
Sialor for children: instructions for use

A runny nose is one of the most unpleasant symptoms for any child, therefore drugs for its treatment are always in demand and are presented in a large assortment. Among them is a line of remedies for the common cold called "Sialor". It includes several drugs that affect the nasal mucosa in different ways, therefore they are effective in various pathological processes. They are often prescribed for both adult patients and young children.

Release form

Three different medicines are produced under the name Sialor.

  • Sialor Aqua. Such a medication is represented by plastic ampoules (they are called buffers) containing 10 ml of clear liquid. One box contains 10 of these buffers, equipped with a lid, which is very convenient for patients of different ages.
  • "Sialor Rino". This is also a colorless transparent solution, poured into buffers, depending on the concentration of the drug, 1 ml, 2 ml or 10 ml. Moreover, the difference between the most concentrated preparation is also that it can be used as a spray. To do this, the box contains an empty glass bottle with a spray nozzle, into which you can pour the solution from a plastic ampoule.
  • "Sialor Protargol"... In the package of such a medicine there is a blister, inside which there is one brown-black round tablet. It is accompanied by an ampoule made of polyethylene with 10 ml of solvent, as well as an empty bottle made of plastic or glass, the cap of which is equipped with a pipette (such "Protargol" is used as drops) or a spray nozzle with a cap (this medicine is used as a spray). After combining the solvent with the tablet, a brown liquid is obtained.


All drugs of the Sialor line have different active substances and auxiliary components.

  • Sialor Aqua is based on sea ​​water. Its amount in one buffer is 5 ml, and the remainder of the preparation is purified water. There are no other components in the composition of such a tool.
  • Action "Sialora Rino" provides oxymetazoline... Its amount in 1 ml of the drug can be 0.1 mg, 0.25 mg and 0.5 mg, therefore the concentration of the solution, respectively, is 0.01%, 0.025% and 0.05%. In addition to oxymetazoline, the drug includes sodium dihydrogen phosphate, benzalkonium chloride, and water. The solution also contains Trilon B, hydrogen phosphate and sodium hydroxide.
  • The main component of Sialor Protargol is represented by silver proteinate. This ingredient is presented in a tablet in the amount of 200 mg (after dissolution, a 2% solution is obtained) and is supplemented with a polymer called polyvinyl-N-pyrrolidone. Plain water is used as a solvent for the preparation of liquid medicine. There are no preservatives in this "Sialor".

Operating principle

The effect of drugs depends on the type of "Sialor" and is due to the active component of the solution.

  • Thanks to the treatment of the nasal cavity with Sialorom Aqua the natural state of the mucous membrane is maintained and mucus production is normalized. The minerals, chlorides, hydrocarbons and other compounds contained in the solution help fight inflammation, thin mucus, stimulate recovery and have a positive effect on the condition of epithelial cells. Such a drug increases the resistance of the nasopharynx to attacks of infectious agents, and also clears the mucous membrane of impurities.
  • The main ingredient of Sialora Rino is capable of narrow the vessels in the nose, as it affects alpha-adrenergic receptors (stimulates them). This effect of the solution begins to manifest itself very quickly (literally in a few minutes), and the duration of the vasoconstrictor effect of the drug is up to 12 hours. The use of such "Sialor" eliminates local edema, due to which the agent restores the ability to breathe through the nose. In addition, under the action of oxymetazoline, the mouths of the sinuses and Eustachian tubes open, which helps in the treatment of sinusitis and otitis media or in their prevention.
  • The active ingredient "Protargol" is known to be effective antiseptic that helps to eliminate pathogens from the nasal mucosa. The drug has an antimicrobial effect against streptococci, moraxella and staphylococci, as well as antifungal effect. Due to the astringent effect of silver proteinate, the nasopharynx becomes more resistant to attacks by viruses and microbes, which makes it possible to use this "Sialor" for the prevention of infections of ENT organs.


All types of "Sialor" are prescribed for a cold or for its prevention. Drops "aqua" are especially in demand for daily hygiene of the nasal cavity and for colds, and are often prescribed for children with adenoids. The "rino" remedy is usually used for nasal congestion, and is also included in the treatment of otitis media and sinusitis. "Sialor Protargol" is often prescribed for sinusitis, adenoiditis, rhinopharyngitis or purulent otitis media, as it is effective against bacterial infections.

At what age is it allowed?

The use of Sialora Aqua and Protargol in children is possible from birth. The drug "Rino" with the lowest concentration (0.01%) can also be used in infants. It is indicated for the treatment of a common cold in children under one year old, but must be prescribed by a doctor. A more concentrated solution (0.025%) is used in babies 1-6 years old, and "Sialor Rino" with a concentration of 0.05% is allowed from the age of six.


Any type of drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its main component or any auxiliary substance in the composition. "Sialor Rino" is also not prescribed if the child has atrophic rhinitis. In addition, the reason to refuse such a drug is angle-closure glaucoma or a previous operation on the meninges.

If a small patient develops kidney failure, has serious heart pathologies, disrupted endocrine organs, or a pheochromocytoma is detected, Rino drops and spray are prescribed with caution.

Side effects

When using Sialor Aqua, discomfort or an allergic reaction is possible, which requires discontinuation of the medication. During treatment with the drug "Protargol" is rare, but there are negative symptoms in the form of itching of the skin, redness of the nasal membrane, burning sensation and so on. To prevent them, it is recommended to make a sensitivity test before use (lubricate the skin on the elbow and see the reaction).

Under the influence of the active ingredient "Sialora Rino", burning sensation, congestion, sneezing, dryness and other local reactions may occur. In some babies, the medicine can also provoke negative general effects, including tachycardia, insomnia, dizziness, itching and other ailments.

If they occur, you need to refuse further treatment with Sialor and show the child to the doctor.

Instructions for use

"Sialor aqua"

With a therapeutic purpose, the scheme for using such a solution of sea water depends on the age of the child:

  • for babies up to a year, the drug is dripped from one to three times a day, one or two drops in each nostril;
  • for children 1-7 years old, the solution is injected two drops into each nostril, and the frequency of use is usually 4 times a day;
  • for patients over 7 years old, "Sialor Aqua" is also dripped 2 drops, but the frequency of treatment of the nasopharynx per day is recommended to be increased up to 6 times.

For prophylactic purposes, the drug is used in the same doses, but less often - up to three times a day at the age of seven years and two to four times a day for schoolchildren and adolescents. To cleanse the baby's nasal cavity, "Sialor Aqua" can be applied to turundas, which are used to wipe the nasal passages. To remove dried discharge, the agent is dripped several times, wiping off excess liquid with a cotton pad or handkerchief.

If you need to rinse the nose of a baby under 2 years of age with Sialor Aqua, then first a few drops of sea water are injected into each nasal passage, placing the baby on its back. Further, the liquefied mucus and the remnants of the product are removed using a nozzle suction.

To carry out the procedure in a child over two years old, you need to tell the little patient to tilt his head to the side. After washing the upper nasal passage, the child is asked to turn his head to one side in the opposite direction and repeat the manipulation for the second nostril.

"Sialor Rino"

The medicine is applied 2-3 times a day in a dosage that is selected according to age:

  • if this is a newborn child, then only 0.01% drug can be dripped for him - one drop of such a solution is injected into each nostril;
  • for the treatment of an infant aged 1 to 12 months, the same medicine is used in a single dose of 1-2 drops in each of the nasal passages;
  • with a runny nose in children 1-6 years old, 0.025% medicine is instilled into each nostril in a dose of 1 or 2 drops;
  • if the patient is already 6 years old, a 0.05% drug is indicated for his treatment, which can be instilled (1-2 drops each) or sprayed (1-2 clicks each).

The duration of the use of the medicine should be checked with the doctor, but it should not be more than 7 days.

"Sialor Protargol"

To make the solution correctly, first pour the solvent into an empty bottle, and then throw a tablet into it. After closing the bottle, the medicine is shaken and left for 8-10 minutes (during this time, the tablet is usually completely dissolved).

If Protargol is used in drops, the solution is drawn up with a pipette and injected into the baby's nasal cavity, 1-3 drops into each nostril. When using a spray, you need to insert the spray nozzle into the nasal passage and press 1-2 times, and then repeat for the other nasal passage.

The doctor should determine the treatment regimen, but most often this "Sialor" is used three times within 5-7 days.


Exceeding the dose of Sialor Aqua or Protargol does not affect the condition of the little patient, and an overdose of Rino solution threatens with nausea, tachycardia, symptoms of depression of the nervous system and other signs dangerous to children's health. For this reason, in case of an overdose of such a medication, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

According to information from the manufacturer, "Sialor Aqua" can be used without any problems with any other local remedies or general drugs. Treatment with "Sialor Rino" should not be combined with the use of MAO inhibitors, and when used with local anesthetics, this medication slows down their absorption, which is why the analgesic effect lasts longer. "Protargol" can not be used with drugs that contain organic bases or alkaloid salts.

Terms of sale

All Sialor variants are sold without a prescription, but it is advisable to consult a pediatrician before purchasing any of these drugs. The average price of one pack of Aqua is 140 rubles. For 5 buffets of Sialora Rino you need to pay about 120 rubles, and one bottle of Protargol costs about 250-300 rubles.

Storage conditions

Any of the medicines before use can be stored at home at temperatures up to +25 degrees. In this case, buffs or bottles should lie in a place hidden from babies. Shelf life of the tablet "Protargol" is 2 years, sealed ampoules of liquid forms "Sialor" - 3 years.

After opening, Sialor Aqua and Sialor Rino can be stored at room temperature, but only for 14 days.

The drug "Protargol" after dilution should be in the refrigerator. Such a solution is usable within 30 days and after this period must be discarded.


There are many positive reviews about the use of Sialor line drugs. In them, both parents and doctors (including Dr. Komarovsky) call these drugs effective and affordable. Drops "aqua" and "rino", according to mothers, have a very convenient form of release, and the main advantages of "Protargol" are the absence of preservatives and safety for babies. The disadvantages of "Sialor" usually include short storage after opening and the risk of side effects.


Any preparation based on seawater is suitable for replacing Sialor Aqua. Among the most popular products with such a composition are "Marimer", "Aqua Maris", "Physiomer", "Morenazal" and "Fluimarin". Such medicines are produced both in drops and in the form of a spray. They, like Sialor Aqua, can be used from birth both for rinsing the nose with a runny nose and for hygienic procedures.

If you need to replace Sialor Rino, you can use another oxymetazoline drug, for example, Nazivin or Nazol. In case of intolerance to such an active substance, the doctor will prescribe a vasoconstrictor, the composition of which is different, for example, "Sanorin" or "Otrivin".

If it is necessary to replace Sialor with silver proteinate, Protargol from other manufacturers can be used. Other antiseptics have a similar effect (for example, "Miramistin"), but such an analogue should be selected together with a doctor, since they have their own differences and limitations.

For the preparation of the Sialor solution, see the following video.

Watch the video: HOW TO MAKE A SAILOR HAT (July 2024).