
11 silly phrases pregnant women shouldn't say

As soon as friends, acquaintances, relatives notice that you are in an interesting position, they immediately begin to pour out the same phrases. Just imagine how many times a pregnant woman has to answer the same type and boring questions, which are not always even appropriate and tactful. In this article, we present 11 phrases that no pregnant woman wants to hear. Phrases and questions that annoy pregnant women the most.

– "Are you pregnant?"

- "No, damn it, I ate a seed from a watermelon, and it sprouted ..."

Some people do not seem to be able to assess your position - and they ask such questions. It would seem that everything is obvious, but either from surprise, or for some other reason, they are vying to ask this question. By the way, colleagues at work, who perfectly see changes in figure and clothes, constantly stick with the same phrase. At first it seems funny, but after the hundredth time it starts to annoy and really enrage.

- "On salty, I suppose, pulls?"

- “Pulls! Right now I’m gnawing and right after the salty ... "

The common myth that pregnant women are addicted to salty food is ineradicable. In fact, everyone has their own taste and preferences - someone prefers sweet, someone spicy, someone sour, someone tasteless ...

- "Well, who are you waiting for?"

- "Do not believe, a child, if that ...!"

Previously, they asked “Who do you want more?”, Because it was impossible to determine the sex of the child before giving birth. Now, even if you answer that a girl, then 50% will say with a regretful tone, "And the husband probably wanted a boy ..." Therefore, young couples often do not want to know the results of an ultrasound scan, so there is no need to pester them with questions and express any thoughts about who they wanted. Replenishment is expected in the family, and it does not matter who it will be, a boy or a girl, the child will be loved by them in any case!

- "You need to eat more curd!"

- "No, what else, I'd rather bite the lime again."

Everyone strives to give advice on how to live and eat properly: “Do not eat citrus fruits - your baby will be allergic!”, “Eat beets, liver”, “Take more walks, your baby needs oxygen, move more, it’s useful” ... And everything like that … But the recommendation about cottage cheese is something special. "You need to eat more curd ..!" What if a woman is already eating it? What if a woman hates cottage cheese? Or is he forbidden to her due to medical contraindications? Therefore, dear advisers, it is better to refrain from commenting and keep your advice to yourself. Each girl is observed by a doctor who advises her on nutrition issues.

- "Are you going to breastfeed?"

- "No, only milk!"

Why not talk about this topic publicly, for example, during lunch in the office? It is clear that since a woman was able to become pregnant, then she has nothing to be ashamed of! Let her tell you how she prepares the nipples for feeding.

- "Aren't you afraid to give birth?"

- "Yes, I'm not even afraid of Baba Yaga!"

This is a favorite question of both those who gave birth and those who have just heard about it. But they all vying with each other begin to tell horror stories about terrible pain and ... in other words, we will not go into details :) After such horrors, they usually say “Are you afraid? Why don't you be afraid! Everyone gives birth - and you give birth! "

“Don't buy anything for your child in advance.”

- "Never! - he will grow up, he will buy it for himself! "

As if the 21st century is already in the yard, but superstitions around pregnancy will not dissipate in any way. Everyone starts screaming “Don't you dare to sew!”, “Don't you dare to knit!”, “Don't buy anything in advance!” ... And what is the baby to take from the hospital? Or should the husband run around to buy everything? It's such a pleasure for the expectant mother to walk around. look at the undershirts, choose a crib with my husband and prepare the house for the birth of a baby ...

- "What will you name the child?"

- "Nebuchadnezzar!"

Someone decided long ago, someone prefers to keep the name secret, someone does not think about it yet (if only the baby is born healthy, and we will come up with a name later), but the question about the name sounds regularly.

"Are you eating right?"

“And then! If you want ice cream, you want cake! "

"Don't eat the cake - you feed the baby, then you won't give birth" ... Listen, are you tired of telling what and how, especially to those who never gave birth and eats something incomprehensible themselves :) Calm down and leave a pregnant woman alone, let her eat something what she thinks is necessary, because she receives all the necessary instructions from the doctor who supervises her and what and how she should eat, she will probably decide for herself.

"Are you going to get a haircut ?!"

"NO! I will walk like a forest monster! ”

Another “bad omen”. Probably, during 9 months of pregnancy you need to cover yourself with dust ... Dear women, do not listen to ANYONE, go to the salon and look your best, do everything so that the waiting time for the baby will pass for you with a positive.

"Well, what is there, has not yet given birth?"

“I BREAK !!! Contractions are in full swing! "

Do not forget that not all questions are correct for pregnant women. Remember, some questions are irrelevant and curiosity is tempered. If a woman is in the mood, she will tell you everything herself, do not disturb her over trifles, let the waiting time for the child pass serenely for her, and the baby will be born healthy and happy.

  • 6 ways to piss off a pregnant woman
  • 3 questions pregnant women don't like to hear
  • Myths, horror stories and misconceptions about pregnancy and childbirth. Best Selection: 63 Myths

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Watch the video: Weird Things All Couples Fight About (July 2024).