
Irritation from diapers in boys and girls - what to do

Baby diapers are a convenient 20th century invention that made it easier to care for infants. When using them, mothers often face a common problem: a rash or irritation in a baby under a diaper. At its core, it is a symptom, not a disease. You need to quickly determine the cause and eliminate it. If not responded, irritation can develop into serious illness.

Diapers make it much easier to care for newborns

Possible reasons

Most often, signs of irritation appear in those places where the material comes into contact with the skin. The reason is that diapers do not allow air and moisture to pass through. A greenhouse effect is created inside. The skin does not breathe and at the same time it comes into contact with toxic substances in urine or feces for a long time.

On a note. If the rash appears elsewhere, you should see a doctor, as it may be a signal of a more serious illness.

The main peak onset of the rash occurs between 4 and 15 months of age. The most accurate signals of discomfort for a baby are his crying and whims.

Lack of hygiene

This is the most common reason. Diapers need to be changed regularly. Each time the surface of the butt is cleaned. It is best to wash your ass, then dry it. At a minimum, wipe all wrinkles and skin surface with a damp antibacterial cloth.

Daily bathing of the child is obligatory, especially in the hot season. Do not use wet wipes on a permanent basis. Often they are the ones that cause irritation.

Incorrectly selected care products

If parents use unsuitable cosmetics (creams, powders) under the diaper, contact dermatitis may develop.

Sometimes a cream or dusting powder works, but parents do not follow the rules for their use. Do not use cosmetics on wet skin. After distributing a small amount of the cream, wait until it is absorbed.

Wrong size

Contact dermatitis can occur due to the wrong diaper size. Then their edges and elastic bands will crush, irritate and rub the baby's delicate skin.

Moreover, any clothing becomes an irritant for newborns, if it is not chosen by size. Tight diapers prevent moisture from evaporating and cannot maintain normal air circulation.

Diapers must be sized to fit

On a note. Before the advent of diapers, the problem of skin irritation in babies was much more common. Wet seams, buttons and elastic bands from panties and T-shirts rubbed and irritated the skin faster and more often.

Constant wearing

To avoid irritation from diapers in boys, every day you need to take breaks in wearing. It is advisable to carry out short-term air baths for the skin at each shift.

Under the diaper, the body is in conditions of high humidity and high temperatures (greenhouse effect). It is especially difficult to cope with the epidermis in hot weather. If possible, the baby is left without a diaper so that the skin has time to dry well.

Allergy to diapers

If the delicate baby skin comes into contact with the allergen, it will react immediately. The first signs appear at the place of contact with the diaper; if untreated, the allergic rash will spread further.

An allergic reaction can spread to other parts of the body

On a note. Do not trust the inscriptions on the packs "hypoallergenic". Each manufacturer has its own laboratory where research is carried out. No labeling on the packaging can guarantee that the components of the product will not cause diaper allergies in boys and girls.

Often diaper irritation is related to their composition. Your baby's skin may develop an allergic reaction to synthetic materials or fragrances.

Fungal infections

Sometimes diaper irritation is the result of a fungal infection. Multiple pimples and rashes usually appear in the folds of the skin. The most common yeast found in infants is Candida. At the initial stage of the lesion, the usual irritation appears. Gradually, a white coating forms, the skin with a weeping effect.

Bacterial infections

Bacterial and viral infections first appear in the areas of contact with the diaper. They spread very quickly throughout the body, a rash appears in a child under a diaper and not only. The causative agents are staphylococci, streptococci, herpes virus. With a viral rash, other symptoms are present:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • temperature rise;
  • respiratory symptoms.

Important! Only a doctor should treat infections; self-medication can aggravate the child's condition and harm him.

Diaper dermatitis symptoms

Skin irritation from diapers is called diaper dermatitis. It differs from the signs that an allergy to diapers in infants looks like. Dermatitis manifests itself specifically in places where the small body touches the diaper material. Rashes may be noticeable on the bottom, inner thighs, and in the genital area.

With diaper dermatitis, irritations are localized at the point of contact with the diaper

Main features:

  • swelling;
  • slight swelling of the skin;
  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • rash, blisters;
  • in boys, testicles and penis may turn red and swell;
  • in an advanced stage, ulcers, wounds and eczema appear.

The appearance of irritation on a small ass negatively affects the general condition of the child: he is capricious, crying, trying to move less.

On a note. After six months, children can show their parents where they feel pain and discomfort.

Determining the development of diaper dermatitis is easy. It is necessary to wash the affected area with soap and leave the newborn without a diaper. After a few hours, the symptoms will begin to diminish.

What to do

Treatment for diaper rash, redness, and rashes depends on the underlying cause. Diaper dermatitis can be cured on your own. Its most important symptom is the appearance of irritation in the places of contact with the diaper.

If the rash and redness spreads to other parts of the body, a doctor's consultation is needed to establish a diagnosis

Should I see a doctor

If the rash and redness extends beyond the diaper, then the baby is likely to have a more complex condition. For diagnosis, you will need to consult a doctor. If parents do not understand the cause of the problem and do not understand the ways to fight, then the pediatrician will always tell you how to treat irritation from diapers in girls and boys.

Treatment of viral and fungal diseases should be carried out strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Depending on the pathogen, medications will be prescribed.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of irritation depends on the cause and pathogen. First of all, the skin is examined and diaper dermatitis is excluded. It is easy to identify it with a simple examination, you can treat it yourself.

Next, look for allergy symptoms. If irritation and redness are allergic, then first eliminate the irritant, and then begin treatment. Antihistamine drops or creams can be used.

To check for a bacterial or fungal infection, a swab is taken from the surface of the skin. In the laboratory, the type of pathogen is determined, then the pediatrician prescribes treatment.

Prevention of occurrence

Any disease or trouble related to health is always easier to prevent than to deal with treatment later. So that the little boy does not have diaper irritation, the following recommendations are followed:

  1. Changing diapers is carried out on time, without waiting for full filling.
  2. When changing, the child's bottom is washed. In extreme cases, all folds are treated with an antibacterial napkin.
  3. Pampers are worn exclusively on dry skin. Use special creams and powders.
  4. On hot days, babies are bathed every day. To prevent the appearance of diaper rash, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used.
  5. The diaper is selected for the optimal size and other parameters. A high price is not an indicator of quality. Individual children's skin reacts differently to diapers.
  6. Every day, the baby is allowed to walk around the room without a diaper.

If nothing bothers the baby, then he is in a good mood.

Another important point is the child's immunity. The higher and stronger it is, the lower the likelihood of irritation and diaper rash.

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