations.


It's no secret that outdoor walks are a guarantee of health, especially for kids, and winter should be no exception for walks and active games. Sledding is a folk pastime that has not lost its popularity today.

To make this pastime a real pleasure for parents and children, it is necessary to choose the right means of transportation, since the range of sleds can vary depending on many factors.

Today sleds are not limited to a single model; there are options not only for outdoor activities with children, but also for movement, where the sled acts as a child's vehicle. In addition, the models are designed for different ages, there are options even for newborns.

Manufacturers offer consumers models of different compactness:

  • solid sleigh;
  • folding;
  • transformers.


The first type, as a rule, stands out for its size and weight, therefore, a lot of space will be needed to store a winter children's vehicle in an apartment. Some inconveniences can also arise with a solid sleigh during a ride with them in transport or an elevator. But these models have a very affordable cost, in addition, such options are often used in families where there are two weathermen.


Folding ones are more convenient in terms of operation and subsequent storage in an apartment. Such sleds are easy to fold and transport in a car, they have less weight. In such products, the child seat is made of textiles, which provides additional comfort for the child during the trip. There is a possibility of using the sleigh together with an insulated envelope; folding models have seat belts that will prevent the child from falling out while driving. For parents, there is a special pusher in the kit, which makes it easier to transport the child, in addition, the child will be under the supervision of the parents, as it will ride in front.

Among the disadvantages of this product can be noted weight restrictions, which is not in a solid sleigh. It is not uncommon for such sleds to refuse to go in the process of moving along a too snow-covered section of the road, sometimes a child in outerwear slips and slides down on a fabric seat. The handle for parents is made of metal, so hands can freeze faster from contact with it. And the main disadvantage is the handle, which cannot be removed, it is impossible to ride on such a sled.


The transformer is designed for long-term use, since in the process of growing up a child, some parts from the sled can be removed as unnecessary, thereby remaking the tool for use by older children. As a rule, you can remove all covers, belts, and even the backrest from the sled, so only runners and a child seat will remain from the standard configuration.


A modern version of the familiar sled for the smallest members of the family is a snowmobile, which is equipped with a steering wheel that allows you to maneuver while driving, avoiding obstacles. The disadvantages of such a tool include its cost.

Snow scooter

A snow scooter is another option for children to travel along snowy streets. A feature of the product is the number of runners - instead of the usual two, it has three. In addition, as in the version with a snowmobile, the vehicle is equipped with a steering mechanism. However, such models are recommended for use by children of an older age group, therefore, it will not be possible to transport a one-year-old baby in them.

The disadvantages of such products include the weight of the product, which in some cases will be too large for the baby, and it will be difficult for him to cope with control.

Sleigh stroller

A sled stroller will be an excellent way out of the position for movement in winter with babies 1-2 years old or very young. This design combines the main functions of a stroller and a sled - the top of the product is no different from the usual means of transporting a baby, it can be of different designs and configurations, however, instead of the usual wheels, the products have full runners.

All parts are made of frost-resistant materials, and the seat for the baby is made of durable fabric that can protect from the elements. Most often, manufacturers supplement the models with useful accessories for parents in the form of an insulated sleeve or gloves on an aluminum handle. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that such models will not always be necessary, since the weather conditions are very unpredictable. In addition, situations may arise when the snow begins to melt during a walk, and the product loses its ability to move.

To eliminate the risk of such situations occurring, designers and manufacturers offer parents sleds with wheels. This version is equipped with a retractable chassis for winter, and wheels are used to move the model in summer or off-season. This model allows you to save on the purchase of separate sleds and strollers, combining two functions at once. Strollers are quite maneuverable, so they easily cope with any obstacles on the road. However, these models do not convert into sleds that can be used for descending slides, which is their disadvantage.

For twins, there are several options for sledges, the difference is the option of placing the children - in the form of a train, where a back and armrests are provided for each baby, or the placement of children next to each other. However, in the latter case, the sleds will take up a lot of space when stored in a residential area, in addition, difficulties may arise with their transportation in an elevator.

Materials, sizes and colors

The classification of children's sleds is also made based on the material used for their production.


Such means become real helpers in the course of movement over any distance. The sledge consists of a metal frame with plastic or wooden parts. Quite often, such products are complemented by small wheels. Unlike usual for all Soviet models, metal products of modern production can have a handle for parents.

As a rule, these funds are quite spacious, so they can easily transport several babies at once, they are usually used when the child is already two years old. Sleds are most often sold complete with a cover that is insulated from the inside with various synthetic or natural materials.

Today on sale, in addition to the usual steel-colored sleds, you can find a wide variety of color options, ranging from blue for boys and pink for girls, and ending with universal bright and colorful models.

Aluminum sleds are distinguished by their low cost, reliability and durability. The mass of such structures ranges from 2 to 5 kilograms.

Among the disadvantages of metal sleds, it is worth noting the low level of safety, since they often turn over when cornering. In addition, the rope for parents involves moving when the baby is behind, thereby increasing the risk of injury. These sleds should be used for riding older kids.


Sleds made of wood are expensive winter vehicle options for children. Outwardly, such models are quite attractive, in addition, they can be used for walking with children under one year of age. The sled is very durable, so it can support the weight of even an adult. In Russia, they are made from birch, foreign manufacturers prefer to use beech for these purposes, which is more durable.

Among the disadvantages of wooden sleds, it is worth noting that the raw materials are negatively affected by moisture and dirt, and even despite the processing of models with various protective impregnations, the wood is gradually becoming unusable.


Such products surprise with a variety of external design, in addition, the sleds are made from high-strength raw materials, so they are quite plastic. Plastic does not deform under the influence of external factors and mechanical contact with the road surface, therefore it retains its original appearance for a long time. Usually a plastic sled is a snow scooter with a steering gear. Typically, models are decorated with drawings and stickers, the color palette allows you to choose a plastic sleigh for every taste.

The sled is lightweight and glides well on the snow. However, they also have a disadvantage, which manifests itself when the air temperature drops to -20 degrees and below. In this case, the raw material becomes brittle, which leads to structural breakdowns. Among the PVC sleds, you can find models without a back, which resemble basins or cakes. Typically, these options are equipped with a handle. There are also options with brakes.


The best winter vehicles for snow fun. Models are distinguished by an increased level of safety, since they do not contain sharp edges. For a child, such a sled is equipped with handles on the sides, and control is carried out by moving the body weight. The products perfectly tolerate even serious temperature drops; in the summer, such sledges can become a full-fledged children's boat.

Selection criteria

The main point to rely on when choosing a sled is the age of the child. A child under one year old must be transported in a high-backed sleigh. This need is due to the peculiarity of young children to fall asleep on a walk. Toddlers 3-4 years old can already be rolled in lightweight plastic sleds, the same aluminum sleds on a rope, which will be convenient for parents to carry, are a good option, because at this age boys and girls are quite mobile.

In addition to age criteria, it is worthwhile to think in advance about the frequency with which the children's sleigh will be used. This is important in light of the availability of strollers-sledges and other models on sale that can fully replace a mobile device for a child. For little snow and warm winters, you can limit yourself to purchasing a simpler and more inexpensive model.

It is worth paying attention to the size of the sled so that during storage they do not take up too much space in the apartment or dressing room. Those options that are equipped with a roll-over and removable handle or armrests and cover will be very compact when positioned.

For the smallest, the actual selection criterion will be the weight of the sled, since they will need to be carried over curbs and lifted up steps. The quality of the raw materials from which the runners are made will be a fundamental factor in the selection of children's sleds. As operating experience shows, it is tubular options that slide best. Wide and long runners will demonstrate good stability, in addition, such a sled will be easier to push in front of you or carry behind your back.


Today, a large number of different manufacturers offer their products in the Russian and foreign markets. Among them are such popular brands as Kristy Luxe Premium, Russian sleds "TM Morozko" and "Nika", children's sleds Sofia.

The demand among sledges with wheels is used by the Timka wheelchairs; in such models, ease of movement along the street and reliability of the structure are noted.

Nick's metal sleds are recommended for purchase as an inexpensive option for slides for children over two years old.

Rich Toys Emi-3 LUXE produce good products with a crossover handle for use with children from one year to another. As for domestic analogues of such sleds, RT products have good reviews. The sleigh has a folding mechanism, an adjustable backrest, and a spacious hood. The set includes a clutch for hands and a bag for the necessary little things.

German KHW sledges have proven themselves on the positive side, as they are made of lightweight and frost-resistant raw materials. In addition, some models have a built-in light module on the body.

Finnish sleds ELKA Kickspark, ESLA Kid remain among the most popular brands.

Operating tips

The service life of children's sleds directly depends on the technique and frequency of use, as well as their care.

  • In order to prolong the operational life of the products as long as possible, after each walk it is necessary to clean the body and runners from accumulated snow and dirt. In winter, there are chemicals on the roads that adversely affect the material from which children's sleds are produced.
  • It is necessary to operate the sled only on snow, excluding their contact with asphalt, sand and other areas on the road. Failure to comply with these requirements will lead to the formation of rust and other more serious defects on the runners.
  • It is necessary to cross the carriageway with a sled by picking it up with your child. If the baby already knows how to walk, he must be moved across the road by the hand. Such precautions will help to avoid contact of the runners with the asphalt, and also exclude the occurrence of accidents on the road.
  • If the models of sleds are equipped with a high handle, do not hang heavy bags on it, since there is a possibility that the sled will spill over from the weight.
  • The smallest passengers should wear seat belts.


A sled is a useful vehicle for transporting your child in the snow. Today, Russian models are not much inferior in quality and configuration to foreign counterparts. As for the lineup, the metal sledges familiar to all models have a slightly shifted center of gravity, focused on the position of the child on the seat. As a result, when a parent pulls them on the rope, the front part rises and the rear part sinks too much in the snow, making it difficult to get around.

According to the reviews of parents who have two children, it is most convenient to use a sled with a high pusher handle for their transportation. However, in this case, it is worth taking into account the width and length of the seat in advance so that children in outerwear can freely sit in the sleigh. The state-of-the-art wheeled sleds have extremely positive feedback from parents as they demonstrate increased comfort during use.

For older children and schoolchildren, the best choice, according to the recommendations of the parents, will be inflatable sleds or simple ice boxes with a handle.

In the next video you will find an overview of the "Nika Children 7" sled-carriage.

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