
Child development at 1 year

Time with a small child flies by very quickly. More recently, the baby was a tiny lump, unable to raise his head, make any sounds, or focus his gaze. During the first year, the baby changed dramatically, began to understand a lot, uttered the first words, took the first steps and continues to learn the world around him. Let's find out how to determine if a baby is developing normally, as well as how to stimulate the further development of a one-year-old baby.

Physiological changes

  • A baby by 12 months usually triples the weight he was born with. Now the rate of weight gain and increase in height compared to the first half of life is significantly slowed down.
  • The feet of a one-year-old child are still flat, and they have no arch. If the baby has just started walking on his own, there are still fat pads on his feet. As you learn to walk, they disappear, and a bend appears at the feet.
  • The average number of teeth that one year old babies have is 8. At the same time, some children may already have 12 teeth, while others have only 1-2 first teeth. These are all variants of the norm that do not require a visit to a doctor. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician only if there are no teeth at 1 year. Teething can darken the life of the baby and his parents with poor sleep, loss of appetite, whims and crying of the baby associated with pain in the mouth.

Cholisal triple action dental gel can be used to relieve the symptoms of teething.®... When applied topically, the active ingredients of the drug are absorbed through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, helping to relieve pain and inflammation, as well as acting on viruses, fungi and pathogenic bacteria. The adhesive gel base helps to retain the active substances on the mucous membrane, prolonging their action. It should be noted that Cholisal gel® does not contain lidocaine, and can be recommended for patients with lidocaine intolerance. Unlike some other local antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs, Cholisal® can be used in both adults and children. It is important to be careful when using in children under one year old and consult a doctor first.

Physical development

During the twelfth month of life, the baby gains about 350 grams of weight, and his height lengthens by another 1-1.5 centimeters. Both the head circumference and the chest circumference of a child at this age increase by an average of 0.5 centimeters.

Different children develop physically at different speeds, but on the basis of indicators in a large number of babies of a certain age category, experts have established normal limits for such indicators. These boundaries, together with the average indicators for one-year-old children, we noted in the table:

You can use the calculator to calculate norms for your child... The calculator is based on the standards for height and weight from the World Health Organization (WHO).

When hitting furniture, some parents teach their child to "change". Whether it is worth doing, see the next video by Larisa Sviridova.

What can the kid do?

  • A child of 12 months moves very actively and a lot. Most toddlers can walk independently by the age of one and are constantly improving this skill. Nevertheless, some babies at 1 year old still need their mother's support while walking or are in no hurry to start walking, preferring to move quickly on all fours.
  • Also, a child of one year old can already squat and independently rise from this position. The crumb confidently climbs the steps and climbs onto the sofa.
  • A one-year-old baby is able to take 2 small objects in one hand. The child takes buttons and other tiny objects with his index and thumb.
  • A one-year-old child manages to collect a pyramid and build towers from cubes.
  • The child's speech includes about 10-15 simple words of 1-2 syllables. One word of the little one can have several meanings. The crumb does not yet pronounce all the letters and may confuse syllables in places.
  • A child of 1 year old understands the speech of parents well. He knows the meaning of the words “you can”, “you cannot”, “give”, “take”, “come” and many others. He also knows the names of people with whom he often communicates. The kid can already answer a simple question.
  • The crumb can carry out simple assignments, for example, washing vegetables, laying out cutlery, dusting (of course, at your "baby" level).
  • The kid likes to hide and look for toys, throw toys, create and destroy buildings from cubes, fill boxes and boxes, and then empty them.
  • 12 month old baby is interested in story games and knows how to play them. The baby can put the toy to sleep or feed it.
  • Hearing the music, the baby will dance and try to sing along.
  • The kid knows many animals and can show them both on a walk and in pictures.
  • Little one knows a way of using different items.
  • Long-term memory the child is developing - the baby is already able to remember the events of several days ago.
  • Child becomes more independent every day. At the table, he is already manipulating a spoon and drinking from a cup himself. The toddler already has certain food preferences - the baby does not like some foods at all, but on the contrary, the child eats some with great pleasure.

To check if your baby is developing at a normal pace, you should:

  • Assess whether the baby is able to crawl, stand, holding your hand, and also take a few steps with your support.
  • Make sure your toddler uses at least one gesture, such as shaking his head negatively or waving his hand goodbye.
  • Check if the child understands your simple requests, such as taking a toy or giving it to you.
  • Make sure that there is at least one meaningful word in the child's speech.
  • Check if the baby has at least one tooth or signs of one coming soon.

If during such a check something alarmed you, tell your pediatrician about it during a routine checkup a year.

Development activities

  • The main skill that a one-year-old child "works" on is walking. If the baby continues to crawl and is in no hurry to take the first steps, you can attract the baby with your favorite toy. Some children are afraid of losing their balance, so a toy in their hands can help him start walking.
  • If there is a possibility, let's crumbs walk barefoot on the ground, sand or grass.
  • To stimulate gross motor skills, offer your child play with big cars, balls and other large toys.
  • Keep working with your child the development of fine motor skills. For example, you might put clothespins on the edges of a coffee can and have your child take them off. Games with beans, cereals, sand, water are still interesting and useful for the child.
  • Also continue speech development toddler. Talk to your child a lot so that the child can learn a lot of new words. Describe everything you do and the objects that your baby sees.
  • Play with the little one, but at the same time let the baby do what he can on his own. Play together different stories with toys, for example, how a bunny shares a cookie with a bear, a doll bathes in a bath, a mouse invites a bear cub to visit.
  • Play music of different genres for your child, as well as the sounds of various objects. This will stimulate the development of your hearing.
  • Exercise with a crumb drawing, allowing the little one to draw the first scribbles with finger paints, crayons or felt-tip pens. The kid will also love to create using plasticine and salt dough.
  • Walk with your baby in the sandbox, offering to play with a scoop, molds, sieve, rake.
  • On a sunny day, pay attention to the crumbs your shadows. Offer to step on your shadow.
  • Give your child the opportunity play with other kids. If the baby does not have a sister or brother, invite familiar families with preschoolers to visit.
  • Make for the kid photo album, which will contain photos of all close relatives, as well as pictures of animals. The toddler will look at him for a long time.
  • Take a little time each day. joint reading with the baby. Buy children's books with bright illustrations for the baby. Let the child choose for himself which book he will "read" today.
  • When bathing, throw in the bathtub small toys that can swim, and then give the crumb a sieve or scoop, offering to collect floating objects in a bucket.

Diversify your day with a lesson according to the method of "Little Leonardo" by ON Teplyakova, an expert in intellectual development.

Mental development

The development of the mental sphere of a one-year-old baby continues to be very intensive. The child is awake longer and is able to concentrate on an interesting game with his mother for several minutes. That is why all developmental activities should be conducted only in the form of a game.

On the basis of communication with the mother, by the first birthday, the baby develops trust or distrust in the world that surrounds him. If this communication experience is positive, the baby will feel safe and will also project positive emotions on the world around him.

In the second year of life, the child actively continues sensory and cognitive development. The kid learns the properties of objects, their shape, colors. In games, parents should constantly guide the one-year-old toddler, because without help and outside prompts, the actions of the crumbs will remain monotonous. Conducting simple activities with babies 1 year old, parents help the little one to compare and distinguish objects, develop memory, and master everyday skills.

To assess the mental development of a child at 1 year old, you can use the following tests:

  • Give the kid 2 cubes and show him how to build a tower. The child will not throw cubes or drag them into his mouth, but will place one on top of the other. By 18 months, the baby will already be able to use 3-4 cubes to build a tower.
  • Offer the baby a toy in which you need to put geometric shapes (insert frame or sorter). The one-year-old should insert the circle into the hole for it.
  • Give the little one a pyramid, offering to collect it. A baby at 1-1.5 years old will try to string rings, but will not take into account their size. Children learn to fold the pyramid correctly, taking into account the size of the rings, only by the age of 2.
  • Assess your skills in using household items. The toddler of 12-15 months already knows how to use a spoon and a cup correctly. At 1.5 years old, the child is able to take off socks, a hat and mittens.

Motor skills

To assess the gross motor skills of the baby, find out whether the baby can walk for a long time, whether he learned to bend and squat, whether he is able to get up from his knees and climb onto the sofa. Exercises to develop gross motor skills will include:

  • Jumping. Hold the little one under the armpits or by the arms and let the baby jump in place.
  • Climbing onto the sofa and lowering back down to the floor. For this purpose, you can attract the little one with your favorite toy.
  • Climbing. Invite the baby to crawl under a chair, climb into a large box and get out of it.
  • Stepping over. Having spread out various objects on the floor, walk around the room with the toddler, holding the child's hand. When the crumb approaches the obstacle, show that you first need to raise one leg and step over the object, and then take the same step with the second leg.
  • Ball games. Teach the baby to throw the ball on the floor, while first give the ball to the baby in his hands, and then put it next to him so that the child takes the ball himself. Next, learn to catch the ball. To develop an eye, you can throw the ball into the box.

To develop the fine motor skills of a one year old child, you can:

  • Draw with pencils. First, hold the crumbs pen with a pencil and just leave marks on the paper. Try to get the baby interested in drawing.
  • Draw with paints. Give the kid a dry brush and show him how to leave strokes, and then start mastering drawing with paints.
  • Sculpt from plasticine. Roll a ball and show the kid how you can make a cake out of it, and then invite the little one to repeat.
  • Stick pebbles, buttons, tubes into the plasticine.
  • Sculpt from salt dough.
  • Stick stickers on yourself or on a piece of paper.
  • Draw with finger paints.
  • Play with laces.
  • Wrap the threads on a ball.
  • Play with water, grits or sand using a sieve and spoon.
  • Twist and unscrew the caps.
  • Play with sorter and insert frames.
  • Learn to cope with hooks, Velcro, buttons, buttons.
  • Play with clothespins.
  • Exercise with a sensor box.

Speech development

In the second year of life, the formation of the baby's speech occurs, as well as its rapid improvement. First, the baby begins to understand speech, and then, at a high rate, it replenishes the vocabulary and the stage of active speech begins. At the same time, there is an enrichment of facial expressions and gestural speech of the toddler. In one year, one baby's word can mean a whole phrase.

To stimulate the speech development of a one-year-old child, you can:

  • Consider pictures in books, voicing what was drawn and asking the child simple questions about the picture, for example, "where is the dog?"
  • Read rhymes and nursery rhymes with a crumb, short fairy tales and rhymes, as well as sing songs.
  • Perform articulatory gymnastics.
  • Do gymnastics and finger massage.
  • Tell the baby about everything that can interest the little one - about nature, animals, seasons, houses and much more.

Finger games will help the development of crumbs. Watch the video of Tatyana Lazareva, where she shows how you can play with a 1 year old child.

An approximate weekly plan for the development of a one-year-old child

So that the classes do not bother the baby, do not repeat themselves and include all important areas of development, it is worth planning them in advance for at least one week. This will allow the mother to cover all areas of the baby's development and prepare materials for educational games in advance.

We offer an example of a weekly schedule of developmental activities for a child aged 1-1.5 years:

This is only a rough plan that should be changed for each specific child. Be sure to include activities that your baby likes in your weekly routine. At the end of the week, review your progress so you can add activities or shorten your list of games for the day.

Toys from 1 to 2 years old

Toys help the baby to develop both the physical and emotional spheres. With their help, the child learns the world, studies the environment, develops imagination, becomes proactive and learns cause-and-effect relationships.

For information on what toys are worth buying for a baby 1-2 years old, see the video of Anna Gapchenko.

Among the toys of a child of 1-2 years old should be:

  • Cubes.
  • Sorter with several uncomplicated holes.
  • Pyramid with 3-4 rings.
  • The cups are square and round.
  • Boxes of different sizes.
  • Outdoor toys - a shovel, molds, a car with a body, a bucket.
  • Toys that pull or push.
  • Soft toys that the baby can put to sleep, feed.
  • Toys for playing with water.
  • Plastic dishes.
  • Toy phone.
  • Toys that imitate household items.
  • Musical toys.
  • Cardboard or cloth books.

And a few more tips regarding toys for a one year old baby:

  • Do not give your baby too many items to play with at once. They will quickly bore the little one and cause fatigue.Set aside some of the toys in a distant box or hide, and after a while, replace those that the child is already slightly tired of with the missing toys.
  • When visiting friends with children, pay attention to which toys the little one is most interested in. This will give you the opportunity to replenish your stock of toys with items that the baby is likely to play with.
  • Many children enjoy playing with everyday objects (pot lids, sheets, a mirror, and others). Do not forbid, but make sure that such games are safe.

The rump games are among the crumbs' favorite. How to conduct such classes, see the next video.


Hygienic procedures are an important element of the daily routine in the life of a one-year-old toddler. In the morning, the child is washed and washed. It is also important for a baby to brush his teeth and be sure to wash his hands before eating and after walking. Before going to bed, the baby is traditionally bathed, combining this water procedure with fun games in the water.

Daily regime

By the age of one year, all children have a certain daily routine, having changed several times in 12 months of life. Maintaining it is important for your baby's well-being. The main points of the child's day regimen for 12 months are the organization of sleep and wakefulness, as well as nutrition.


Children 1 year old stay awake more, but still sleep about 14-15 hours a day. Night rest on average lasts 10-11 hours, and during the day, a child of 12 months sleeps twice. In this case, the first daytime sleep usually lasts longer (2-2.5 hours), and the second one is shorter (1.5 hours). Babies begin to shift to one daytime sleep at about 18 months.


The 12-month-old child's day routine includes active and quiet games, gymnastic exercises, reading books, walking, visiting and much more. In the first half of the day, active games are only welcome, and in the evening they should be avoided. Gymnastics with the child should be done one hour before meals.


Walking with a year-old is advised 2 times a day, and in good weather at least one of the daytime dreams should be organized on a walk. It is recommended to go out with a baby on the street in the morning at 10-11 hours, and in the afternoon - at 16-17 hours. The duration of the walks should be 2 hours or more. It will be influenced by weather conditions, for example, on warm summer days, the baby may well spend 5-6 hours on a walk. If the outside frost is below -10, heavy rain or very windy, you should refrain from walking.


A 1 year old child still eats 5 times a day, with pauses between meals for 3.5-4 hours. It is recommended to adhere to the diet, offering the baby food at about the same time, and also avoiding long breaks. You can determine the total daily amount of food for a one-year-old baby by dividing the body weight of the crumbs by 9. On average, children of this age eat 1000-1300 ml of food per day. Dividing this amount by the number of feedings will give you an average serving size of 200-260 ml.

PEating a breastfed baby includes more and more complementary foods. The baby is applied to the breast mainly around dreams, during the day (for example, if he fell) and after eating (to wash down complementary foods). At night, active late morning feedings are maintained, which occur at 4-8 o'clock in the morning.

Bottle-fed babies can continue to be fed an adapted formula, offering it in two feedings (first and before bedtime). If necessary, the mixture can already be canceled by offering the baby porridge for breakfast and replacing the mixture with a fermented milk drink before going to bed.

Spices, herbs, salt, and some types of sweets (marshmallow, marshmallow) appear in the diet of a one-year-old child. It is still early for such children to get acquainted with fried foods, sausages and hot dogs, smoked meats, fatty meats, exotic fruits, mushrooms and chocolate.

It is best to feed the little one with homemade fresh food, but you can also offer the baby ready-made baby food from trusted manufacturers. Read more about this in the article about the menu for a child at 1 year old.

Typical day

The days with a one-year-old toddler are full of discoveries and various interesting things. And in order for the baby's nervous system to develop normally, the baby slept and ate well, and the mother had time to do more, it is important to organize such a daily routine that will suit all family members. It will be different depending on the temperament and biorhythms of the baby, but as an example, we will give you one version of the daily routine of a one-year-old child. A day with a child aged 1 year can be like this:

Frequent problems

  1. Difficulty falling asleep. They are caused by high activity during the day, because a one-year-old child walks a lot. A daily repeating ritual to which the baby gets used to will help facilitate falling asleep of the crumbs. The purpose of its implementation is to set the child up for a night's rest.
  2. Falls. Almost no toddler can avoid them, since falling is an important part of learning to walk independently. When the child has fallen, do not rush to run up to him, but let the baby get up on its own. But be sure to help the baby if he can't get up, and also if the baby bumps and cries.
  3. First year crisis. At the age of 1 year, children have a difficult transitional moment, which is called the crisis of the first year. The toddler becomes stubborn, disobedient, refuses to help, behaves inconsistently, gets irritated, very whiny and touchy. Such behavior testifies to the formation of independence in the baby, his own will and a change in his attitude. It is important to remember that this is only a temporary change in the behavior of the baby.

Tips for parents

  • Many mothers consider the age of 1 year to be suitable for stopping breastfeeding, however, modern pediatricians note that breast milk, even after a year, remains a valuable food for a growing baby, therefore, the best age to stop breastfeeding is 1.5-2.5 years (even better 2 -2.5 years). In this case, parting with breast milk is easier for both the little one and the mother's breast. If the mother is still determined to complete the feeding, it is recommended to do this gradually, replacing the milk from the breast with another food.
  • If a baby at 1 year old has not yet uttered a word, this is not yet a reason to consult a doctor, but should cause more close attention of parents. Evaluate whether the baby communicates with adults enough (whether his passive vocabulary is being replenished), because if little is spoken with the baby, the development of his speech slows down. Also, for a more active development of speech, devote daily time to activities that will develop the motor skills of the baby's hands.

How to celebrate a birthday with the benefit of a child, see the video by M. L. Lazarev, an expert in musical development.

1. Instructions for the medical use of the medicine Kholisal®

There are contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

Watch the video: Baby Secrets: 1 Year Development Milestones (July 2024).