Complementary feeding of the child

Brilliant idea: how to feed a child when persuasion to eat does not work for him

All young mothers, one way or another, are faced with the problem of unwillingness by young children to eat this or that dish. An experienced woman shares her truly ingenious idea, who transforms an ordinary meal into a real ritual of children's recipes.

Feeding your baby is inevitable and enjoyable. Pediatricians, wise with life experience, give recommendations on the use of exceptionally healthy food products: boiled vegetables, fresh berries and fruits, lean cutlets, cereals useful for the child's body. That's just what to do if the little reluctant doesn't even want to try what you offer him. Indeed, despite his young age, the little gourmet has his own ideas about what is tasty and what is not. And they do not always coincide with what adults offer.

An experienced mom shares her tips about signature dishes, thanks to which you can feed any child.

  • Beautiful autumn leaves are obtained from the sour red pomegranate berries;
  • Boiled rice and asparagus sprouts are used to create a delicious tree-climbing panda.

The scope for imagination is not limited. Each food picture can be accompanied by a short and interesting story. Believe me, after a while the kid will look forward to breakfast, lunch, dinner, where surprises await him.

Here mommy shares her signature dishes:

  • How to persuade your baby to eat vegetables: 7 tips for parents
  • 9 tips to help your child love healthy food
  • Dangerous complementary foods: TOP-5 mistakes of parents

Watch the video: The Art Of Diplomacy: Letting Others Have Your Way. Cory Leonard. TEDxLehi (July 2024).