
Julia Bodnyak,

medical specialist

I am twice a mom. Having received a higher medical education, before the first decree, she managed to work in a polyclinic, undergo practice in the care and treatment of both very tiny newborn babies and adult children. The birth of my own children changed my way of life and showed how difficult it is for a newly-made mom to understand all the issues related to life after childbirth.

When my eldest son was born, I did not have access to the Internet, and I had to raise the baby under the attack of numerous advice from relatives. Like any young mother, I made a lot of mistakes. Even the education of a doctor did not always help, since many situations in the life of a tiny baby were far from those studied in pediatrics.

With the youngest daughter, many difficulties were avoided thanks to the accumulated experience, communication with other mothers and doctors, as well as the abundance of information on the Web. However, this abundance had to be filtered and rechecked.

For many years now I have been sharing my accumulated knowledge with other Internet users, writing articles, communicating on moms' forums. I like to systematize information and explain to young mothers important topics related to the development, growth and health of children in an accessible way.