
"Strepsils" during pregnancy: instructions for use

While carrying a baby, a woman is more susceptible to various diseases, among which colds, acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis and similar problems are common. Local remedies are often used in their treatment, for example, lozenges called Strepsils. They reduce pain and protect the mouth from germs and viruses. However, it is necessary to use such medications while the child is waiting only under the supervision of a doctor.

Features of the drug

In the "Strepsils" line there are several options for tablets.

  • Honey and lemon. These candies contain natural honey, mint and lemon oils. They have a round shape, yellow coloring and the letter "S" is extruded on both sides (such marks can be seen on other types of "Strepsils").

  • Menthol-eucalyptus. They not only reduce sore throat, but also make nasal breathing easier. These round blue lozenges additionally include levomenthol and eucalyptus oil.

  • Orange with vitamin C. These tablets are characterized by a round shape and orange color. They additionally contain 100 mg of ascorbic acid per tablet.

  • Warming... These red-purple candies include several flavors, including warming and ginger.

  • Lemon or strawberry sugar-free. Such a remedy can be used for diabetes. Instead of dextrose and sucrose, these tablets contain maltitol syrup, isomaltose and sodium saccharinate. The drug is a semi-transparent candy of light yellow or pink color.

All tablets are sold without a prescription from 2 to 60 pieces per pack, but the most common are packs of 24 and 36 tablets. The action of any of these types of "Strepsils" is due to two active compounds. One of them is amylmetacresol at a dosage of 0.6 mg per tablet, the second is dichlorobenzyl alcohol at a dosage of 1.2 mg per tablet.

Two more types of drugs are also produced separately (not counting the children's line).

  • Strepsils Express. Such drugs are prescribed for very severe pain, since they contain a third active substance - lidocaine hydrochloride. One of the types of "Strepsils Express" are tablets. They are sold in 24 pieces, have a round shape, menthol smell and bluish green color. The second form of the drug is a spray in a volume of 20 ml. It is a red, clear solution, available in a minimum of 70 doses in one glass bottle. It does not contain sucrose, therefore it is allowed for diabetics.

  • Strepsils Intensive. These are tablets with lemon-honey or orange flavor, packaged in 24 pieces in one pack, as well as a metered-dose spray with mint-cherry flavor in a volume of 15 ml. There is no sugar in orange lozenges (it is replaced with acesulfame potassium, maltitol and isomalt). The effect of the drug appears after 2 minutes from the beginning of use and lasts up to four hours. The composition of Strepsils Intensive differs from other types of Strepsils, since the active substance of the tablets and solution is flurbiprofen.

Operating principle

"Strepsils" is referred to as antiseptic drugs, because both active ingredients of lozenges are antiseptics. They are able to interact with proteins and lipids in bacterial and fungal cells, as a result of which the drug inhibits a fairly large number of microbes, fungi and even viruses. In addition, Strepsils has a softening effect on the shell of the oral cavity. This medicine can help reduce pain and irritation, making it easier to swallow and speak. Sore throat begins to subside in the first minutes after resorption.

Thanks to the essential oils of eucalyptus and menthol, tablets with such ingredients also effectively deal with nasal congestion. Strepsils Express also acts as an antiseptic, but additionally provides local anesthesia with lidocaine. These drugs also have a decongestant effect.

But the flurbiprofen present in the "Intensive" preparations is not an antiseptic, but refers to anti-inflammatory compounds with a non-steroidal structure. It has a pronounced analgesic effect due to the suppression of cyclooxygenases, as well as antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Is it allowed for pregnant women?

According to the annotation, Strepsils tablets it is permissible to use during the waiting period of the child, if such a remedy was prescribed by a doctor, who assessed the woman's condition and decided that the benefits of taking the drug would be higher than the possible harm to the fetus. Using lozenges for sore throat without a preliminary examination by a specialist is not recommended... Pregnancy is included in the list of conditions for which Strepsils is used with caution.

Particular attention is paid to tablets, which additionally include ascorbic acid, since it is undesirable to exceed the dosage of this vitamin during pregnancy. The precautions for Strepsils Express are the same. They can be used even in the early stages, but only after a doctor's appointment.

As for Strepsils Intensive, such funds are contraindicated in the 3rd trimester because of their possible negative effect on the process of childbirth. In the 1st and 2nd trimester, according to the annotation, these drugs can be used with caution, but in most cases they are not prescribed to expectant mothers because of the high risk of harmful effects on the fetus, replacing them with less dangerous analogues.

They are not recommended even at the planning stage of pregnancy, as they can affect ovulation and disrupt a woman's reproductive function.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

Strepsils is prescribed as a symptomatic remedy if a woman has a sore throat. Such painful sensations are manifested by tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis. The drugs can also be used for gum disease or after tooth extraction.


All types of "Strepsils" are prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of candies, as well as with fructose intolerance, lack of isomaltase and sucrose, glucose and galactose malabsorption. Patients with diabetes mellitus are prescribed such drugs with caution, with the exception of sugar-free tablets, which are allowed for this disease.

Tablets and spray "Strepsils Express" are also not used in case of hypersensitivity and hereditary problems with the absorption of carbohydrates. In addition, such funds are prohibited for bronchospasm or bronchial asthma. They are also not used if the woman has had an allergic reaction to local anesthetics or methemoglobinemia in the past.

The list of contraindications for lozenges and spray "Strepsils Intensive" is more extensive, which is an additional factor, because of which such funds should not be used in pregnant women. Such medicines are not used for bleeding, peptic ulcer disease, bronchial asthma, liver disease and many other pathologies.

Side effects

When using Strepsils or a drug from the Strepsils Express line, you may experience:

  • tingling or burning sensation in the mouth and throat;
  • swelling of the oral mucosa;
  • nausea;
  • skin rash;
  • abdominal pain.

Due to the use of sugar-free tablets, stool thinning is sometimes noted, due to the presence of maltitol and isomaltose in this type of "Strepsils". If the dosage is exceeded, nausea and other symptoms of irritation of the gastrointestinal tract may occur. If you exceed the dose of Express tablets, you may experience loss of sensitivity of the tongue.

The list of possible negative effects of Strepsils Intensive also includes disorders of the central nervous system, heart, respiratory system and hematopoiesis, for example, a decrease in the number of red blood cells, drowsiness, bronchospasm, increased blood pressure or dizziness.

If any ailments appear, you should immediately contact a specialist.

How to use?

The scheme of using "Strepsils" should be checked with your doctor. According to the instructions for use, most often lollipops with the taste of honey and lemon, menthol and eucalyptus, as well as preparations without sugar and with vitamin C are recommended to dissolve with an interval of 2-3 hours, but a maximum of 8 tablets per day. Strepsils with a warming effect can be taken up to 12 tablets in 24 hours.

You can dissolve Strepsils Express every 2 hours, but not more than 8 pieces per day. If a spray is used, then one dose is two taps on the spray head. Throat irrigation is repeated every 2 hours, and it is permissible to process the mucous membrane a maximum of 8 times in 24 hours. When spraying, the bottle is held vertically, and the spray is directed to the inflamed area.

If the doctor prescribed Strepsils Intensive to the expectant mother, then the pill is absorbed at intervals of 3-6 hours, but not more than 5 pieces per day. A single dose of spray is 3 clicks. The throat is also irrigated with liquid medicine a maximum of 5 times a day, with pauses from 3 to 6 hours.

"Strepsils" is indicated only for short-term treatment. The duration of the use of any of the drugs should not exceed three days. If 3 days have passed since the beginning of the intake, and there is still pain in the throat, you should stop drinking Strepsils and consult a doctor to select another medicine.


In most cases, the use of "Strepsils" during pregnancy responds positively. Women confirm the fast and effective action of lozenges for acute respiratory infections and colds. According to them, the tablets helped to get rid of sore throat and discomfort, relieve swelling and pain.


If you need to replace Strepsils with a similar drug, the doctor can prescribe to the expectant mother Lizobakt, Ingalipt, Miramistin, Hexoral, Faringosept, Hexaliz, Tantum Verde.

Instead of such medicines, you can also use folk recipes, for example, rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, a warm solution of soda or sea salt.

For information on how and how to treat ARVI in pregnant women, see the next video.

Watch the video: Strepsils tablets ke fayde (September 2024).