After childbirth

7 tips for young moms who want to sleep

As Dr. Komarovsky says, "a happy mother is a sleeping mother." Unfortunately, not everyone gets such happiness. Psychologists, neurology specialists give their advice to women suffering from lack of sleep.

Caring for a child always requires the utmost concentration of strength from the mother, and even more so in the first year of life. One of the most difficult challenges for young mothers is the inability to get a good night's sleep. The baby has difficulty falling asleep, his sleep is often interrupted for various reasons. Young parents do not sleep with him either.

Help your baby fall asleep

Most young mothers believe that being awake at night with a child is a common phenomenon and you can't do anything here, you have to endure it. But there are a number of tricks to improve your baby's sleep. You need to tackle this issue, study the advice of pediatricians, psychologists, read forums for young mothers. It is necessary to establish a sleep regime and strictly adhere to it.

It is important to learn to understand your child - why he is not sleeping, what worries him. If the child is healthy, then it is quite possible to use the recommendations of experienced parents to improve his sleep.

Don't miss the opportunity to sleep with your baby.

Some parents, as soon as the child falls asleep, immediately rush to do a thousand things. It is necessary to arrange the linen on the shelves, wash the floors, and prepare dinner. And I also want to chat on the phone or sit on social networks. But all the same, all things cannot be redone - the baby can wake up at any moment and interrupt your studies. Therefore, learn to disconnect with your child. It is not at all necessary to sleep in the same amount of time as he does, but 40-60 minutes will give you vigor, cheer you up and stimulate the desire to do household chores.

Learn to fall asleep during the day

Sometimes the overwork of a young mother reaches such an extent that she is unable to sleep. It would seem that nothing bothers her: dad walks with the child on the street or grandmother took the baby to her place for the weekend, the child is sound asleep in his stroller on the balcony - sleep, rest! Mom lies down, closes her eyes and ... nothing happens. The dream goes somewhere, different thoughts appear: you need both that, and another, and the third.

Try to relax, don't think about falling asleep. You just need to lie down in silence, straighten your back, rest your hands. If time passes (half an hour - forty minutes), but there is still no sleep, then get up, drink a cup of tea or coffee at rest, listen to calm music. Relaxation will be good for you, you will feel refreshed.

Go to bed early

There are two common options for families with young children. The first option: the child, together with adults, is awake until 11-12 pm, and in the morning he sleeps until 10, in the afternoon he is hardly put to bed at 4 pm and he sleeps until 6 pm. Is it good? Hardly. The second option: the child is put to bed at 8-9 o'clock in the evening, and when he falls asleep, the mother prefers to watch a TV show with her husband, play a computer game and go to bed by 11-12 at night, or even later. The child rises at 6-7 in the morning, and one of the parents should get up with him. During the day, his hours of rest are from one to three in the afternoon. Is this option good? Not very good either.

There is also a third, optimal for a mom's rash - go to bed with your child no later than 9-10 pm. Here you have to sacrifice something: either your own well-being, or communication with your husband.

Schedule your night shifts

Why do men usually sleep at the wall and women at the edge? Yes, because at night it was convenient for her to get up to the child. Everyone knows this picture: dad is sleeping peacefully, and mom takes a crying child into another room in the middle of the night and tries to make him fall asleep for several hours. Some women, like a nightmare, recall that every night from two to four they carried the child in their arms so that he would not scream and interfere with sleep for dad, who had to go to work in the morning. Talk to your spouse about taking turns taking night vigils. Agree that on the night of the weekend, it is the father who will get up at night with the baby.

But the problem is that if a child cries, you still cannot sleep, although you know perfectly well that dad will give him everything he needs. This is where you need to suppress the syndrome of increased responsibility, try to learn how to sleep in any environment.

Don't strive for the ideal

In the first months of a baby's life, young mothers do not leave the tension: you need to do this and that. A woman wants to be an ideal hostess, wife, mother. But they still fail to complete everything. Gradually, fatigue builds up, irritation builds up, nerves fail. Arrange for yourself the holidays: with the help of your spouse or grandmothers, go shopping, buy yourself a new dress, get out to a concert of your favorite band, or visit friends. The time spent on yourself will then more than pay off: the irritation will subside, and you will take up your responsibilities with renewed vigor.

Take care of your sleep

Most often, young mothers fall asleep as soon as they bring their heads to the pillow. But overwork can lead to the fact that a woman cannot sleep in any way, although she dreams of getting enough sleep. Without resorting to drugs, you can correct this situation. Before going to bed, ventilate the room, dim the lights, and try to relax. Do breathing exercises, auto-training, listen to calm quiet music. The dream will surely come.

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