Earnings for mothers on maternity leave

Mom's experience: we earn a little on maternity leave (or a lot ...)

Girls, as soon as we did not have enough money, I immediately began to look for a part-time job. She sat down, assessed her capabilities. After a couple of months of tests in different areas, I found out that such a part-time job is suitable for a mother with small children.

I think many are familiar with the situation when you are on maternity leave, and there is always not enough money. With a small child in your arms, you don't really go around in terms of making money, you have to look for work at home. But here you can also find a bunch of pitfalls. For several months I, so to speak, “studied the market,” and in the end, through trial and error, I found the best options that suit my mother on maternity leave. Copywriting, doing simple tasks for money, paid surveys, writing and selling abstracts - I have tried all this and am ready to share with you!

1. Copywriting, rewriting

To put it simply, copywriting, rewriting is writing or rewriting (exposition) of articles for money. Now this is a very demanded job, there are always a lot of tasks, you can find topics in which you understand and write articles on them.

This is where I made my main money. I will not say that there are too many, but they were enough to hold out month after month. I will say that there are a lot of orders, just have time to work. But over time - full of seams.

Of all the side jobs I've tried, this one turned out to be the most profitable. But the hardest part is getting started. While you are a beginner, they do not pay very much money, 10-15 rubles for every 1000 characters. The main thing is that the articles are literate and unique (usually texts order texts for websites, the uniqueness is 80-90%), then they are accepted and paid for without any problems. I took many orders at once for a week and worked at night when the child was asleep. Sometimes she wrote in her daytime sleep. With difficulty, but in time. When I gained some experience, I began to receive 40-50 rubles per 1000 signs.

2. Exchanges

Various exchanges where you can write texts or complete tasks. Most Popular:

  • Advego
  • Qcomment
  • Text.ru
  • Forumok
  • Workzilla

On exchanges, you can not only write articles, but also perform various tasks, for example, leave a comment on the site, join a group on a social network, or like a photo. I didn’t earn much there, but even that “a little” warms my soul (and my pocket) pleasantly! To be honest, I'm not sure that the orders from the exchange will be permanent. But, as they say, wait and see!

3. Paid surveys

I signed up for several paid survey sites I found on the internet. Now I regularly receive invitations by mail, I follow the link in the letter, answer questions and earn money for it. I will not say that there are many, but due to the fact that there are many such sites with surveys, you can earn money to pay for the phone, for example. Or some sites do not pay money to complete surveys, but give coupons to some online stores. For example, from one site I have already received several certificates in ozon.ru. So they can be cashed, and voila! You have a pretty penny on your personal account that you can spend.

The only disadvantage of such a side job is that on almost all questionnaires you need to collect a certain amount for withdrawal (there is a minimum wage everywhere). That is, you cannot happily take your, say, thirty rubles right there (so this is a “long-term” earnings. Probably for the most patient. But a penny drips, and that's good.

4. Selling articles and abstracts

I try combined sites where you not only write texts, but also sell your articles, abstracts and so on in the store. There are sites where you can not only complete assignments, but also sell your own articles or abstracts. After my studies, I accumulated a lot of them, but I did not even think about the fact that they could be sold. Now she began to rake the materials on the sly and put them up for sale.

How else to earn

I heard that you can make money on the Internet by watching ads and various videos. I have not yet met such earnings, but I would like to try.

Now I work several hours a day (mostly at night) and earn enough to pay utility bills, internet and telephone. When I worked as a copywriter, I still had to spend on “pins” and toys for children. I wonder if you share your way of making money on maternity leave. Because we all understand that a decree is not a vacation. For example, I haven't had a vacation since the beginning of the decree! And money with small children is always needed.

  • Working from home for mothers on maternity leave without cheating and investing - 8 best jobs for 2019
  • How can mothers on maternity leave really earn up to 10 thousand rubles a month by writing comments or watching videos on YouTube
  • Why I started copywriting and what I was afraid of
  • How copywriting became my only source of income
  • 10 life hacks from an experienced mom: how to work from home with children

Watch the video: Planning Your Maternity Leave! How Much Time Should You Take Off? (July 2024).