
Reusable diapers: types, rules for selection and use

By default, diapers are perceived by most people as something disposable, which, of course, greatly simplifies the task of caring for a child due to the lack of the need for regular washing, but can seriously hit the family budget. In a situation where you would like to save money without going back to "medieval" diapers, you should pay attention to reusable diapers.

What it is?

Externally, reusable diapers do not have any special differences from their disposable counterparts - they are all the same panties with Velcro or buttons, the same shape and size. Often even a specialist cannot distinguish the type of diaper by eye. The difference lies not in appearance, but in functional ability. Disposable diapers actively absorb baby's waste, fill up quickly and cannot be reused, while the reusable version is specifically designed to be washed.

The developers assure that recurring doubts about the hygiene of such a solution have no basis - with the correct organization of the soap procedure, neither microbes nor visually visible contaminants remain on the product.

Many reusable models also require periodic replacement of the main absorbent liner, which allows you to achieve increased hygiene, while buying only one part of the diaper will cost much less than buying a whole accessory. Of course, such a product, being designed for multiple use, is more expensive than one single-use analogue.

However, long-term use makes the first option more economical, and its high cost allows manufacturers to use more expensive materials in the process of creating that will not irritate the child's skin and will not cause dermatitis or other similar troubles.

Pros and cons

The fact that both reusable and disposable products coexist in the market means that each option has certain advantages and disadvantages. Since it is impossible to single out the best solution here, it is worth understanding the characteristics of a reusable diaper in order to understand whether it is suitable for our purposes. It's worth starting with the good.

  • On average, reusable models contain much less synthetics, being more natural. This has a positive effect on skin health.
  • Reusable diapers are more expensive than disposable diapers, but such a one-time waste will last much longer - you can save several times, especially if you buy replacement liners in bulk. Parents who decide to give preference to disposable diapers often find themselves in a situation where the product literally has to be changed less often in order to save money at a certain stage, but then there are more frequent cases of leakage and the purchase generally loses its meaning. Once you have purchased reusable diapers, you will not face such a problem.
  • Reusable diapers delight the soul of those who are sincerely worried about the environmental situation in the modern world.

Such a product is used not for several hours, but at least for several months, therefore, it gives much less waste and does not pollute the environment.

  • A copy designed for many times does not allow you to overshoot in the choice of size, in contrast to a disposable one - it is assumed that it "grows" with the baby. Of course, there are different sizes here, but it is much more difficult to make a mistake.
  • Disposable diapers are constant comfort, which does not contribute to potty training - why should a child invent something new if he is always happy. Reusable copies still give some discomfort at the time of emptying, and this, oddly enough, is a plus - a baby who has reached a certain age is ready to learn so that this does not happen again.

Cons, of course, are also present.

  • As mentioned, a reusable product does not absorb moisture as well as a disposable product. Yes, this property helps the baby to learn to potty faster, but he reaches the appropriate level of consciousness at about a year and a half, and before this age, constant discomfort is not justified.
  • In a disposable diaper, the absorbent layer is quite large and it can be “loaded” to the full program, while in a reusable item the insert is relatively small and, accordingly, does not differ in large volume. Each time your baby urinates means changing the liner, and after three hours the entire diaper must be removed for washing. If the child has a "big accident", then you need to change the whole set at once. This means that the mother must constantly be aware of the state of the diaper, so the reusable option is only for the cleanliness of the apartment, but not for the parents' free time.
  • It is not always possible to completely wash a diaper from a child's surprise, and visible pollution becomes a huge problem for the mother - such a diaper no longer wants to be reused.


Reusable diapers for babies are not a specific type of diapers, but a whole class of baby care products, which, for example, are also divided for a specific purpose. In particular, there are models for newborns, and there are also models for grown-up babies, and it’s not only and not so much about the size, but about the design features. Newly born toddlers need a special cutout so that the product does not touch the umbilical wound; older children need an increased tightness due to constant movement and a more voluminous absorbent layer. It was said above that reusable diapers do not absorb moisture very quickly and well, which is a disadvantage, but at the time of potty training it will rather be a plus.

In this regard, manufacturers sometimes set themselves opposite tasks. Some are diligently working to ensure that the absorbent layer works as efficiently as possible and provides comfort for the baby in the first year of life, while he is not yet able to realize the need for a potty, while others, on the contrary, create non-leaking, but not too absorbent diapers that will make child look for an alternative.

All reusable diapers and liners are eco-friendly. However, the latter can be produced from different materials, each of which also has its own advantages and disadvantages, namely:

  • cotton-based fabric liners (made of flannel or biomarly) are valued for the fact that they are quite easy to wash, and they dry very quickly, but their absorption capacity is not so outstanding - you will either have to change it often or use two at a time;
  • charcoal bamboo liners they absorb liquid much better, according to this indicator, they even slightly resemble disposable diapers, but fabric from such raw materials dries longer than cotton, and absorbs an unpleasant odor even faster;
  • microfiber it washes perfectly and almost never becomes a cause of irritation on the skin, but it is expensive, and it dries anyway longer than cotton;
  • the predicted popular solution is combination of several materials at once in one liner - in this way, manufacturers try to combine the best qualities of different fabrics in one product.


The very concept of a reusable diaper assumes that it does not have a specific size - it must be possible to adjust the product so that it fits the baby at any stage of his growth. This is true for the vast majority of reusable models, but some companies produce separate lines for premature babies and babies in the first three months of life, which avoids unnecessary leaks when the baby is very small and the standard diaper does not cover it quite tightly. On most models, the size is adjusted using the clasps, for which there are three positions. For convenience, it is worth giving approximate parameters of how to select the degree of tightening.

  • Small size, aka S, designed for children weighing 3–8 kg. If the buttons run in three rows, to get this size, the top row must be fastened to the bottom.
  • Medium or M partially overlaps with the previous one, but in general it is designed for a slightly different weight category - 6-10 kg. In this case, the top row of buttons is fastened to the middle one.
  • Large size, known as L, designed for the heaviest babies - 9-15 kg. The buttons described above, the main task of which is to adjust the height of the diaper, in this case remain unbuttoned, giving maximum space.

Important! Finding reusable diapers for babies over 15 kg is quite problematic. Most manufacturers believe that by this time the child is either already used to the potty, or is about to get used to it.

How to choose?

In the case of disposable diapers, the choice is quite simple - you just need to buy several different pieces and see how practical and convenient they are. This trick usually doesn't work with reusable diapers because you don't need too many of them anyway. Therefore, you should first carefully study the packaging or any official product information on the Internet. It is worth finding clear evidence that a product from this particular line is well suited for your child - in terms of age, weight, gender, and so on. If there are any technical characteristics, for example, the duration of using the insert without replacement, this is also worth paying attention to. The key point is also which earbuds can be used - the characteristics of different types have already been described above.

Here you need to understand that not a single sane manufacturer will criticize their own product, therefore, you should not be too naive to the numerous advantages described by the issuing company. It is worth looking for information from those people who have already used such products - fortunately, today the Internet and specialized sites provide such an opportunity. Wherein do not draw a conclusion from one comment, especially if it is one-sided. Any relatively popular product must have both advantages and disadvantages, so pay attention to both sides of the coin. Both that and another in the reviews must be justified and confirmed by different people on different sites, otherwise there is a risk of running into the subjective opinion of the parents or the special needs of their child.

In any case, it is far from always possible to immediately find the ideal option - if only because your child may have special needs. Therefore, it is undesirable to focus on the search for a single winner - it is better to identify at least 2-3 options that could claim to win. Having chosen the leaders, you should buy one reusable diaper from each of them - so you, without wasting too much money, can determine which of the options is better, and in the future you will already start from specific knowledge.

It is impossible not to mention such a criterion as the cost of the product. The use of reusable diapers is often used by those parents who want to save money, but you need to understand that blindly choosing the cheapest option is likely to disappoint - money has been spent, but the desired result has not been achieved due to the poor quality of the product. For this reason, price can be considered as a criterion only if there are two options that otherwise seem to be perfectly equal.

Both options must first meet at least the minimum quality requirements, but if this condition is not met, then their cost no longer matters.

Popular brands

It can be difficult for an uninformed person to decide which reusable diapers for babies are best, since well-known advertised brands usually prefer to produce mostly disposable products. For this reason, even the names of the leading manufacturers of reusable diapers tell young parents nothing, therefore, it is worth highlighting some of the popular brands of these children's accessories.

  • Gloryes do not represent anything new for inexperienced parents - they are very similar to ordinary diapers both in appearance and in the principle of putting on. Their products are amazingly soft and allow for free size regulation, which, together with the declared two thousand washes, makes such a decision a must-see.
  • Coolababy appreciated by many parents for its improved protection against leaks. Children should also like this choice, since the materials used perfectly absorb moisture and do not cause discomfort even in the cold, and they also do not accumulate static electricity.

  • "Pampusiki", as is often the case with domestic products, they differ in a very affordable price, but they are often criticized for their quality - for example, they are not advised to use them outside the home, since such a diaper is not very reliable. But the advantage of a product for home use is its naturalness and the absence of a greenhouse effect inside.
  • "Waterproof", also being a Russian product, is much more expensive, and a kind of "trick" is that here the insert is inserted into the so-called pocket, which allows you to put the replaceable part over the pocket, so sometimes the diaper can not be washed even after it has been used for its intended purpose. Another feature of the brand is the fact that it produces two different sizes of diapers, the separator between which is a weight of 9 kg.
  • "Konopusha" - this is another Russian brand, which has positive characteristics, roughly reminiscent of the products of "Nepromokashka". There is only one size here, but you can use it up to two and a half years, and the main feature of the model range is that the creators have worked on the aesthetic design of products - such diapers are likely to please the baby with their colorfulness.

How to use?

Using reusable diapers is just about the same as using disposable diapers, but some peculiarities are possible. For example, it is often recommended to wash even brand new panties first, since the absorbent layer only begins to work more effectively after a few washes. A clean liner is inserted into the washed and dried diaper. Structurally, it may look different, but usually it happens by analogy with a pocket, but if the process is more complicated, this will definitely be indicated in the instructions on the package. After that, you need to spread the product on a flat surface with the outer side down, and lay the baby on top of it.

Fastening the product should not be in a hurry, because here the size is regulated, and the task of the parents is to ensure sufficient tightness that does not allow leakage, but not to pass the child's limbs or waist.

Reusable diapers are not as durable as disposable ones and should be checked for fullness every two hours or leaks cannot be avoided. However, if everything is done in a timely manner, then there will be neither a big accident, nor the need for immediate washing of the entire diaper - you just need to replace the soaked liner. True, because of the not very outstanding absorption rates, the baby will have to bathe every time you change the insert. After such a procedure, in order to avoid the appearance of the greenhouse effect, it is better not to put the child in a diaper right away - let it dry naturally for 5-10 minutes, just lying naked.

The soiled liner itself it is not necessary to wash it immediately, but it is necessary at least to rinse it under running water, otherwise it will be more difficult to remove the dirt later.

At the same time, you should not take too long to wash the liner; to improve the process, use either baby soap or laundry detergent that does not provoke allergies. The reusable diaper itself usually does not need to be washed or changed, unless its inner surface remains wet.

Care Tips

The durability of any product strongly depends on how properly it is looked after, therefore, reusable diapers must be washed with a clear understanding of how to do it correctly without damaging the structure of the accessory. You can immediately please mothers with the fact that most manufacturers do not impose restrictions on washing in automatic mode, but still, some specifics of the process must be observed.

  • Before loading the liner or the entire diaper into the washer, first clean it from dirt by placing it under a stream of water. Since the diaper needs to be checked regularly, the contamination usually does not have time to take in too much, so it makes no sense to twist the product in the machine along with all the dirt.
  • Naturally, old and dried dirt is much more difficult to remove, so you should not delay too much with this procedure. A quick response will not only ensure the actual cleanliness of the panties and liners, but will also allow you to do without stains that cannot be washed.

It is logical that keeping the washing machine constantly turned on is not very convenient, so many mothers would prefer to wash the product by hand - this option is also possible, but it is extremely undesirable to soak the diaper in advance.

  • By the way, many mothers, trying to return the accessory to its original whiteness, use aggressive detergents with a whitening effect. Experts say that this should not be done in any case, since the washed liner, which looks like new, actually loses some of its useful properties - aggressive chemistry destroys one of the membrane layers that contribute to more effective absorption.
  • Too hot water can also adversely affect the absorbent properties of the product, but manufacturers usually do not require washing their products in very cold water - the recommended temperature is usually indicated in the range of + 40– + 60 degrees.

After the diaper has been washed, it should be thoroughly rinsed again in clean water, and then hung up to dry faster.

How to do it yourself?

The need to spend a lot of time at home for the sake of caring for a child and the banal desire to save on accessories leads to the fact that some housewives are interested in the possibility of sewing a reusable diaper on their own. As you can understand, this product is structurally much simpler than its one-time counterpart, some special materials are rarely used here, which means that the likelihood of successful self-creation of an analogue at home is quite high.

The liner material is usually gauze. The best and easiest way to make is to make a diaper based on a ready-made factory diaper, which is suitable for your child in size and other characteristics. To do this, you need to take a piece of cotton fabric of sufficient size and spread the purchased sample on top of it, unbuttoned. After that, you need to circle the contours, adding a few centimeters everywhere for the allowance. Do not forget that this is only one side of the diaper, and there must be another.

Quite often, when making a diaper at home, mothers do not bother with creating a pocket and an insert. They simply make another layer of gauze inside, folded three or four times, which is exactly the same as the outer layer of cotton. The result is like ordinary panties, only very thick - they can leak, but this requires a lot of liquid. When both layers are separately ready, they are folded together and sewn along the contour. Where the product will clasp the child - in the places of the incision for the legs and waist - a dense elastic band is sewn. When both parts of the diaper are ready, they are sewn together to form a complete panties.

A separate point is attaching the fasteners. Here, each mother is free in her preferences and can use ties, Velcro or any other way to fix the size. In any case, this manipulation is performed last, when the panties are generally ready.

Before you sew on anything, it is advisable to try on the resulting product for the baby to make sure that it will suit him exactly.

Reviews of mothers and doctors

It should be noted that experts are usually quite positive about the use of reusable diapers. If natural materials were used to make such an accessory, then wearing it usually has a good effect on the baby's health. At the very least, they leave such a decision a right to exist. Doctors usually think that diapers are not designed for the child himself, as for his mother, so she is free to decide what she likes best. In fairness, they note, such a solution is not so economical - due to the fact that it has to be washed regularly, the costs of washing powder and electricity increase significantly, not to mention the fact that parental energy is spent much more than in the case of disposable diapers.

The most experienced mothers say that the question is not about the fundamental choice between disposable and reusable products - they are too diverse, therefore they are simply used for different tasks.

So, at home, when the washing machine is at hand and there is time, it is practical to use diapers for repeated use, but at night, on a walk or at a visit, disposable models are more appropriate - they are much easier to replace and throw away. It turns out a kind of golden mean between high costs with high comfort for disposable products and the risks of using reusable products.

If we talk about reviews regarding reusable diapers, then it should be admitted that they are criticized much more often than disposable ones. They are more susceptible to leaks, and this does not even always happen in the area of ​​elastic bands - sometimes the product simply does not have enough thickness to retain moisture. Again, protection for a clean apartment is not only a diaper, but also the attention of parents, and relying on an accessory is dangerous - it will rather let you down than pleasantly surprise.

There are also positive comments about reusable products, but here either the parents managed to find a really suitable model (which is also a very important point), or they themselves are very patient people and it is not a problem for them to constantly monitor the condition of the diaper. In any case, it is worth trying such products, because it is better to form your own opinion than to trust other people's conflicting comments.

For information on how to choose and use reusable diapers correctly, see the following video from Dr. Komarovsky.

Watch the video: Superbottoms Cloth Diaper India Types (September 2024).