Child development up to a year

Developing children with Mersibo online games

Mersibo Portal is a complex of developing interactive activities for children 2-9 years old. Develops the child's skills such as: speech, memory, imagination, attention, motor skills, outlook, logic, reading skills, numeracy skills, creativity.

Many parents want their baby to speak correctly, without distorting sounds, quickly and easily learn to read and write, learn to read and write, perform the simplest arithmetic operations, draw and sculpt beautifully, mastered knowledge about the world around him.

But how can this be achieved? There are different ways.

You can enroll the child in an early development circle, you can take them to speech therapists, you can try to study with him on your own using numerous manuals. But all this is quite costly.

An alternative or addition to these child development activities will be educational computer games on the portal Mersibo.

Children from an early age show great interest in the computer, which, with the help of Mersibo games, will unobtrusively and engagingly help them master speech, literacy, arithmetic and much more. Parents, on the other hand, will be spared from studying and applying complex pedagogical methods of work on the development of the child.

What is the essence of Mersibo

If you look at the composition of the word Mersibo, you will find that it consists of two parts: merci - thank you in French and the second part of the Russian word spa-sibo. I would like to say a double thank you to those who came up with this wonderful project.

Mersibo Is an internet portal for children, parents and teachers. Each category of those who apply to him will find here a lot of useful things for themselves:

  • exciting games await children here that will help them learn the necessary skills easily and fun;
  • parents will receive recommendations from child education specialists;
  • teachers will find a lot of new ideas for their work, they will be able to exchange experiences with colleagues.

But for the most part, this portal is for children. Mersibo games contribute to the development of the child's memory, develop attention, help to master logical thinking. All these are the necessary skills for future successful studies at school, and in the longer term - at the university.

The site is free of ads, there are no vulgar pictures and videos. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail so that the games are safe and useful for the child. During the online lesson, parents can control the process, help the baby, and explain the incomprehensible. For adults, these games are no less interesting and useful than for children.

A few more words about the project

Mersibo - these are not just separate games, it is a whole complex of educational game lessons, concentrated on one Internet resource. It is easy to get started with the site at home, in kindergarten, and in the speech therapist's office.

In the absence of the Internet, the portal offers its products on other media: flash card, disk. Good memory, primary skills in writing and mathematics, expanding vocabulary, improving speech, perseverance and quick wit - these are the results of Mersibo's online games.

Benefits of working with Mersibo for kindergarten teachers

The Mersibo portal will come to the aid of kindergarten teachers, teachers working with preschool children. The resources of the resource will save the teacher's time and effort, give an impetus to a creative approach in the formation of the skills and abilities necessary for the child. The following advantages of using the Mersibo portal can be formulated:

  1. Save time creating benefits. You no longer have to spend all your free time with paper and scissors, gluing pictures together. All the necessary clarity is quickly and easily transferred to the screen and printed.
  2. The modern nature of games. Children with pleasure, without any coercion, will complete online tasks that resemble their favorite cartoons in shape. You just have to choose which skill you want to form - reading, the basics of mathematics or the development of speech skills.
  3. Facilitating work with parents. The teacher often has to explain to the parents what to do with the child at home, how to do homework. With Mersibo, this work will be greatly simplified: name them only a game task that moms and dads must open on computers. The child will do the rest on his own.
  4. Simplified work with documentation. When connected to the portal, the child's psychological and speech map is automatically drawn up. It fills up quickly as you complete assignments. The teacher at any time can print it and provide it to parents.

How the Mersibo online portal works

Pedagogical tasks with the help of Mersibo online games are solved competently and professionally. There are two parts in creating a particular game: open to children - motivational and hidden from them - developing.

Together with the cartoon characters, the child performs a number of tasks: looking for a treasure, saving the princess, helping the knight, and at this time, without noticing it, mastering the count, he learns to use words correctly.

Professional teachers are working on the creation of games, who take into account the age characteristics of children. The characters are well recognizable, the pictures are bright, not aggressive. At the end of the lesson, the participant is always encouraged.

When working with the portal, a teacher or parent can customize it in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child. You can increase or decrease the speed, increase or decrease the difficulty, extend the time of the task. These games are suitable for both ordinary children and those with developmental difficulties.

You can involve one child or a whole group in the game using an interactive whiteboard or a laptop connected to a projector. If equipment is not available, a small group session can be held at a table.

Who needs Mersibo especially

All children love to play Mersibo computer games with pleasure and interest. But they should especially be used for the development of children who

  • are hyperactive or sluggish, inactive;
  • have difficulty speaking (they do not pronounce words clearly, do not pronounce certain sounds);
  • have difficulty remembering the sequence of numbers, cannot perform elementary arithmetic operations;
  • do not have the skill of small-finger movements (they can hardly hold a pencil, they cannot blind a simple figure);
  • suffer from undeveloped memory (they cannot reproduce the most elementary poetic lines);
  • do not want to do elementary homework, because they are difficult and uninteresting for them.

Using Mersibo games, you can correct your child's development. Everyone from 2 to 9 will usefully spend time playing an exciting game, quietly developing speech, memory, attention, fine motor skills, mastering the skills of reading and counting, expanding their horizons. And when completing tasks, creative skills and out-of-the-box thinking will be formed, imagination will be enriched, and the emotional sphere will develop.

What exercises are presented on the portal

Sets of games in various directions on the Mersibo portal are constantly updated. In total, you can find about 100 different exercises here. Let's name some of them.

  1. Exercises in the Russian language. To master the agreement of words, prepositions, cases. The child is offered a series of pictures for comparison.
  2. Exercises for the development of fantasy and imagination. The child is invited to create his own fairy tale: you need to come up with a hero, his actions, background, setting.
  3. Exercise for the development of the respiratory system. With the help of a microphone, into which the child directs a stream of air, propellers rotating at a certain speed are reflected on the screen or a candle flame is blown out.
  4. Exercises for attention and memory. It is suggested to memorize and repeat some sequences and repeat them. These exercises teach children to memorize poetry quickly.
  5. Exercises for the development of physical hearing. The child is asked to guess which object makes this or that sound. This sharpens auditory attention, develops speech.
  6. Exercises that develop phonemic hearing. Tasks are aimed at distinguishing between vowels and consonants, stressing, determining the boundaries of syllables. Children love to play "Unfinished Painting" where you have to insert letters.

Before starting the game, adults should read the instructions for it and explain to the child what is required of him. The principle of reasonable dosage should be adhered to so that the child does not overwork, does not lose interest and does not weaken attention.

Portal working formats

You can choose two options for working with the portal. The first one is free and is a demo version of 11 computer games. The second is paid: after depositing a small amount, you will be presented with all possible portal pages.

To choose the required program, you need to indicate the age of the child and the skills and abilities that you want to develop: memory, speech, motor skills, counting and others.

Reviews of the Mersibo portal are only enthusiastic. Children love us, parents respect us, teachers appreciate us.

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Video about what Mersibo is

Watch the video: balance gamepreschool kids (July 2024).