Newborn health

7 situations in a children's clinic that cause irritation, but which you need to put up with

The main problems when visiting children's clinics. What to do and how to behave to stay calm when visiting a doctor. 7 things to live with in a children's clinic.

Of course, there is free medicine in Russia - and this is good. Another bad thing: when visiting children's clinics, we often have to face situations that cause irritation. Let's talk about how to take your child to the doctor and save your nerves.


In our childhood, there was no electronic record, and mothers had to get up at 6 in the morning, run to the clinic and stand in line for coupons. Then they returned home, collected the child and together rushed back to the clinic. But to get to the doctor, one more line had to be defended.

In our time, everything is simpler: I went to the Internet, signed up for a certain time, came to an appointment, but ... I still got into the queue. Because some need to “just ask”, the second “the doctor said to skip the line,” the third need emergency help, and the fourth has a ticket for the same time as you. And, of course, where can we go without mothers who make an appointment with one child and bring several at once, so to speak "in bulk"!

How to be? It is imperative to print a ticket, in case someone claims to be registered at the same time. Do not let those who “just ask” go ahead, but go with them: while they are asking, you can undress the child. Say that you are in a hurry if someone tries to enter in front of you without a record.

Tips from experienced

While you are waiting for your turn, there will certainly be mothers who will overwhelm you with questions: what and at what time do you feed your baby, what vaccinations do you do, how to treat a runny nose and sore throat. And believe me, there will certainly be shortcomings in your methods, after which a tirade will certainly follow on how to properly care for a child.

How to be? Give all your attention exclusively to the child. Pretend that you have much more experience than you really have, so that you do not need other people's advice.


Some mothers ignore the fact that there are healthy child days in the clinics and come to the appointment with sick children. Usually, snot and sneezing are attributed to allergies - “don't worry, it's not contagious,” but how do we know if this is really so? And there are also mothers who bring children with fever on a healthy child's day, because “the doctor will only come home in the late afternoon, and our temperature is as much as 37.5 and we need to urgently prescribe treatment”.

How to be? If possible, wear a mask on the child while in the clinic. Avoid socializing with other children. At home, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water and rinse your nose with salt water.

Doctor's dissatisfaction

Do you think the queue at the clinic is the worst thing? You haven't been to the doctor yet! If your baby is less than a year old, and his height or weight does not correspond to the norms (in terms of height or weight, he may easily not coincide with the data of the tables laid out under the glass at the pediatrician), the doctor will definitely indicate this. And you will have to answer for every gram and centimeter you have not collected. You will have to report if your baby has not learned to roll over by three months, or has not started to sit down by six months and how you massage. And in the end, you will be sent to narrow specialists who will deal with your problems in more detail.

How to be? Try to understand the doctor, especially if he is old. Surely he was given this table with norms at the institute with the words: "In the Soviet Union, children should grow and develop like this!" So he follows this rule. And, if he advises you to supplement the child with formula or sends you to a speech therapist a year, he just wants to help. Do not worry and remember that all children develop in different ways, and the lack of speech by the year is not a sentence.

Many months waiting

It so happens that your child actually needs an examination by a narrow specialist, ultrasound, massage or MRI, but they have to wait a long time. Because the doctor or apparatus you need is in the polyclinic, but the trouble is: there are many who wish, and he is alone. And the nurse will enroll you in a new queue - a virtual one, after which you will wait for a call from the clinic. A week, maybe a month - that's how lucky. The worst thing when it comes to vaccinations: sometimes you have to wait for the required vaccine for almost six months.

How to be? If time is against you - ask for a referral to another clinic, hospital, medical institution of the regional center. Or go to private clinics.

Treatment for prevention, “just in case”

Does the child's legs sweat? It may be rickets, urgently start taking vitamin D. The temperature has risen and no more symptoms? Drink an antiviral, drip your nose, take a cough syrup, and puff your throat. What do you mean why? Do you want the symptoms of ARVI to appear? Are rashes on the skin? It doesn't matter what it is: measles or roseola - allergy pills will never be superfluous.

How to be? As they say, trust, but verify. Watch programs about children's health, read books and decide for yourself which advice to follow and which not.

Loss of documents

You come to see a doctor, but for some reason your card is not there. Not in the office, not in the reception. And no, you have not been to another doctor, have not changed your last name or place of residence. But the map was never found. And a month later, she magically appears in her place. But for some reason she lacks the results of the latest tests.

How to be? Making copies of test results and keeping a certificate of vaccinations made - in case of loss of the card, this will help you easily get into the garden or pool.

Of course, many of the above are not found everywhere. Perhaps your clinic uses electronic cards, there are no queues in the corridors, and doctors keep up with the times - consider yourself very lucky! In this case, you can only sympathize with all those in whose clinics progress has not yet come. Maybe he's just still in line. After all, there are many who wish, and he, progress, is only one.

  • Visit the pediatrician: 7 important rules
  • Everything you need to know about the first trip to the clinic with a newborn
  • What to play with a child in the clinic when it's turn
  • A child is afraid of doctors: advice from psychologists and experienced mothers on how to help children get rid of fear

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