
5 magic phrases best grandmothers know

Grandmothers never regretted the brightest epithets to say how good we are, how they love us, that everything in our life will certainly work out ... But this is so important for any person - both adults and children. And even though many no longer have grandmothers around, their golden phrases cannot be forgotten.

Why, remembering childhood with warmth and nostalgia, do we always reproduce in our memory the image of our beloved grandmother? Her kind eyes, surrounded by rays of wrinkles, her soft gentle hands and her wise gentle words always live with us, regardless of age. Grandmothers never regretted the brightest epithets to say how good we are, how they love us, that everything in our life will certainly work out ... But this is so important for any person - both adults and children. And even though many no longer have grandmothers around, their golden phrases cannot be forgotten.

"Don't be afraid, little one, I'm with you!"

I heard these words from my grandmother every time something frightened me or worried me, when I cried from resentment or pain, burying my face in her shoulder. It seemed strange to me that my grandmother called me "little", although I had not been that little for a long time. And why "small" and not "small"? An additional effect of granny words: while I was thinking why they called me that, I calmed down.

It is very important for a child to feel under the protection of an adult, to feel that someone is ready to take on his troubles. With these words, grandmother seemed to say: "Don't be afraid, I'm with you, you are still little, I will always be there and I can protect you from all sorrows."

"I'm blowing now - and everything will pass"

How many times, while growing up, the child fills himself with bumps, gets abrasions and bruises! Well, how not to scream, not cry from sudden pain !?

And here a real sorceress comes to the rescue - a grandmother. You just need to get on her knees, she will blow, rub the bruised place, regret it - and everything goes away at once, the tears dry up. My grandmother had a universal cure for all our bruises - plantain. As soon as it blows on the abrasion and sticks it on the sore spot, the pain stopped. “I'm blowing now and everything will pass” - with these words the tears immediately dried up in my eyes, and it became easier.

A child needs sympathy, so wise grandmothers will not reproach him that crying is not like a man, or saying that he will heal before the wedding, but kissing, blowing, stroking - everything will pass.

"Honey, how are you?"

Children feel a lively, genuine participation in their affairs from adults. To formal questions like "How are you?", "What's new at school?" the child gives no less formal answers: "All the rules", "Nothing new."

It is much more pleasant for him to tell about his problems to someone who is really interested in them. Grandmothers are always more trusted, because they will listen, express their opinion (most often coinciding with the opinion of the grandson), advise how to act in a given situation. A real loving grandmother is constantly aware of the affairs of her grandchildren, as she knows how to ask the right question and listen to the answer.

"You my sun!"

Why is it so pleasant for a child to hear this phrase? Because, in their worldview, children are egocentric, they want to be the center, if not of the whole world, then at least grandmother's love for them.

The child just needs to hear that he is someone's joy. This is how a healthy self-esteem is laid, thanks to grandmother's praise, complexes are avoided.

"What fellows you are with me!"

“Let's compliment each other, because these are all wonderful moments of love,” Bulat Okudzhava once sang.

Children need compliments no less than adults. Boys are always pleased to hear how strong they are, how they help their grandmother to carry heavy bags from the store. The girl will not resist the high appreciation of her dress or new braided braids. A grandmother is never afraid to praise her grandchildren, she knows that for them words of approval are a balm for the soul.

Love and affection are the main components of a grandmother's attitude towards grandchildren. It is she who gives children the first lessons of kindness, which are not forgotten over the years. It is grandmothers who help their grandchildren to become real people: decent, benevolent, loving.

Have you forgotten grandma's golden words? Try to remember, because these phrases are not erased from memory.

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