
TOP 5 mom's phrases that annoy the child

It is not uncommon for parents to utter phrases that greatly annoy children. "Close your mouth and eat!"

All mothers tend to take care of their children. But sometimes they go overboard and begin to express their concern in a very strange way. Children don't like it; they get irritated and feel alienated. Here are the TOP 5 most popular phrases that most often cause irritation and resentment in children.

1. "And I warned you!"

Of course, it would be great to always learn from other people's mistakes. But my own experience comes somehow better. And when you stuff a bump (it doesn't matter, literally or figuratively), you want to get sympathy. But instead, the parents poured salt on the wound with the phrase: "I warned you!" It's a shame, however! And I didn't want to share my misfortune next time.

2. "Shut your mouth and eat!"

Standard situation: you sit down with your child to eat, and he starts asking endless "Why?", "Why?" And How?" or worse, indulge. You don't like it and you order: "Shut your mouth and eat!" The child, of course, does what is ordered, but how can you eat with your mouth closed ..?

3. "And if everyone is jumping off the roof, will you also jump?"

This phrase is not only annoying, but also openly angry children. Especially when it comes to the disco that all classmates go to. My mother always, when I asked to let me go to the disco, said: “So what if all your classmates will go? And if they jump from the roof, will you also jump? " This phrase irritated me a lot, because I did not understand what connection the disco had with jumping.

4. "Grow up - you will understand"

The daughter asks her mother about the topic of communication with boys. Mom, in turn, delicately leaves the topic, believing that it is too early to talk about this with her daughter. Instead of answering the question posed, she concludes: "When you grow up, you will find out everything!" This answer annoys my daughter: not only did she not receive important information for her, but in addition, her mother made her understand that she did not want to talk to her on important topics.

5. “Did you take off your hat again in the street? I saw everything through the window! "

Moreover, the matter was usually not limited to one phrase. “So what, what’s the sun? Cold wind! If you get sick, heal you for me! " Of course, my mother spoke out of good intentions. But this outraged me to the core. As if I myself do not feel whether I am cold or not!

Of course, these phrases contain extremely good motives. Any mother wishes her child only good things, which are expressed, including through orders. You just need to change the wording, not be so categorical and listen to the opinion of your child.

  • Use these 30 phrases to help your child grow up happy
  • 15 phrases a child should hear every day from mom and dad
  • 20 phrases that you should never say to children: dangerous words that break your child's life

Watch the video: Meet the Medic (July 2024).