Things for baby

10 mistakes parents make when dressing babies

Before you buy clothes for crumbs, think about why you are buying them - for a photo shoot of the future toddler on Instagram, or for constant wear. Carefully examine the clothes, whether your child will feel comfortable in them, whether they are breathable, whether they are easy to put on and take off, whether there are any dangerous small parts.

One of the favorite activities of expectant mothers is going to children's stores. There are so many cute little things in them! I just want to buy that most beautiful dress with a frill or tiny fashionable jeans. How difficult it is to restrain yourself and not buy a bunch of clothes. But before you buy this or that thing, think about why you are buying it - for a photo session of the future baby on Instagram, or still for constant wear. Carefully examine the clothes, whether your child will feel comfortable in them, whether they are breathable, whether they are easy to put on and take off, whether there are any dangerous small parts.

Make no mistake, because it may turn out that your child will feel discomfort in those beautiful fashionable things that you like so much. Let's try to name a few mistakes that should be avoided when dressing your baby.

Too many things put on

There is one dressing rule - the number of layers of clothing for a baby should be the same as for an adult, plus one more layer if it is cold. Feel the baby's neck, forehead, chest, they should be warm, but not hot. “If a child has a warm nose, it means that our child is not frozen,” say experienced mothers. There is no need to play it safe and wrap up the child in ten clothes, this can lead to overheating, which in turn will negatively affect the health of the baby.

Unwashed new clothes

Some mothers, having bought new clothes, immediately put them on the child. So, this should never be done. Initially, you need to wash the thing and only then dress the baby. Non-washable things, no matter how clean they seem, always carry the remnants of dust and chemicals for cleaning from warehouses and shops. All this can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.

Bright, shiny, but breathable and moisture resistant clothing

Wearing clothes made of polyester and other synthetic fabrics is far from useful for either adults or children. The person in it quickly sweats, and then begins to freeze. Even the slightest draft is enough for a child to catch a cold in such clothes. Be sure to look at the composition of the material, giving preference to cotton.

A thousand little things on clothes

To make a dress or suit more elegant, designers decorate them with various beads, buttons, sequins, sequins, nylon bows. Not all of them take into account that it is unsafe for a baby who, with his tenacious fingers, can easily tear off a small part, put it in his mouth and swallow it. All the little things need to be tested for strength: how firmly they are attached. It is advisable to either remove the details that cause you doubts, or to sew them tightly yourself, or, what is most desirable, not to buy such things at all.

Collar close to the throat

Try wearing a high-necked turtleneck for your child. Happened? Somehow. Now take it off. This is harder. But it's not just the difficulty of putting on such things. Tight collars, pipe scarves can lead to suffocation of the baby in a dream. Give up such clothes.

Why is a hat at home

In the first months of life, the child should not be kept uncovered, either outdoors or at home. His head is a vulnerable place, because through it babies lose up to 50% of the heat of the whole body. No matter how hot it may seem to you, a baby needs to wear a light cap for 1-2 months, since the slightest draft can lead to illness. This is especially true for premature babies.

Left tags

These tags irritate your baby's skin unpleasantly, causing redness and itching. Therefore, we must not forget to remove all labels, it is advisable to do this as soon as you brought the item from the store.

Large, but it will go, not enough - it will stretch

Babies grow up quickly. Parents don't have time to buy clothes. Often they buy things to grow. But clothes that are not in size are very uncomfortable: the child is cold in them, as they do not fit the body. Some things threaten the danger of covering the face of a child in a dream. Tight pants and blouses are uncomfortable, they pull blood vessels, press on the tummy, cut in the groin and under the armpits. Everything should be in accordance with the size.

Does the baby need shoes

It is hard to resist not buying tiny shoes or boots for your beloved baby. But think about why he needs them, because he doesn't walk yet. Moreover, the shoes that fix the foot will only interfere with him. It is much more comfortable for a baby in knitted socks or booties. Do not rush to buy shoes, wait for the moment when the child walks.

One hundred clasps

Designers of children's clothes do a lot in order to quickly and easily dress a child. But there are things that take a long time to fasten all these buttons, to hold down all the buttons. When choosing clothes for your children, think about how easy it will be to put on, because the child does not lie quietly, begins to be capricious if the dressing process is delayed. One simple rule works with babies: the simpler the better.

If you like something in the store, it's best not to buy it right away - but put it off for at least a couple of hours. Ideally, until the next day. If during the break you change your mind about buying it, then you shouldn't do it. If in doubt that a new dress or trousers will be comfortable, they do not need to be taken. Many mothers periodically poll which brands make the best clothes - and then buy it for a specific age. This is one of the best ways to find clothes for your child.

Watch the video: 11 Parenting Mistakes That Ruin a Childs Growth (July 2024).