After childbirth

How I lost weight after giving birth

My story is about how I lost weight after childbirth without dieting and exercise. Simple tips for expectant and real mothers.

I was thinking what would be so interesting to share with you. What can a young mother with a monotonous life tell you about? Of course, I don't have to get bored, all my thoughts revolve around one concern - caring for my child. By the way, for me now the big mystery is how the newly-minted mothers manage to gain weight after giving birth. Well, I understand in a year, but at first it's difficult, because you don't get enough sleep, a lot of things to do.

Pregnancy brought me twelve kilograms (according to doctors - the average). Two months have passed, and my weight is one kilogram less than it was before pregnancy.

The first 5-6 kilograms left in a natural way: with water, placenta and baby. What about the rest?

No, I didn’t go on diets. And I didn't go in for sports. After giving birth, it was impossible to play sports, and then there was laziness. But I used simple tips, and now I pass them on to expectant mothers (and not only) who care about their figure.

  1. The most important advice is to breastfeed. I am not a doctor, but I was interested in the topic. For the formation of milk, the body uses ready-made resources - fat cells. Benefit for two! The child is well fed and happy, and the mother has a beautiful figure. They say that when you breastfeed, from this a mad appetite, but I did not notice anything like that.
  2. Drink plenty of water. The first days there was little milk. The doctor advised to drink more. So I got a habit. I drink from 1.5 to 3 liters of pure water and some special tea with dill per day. An additional plus - you want to eat less.
  3. Take a walk. After giving birth, I feel great, the weather was good outside. How could I stay at home? Walking is useful for both, if the mother's health allows it. Sonny quickly fell asleep in the fresh air. We walked for 5 hours a day. We didn’t sit on the bench, but walk. This rhythm helped me quickly burn those extra pounds.

And it's all! In the first month, I weighed two kilograms more than before pregnancy. In the second month, I followed the time of food intake: I did not eat after 6 pm and until 8 am. Lost the remaining extra pounds.

Now I'm not losing weight anymore. I have achieved the ideal weight for myself. There is only one goal left - to play sports. It's hard to start yet. Leeeeeeeeee. Sport is our everything, and in 9 months I completely relaxed. Take my word, maybe this will make me take action?

  • How I got rid of 18 extra pounds in 2.5 months
  • How I quickly lost weight after giving birth without much effort
  • How to lose weight after childbirth: motivating stories for young mothers
  • 8 simple rules for losing weight after childbirth without harming the baby
  • 9 simple habits to help you lose weight
  • Losing weight after childbirth - basic advice