Newborn health

The child is afraid to donate blood from a finger: 7 tips to set him up for the procedure

When children are afraid of something, they become surprisingly inventive. Whims and all sorts of excuses are used. What to do if a child is afraid and refuses to take a finger blood test ?!

Some parents gently persuade the baby, others sharply insist that blood must be donated. Both methods are good in their own way, but it's better to choose the middle ground.

"I will not go!"

"It would hurt me!"

"I'm afraid!"

"Just not today!"

There are many more excuses you can hear before going to the clinic. Your task is to support the child, help him overcome the fear of the upcoming event.

1. Start with yourself

If you yourself are afraid of injections from childhood and dislike the procedure for donating blood, you will not be able to properly adjust the child. Then it is better to send dad or grandmother to the clinic with the baby.

Ask the doctor about how much a blood test is needed for your child at the moment. When you realize that donating blood is important for diagnosing, treating and preventing many diseases, you mentally transfer your confidence to your baby.

2. Prepare in advance

Play with your baby in the hospital. Let the child feel like a doctor. And you accompany each injection with the words that the health and mood of the toys will now become better.

Use your example to show your child that all family members are tested. The kid should be aware that this is a common procedure.

And you can take older children with you on excursions and to private laboratories. They will be able to make sure that there is nothing wrong with taking tests.

Important! Don't fool your kid with stories that the procedure is absolutely painless. Realizing that this is not true, he will lose confidence in you. During the blood collection, be near and, if possible, hold your son or daughter's hand. Don't show your excitement.

3. Create a comfortable environment

Children are frightened by sharp needles, the cold hands of nurses and the screams of other children who are already in the office. These fears can be avoided by visiting non-state laboratories with the child. In private clinics, they try to surround the kids with care as much as possible, use modern materials, and also give gifts to kids.

But even if there is no alternative to the local clinic, you can purchase a disposable lancet of a new modification at the pharmacy in advance and ask someone close to take the queue.

4. Keep calm

If your child is hysterical, stay calm! Shouting and nervousness will not help matters. Talk to your baby in a level, confident voice. Sit with your child in front of the doctor and explain that there is no need to be afraid. The procedure will go very quickly and you will go home immediately.

5. Distract attention

Kids are afraid of the very moment of the injection. It's good if at this time you focus their attention on something else. Distract your child with conversations, a favorite toy, or a cartoon on your phone. It is important that during the injection the baby does not look at the syringe, but in the other direction.

6. Promise a gift

The child will be less capricious before the procedure, if you promise him a long-awaited toy. A nice bonus for good behavior during the test will be a sweet gift.

7. Don't forget to praise your courage

A blood test is not the most common procedure for a baby. To make the next trip to the clinic less intimidating, praise your child when you return home. Tell other family members that the baby was not scared at all, was confident and even smiled after the procedure. This will help to set up your child positively for future tests.

Tips from moms from forums

alena84: My daughter was 3 years old when I explained to her - “now we are going to get tested. We will come to my aunt, she will do RAAAZ and that's it!) Only it will hurt a little, quickly, RAAZ and that's it, you’re a big girl, it’s just crying. You're not, are you? You are good for me! " And it helped) My daughter whimpered when she saw “Needle” and then cried for 1 minute and calmed down right there in the office, while she was taking blood into the tubes. Now we walk with pride that we did not cry)

Diananewgold: When I was little, my parents tried to persuade me in the same situation for a long time, they said that it would be like a little ukolchik, like a mosquito bite, it wouldn't hurt at all. I did not believe them and continued to cry bitterly. My parents got the last trump card and promised me a big chocolate bar, which they rarely bought me and gave me in small pieces. So I somehow agreed crying. And I remember from the stories of my mother, leaving the office, the adults began to ask how it went, though it didn’t hurt. I, wiping away my tears, asked only one thing: "Where's my chocolate bar?!?" They began to laugh. They thought I would forget, aha how! =)

VikkoTorio: In general, try to buy special super-thin needles at the pharmacy, which are painlessly injected. A lot has been written about them on the Internet. You can come straight to the nurse with your needle. I have not tried it, but many of my friends say that they did not feel anything at all, they say there is a micro-puncture. Maybe he will see that he was slightly stabbed and the next time he will not be afraid. I think the point here is precisely the pain of the puncture. I also screamed while my finger was pierced, and as soon as the deed was done, I fell silent and press for at least half a day)

  • The child is afraid to donate blood - what to do
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A trip to the clinic, the child donates blood from a finger

Watch the video: Blood Donation Experience (July 2024).