
Publication in the media for teachers and educators

Why do teachers publish their materials in the media?

Through publications, the teacher increases his awareness and authority. Since their presence is one of the factors for the successful professional competence of a teacher, publications are an obligatory element of the portfolio required for certification.

Methodological materials are considered as the teacher's publications, including lecture notes, articles on the generalization of pedagogical experience, methodological recommendations and didactic materials.

Obtaining the highest qualification category is possible only if there is an author's methodology published in scientific and methodological or other publications. A certificate of the availability of such materials can be obtained from us by posting materials on our media. Print the certificate (color printer or photo paper) and attach it to your portfolio.

The portfolio is necessary not only for the assessment during the certification of a teacher, but also serves as the basis for assigning incentive payments during the transition to a new system of remuneration.

The more publications there are and the higher their quality is, the more likely it is that the certification will be successful.

Number of points for publications usually determined by Appendix No. 6 to the Administrative Regulations for organizing and conducting certification of teaching staff in your region and on average it is from 2 for a publication at the district level to 10 for a publication in the all-Russian and international media. Our media is international (distribution territory - the Russian Federation, foreign countries).

The publications demonstrate the experience and level of competence, therefore, they influence the authority, increase the teacher's recognition. In addition, sharing experiences is an important part of every teacher's job.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky pointed out that “... a teacher who is able to analyze his work becomes a strong and experienced teacher ... Basically, pedagogical work is close to scientific research. This closeness, kinship consists, first of all, in the analysis of facts and the need to anticipate. A teacher who knows how to penetrate mentally into the essence of facts, into the cause-and-effect relationships between them, prevents many difficulties and failures. "

When writing an article and other research activities, a deep analysis of the materials on the topic is required, which increases the professional level of the teacher. In addition, the creation of publications leads to the analysis of their work and the structuring of experience.

Publications and exchange of experience help teachers improve the level of their work, they are needed not only by novice teachers, but also by experienced ones. They also help to reduce the time spent preparing for lessons.

Where should you publish your materials?

Confirmation of the publication is possible both in print and in electronic media (in accordance with Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 N 2124-1 (as amended on May 1, 2019) "On the Mass Media"). The main criterion is the registration of the site with Roskomnadzor as a media outlet. In accordance with the certificate EL No. FS77-77297 dated December 25, 2019, our site is an international media (you can check the registration on the official website of Roskomnadzor. Editor-in-Chief - Vitaly Sergeevich Lazutin.

Watch the video: Copyright Basics for Teachers (July 2024).