
"Holosas" for children: instructions for use

If the child has problems evacuating bile from the liver, biliary tract, or gallbladder, the doctor will recommend a drug that has choleretic properties. Usually these are herbal preparations, which have a minimum of contraindications. Among them, "Holosas" is very famous. This drug receives a lot of good reviews from parents and doctors. It can be prescribed to children not only with cholecystitis, but also with liver damage and decreased immunity.

Release form and composition

"Holosas" is produced in the form of a thick dark brown fragrant liquid, which is usually sold in bottles of 140 or 300 grams, but may be in pharmacies and in packages of other sizes. The active component of this syrup is a 25% liquid rosehip extract. It is presented in 100 grams of medicine in an amount of 40 grams. The second and only additional ingredient of the drug is sugar. There are no other inactive substances in Holosas.

Operating principle

The remedy notes choleretic properties, which are given to the syrup by the flavonoids present in the rosehip. Taking medicine helps to restore normal bile flow, and also reduces the activity of inflammation in the gallbladder. In addition, "Holosas" restores hepatocytes and supports their functions, which contributes to the treatment of hepatitis and prevents the development of a chronic process.

The drug also has properties to stimulate intestinal motility and normalize immunity - this therapeutic effect is due to the high content of vitamin C and other active natural substances.


"Holosas" can be prescribed to children with inflammation of the gallbladder, if there are no calculi, as well as with cholangitis. Besides, the drug is in demand for the treatment of hepatitis and helps to eliminate liver damage under the influence of drugs or toxins.

A syrup can also be prescribed for general strengthening of the body, because it is a good source of ascorbic acid and other active natural compounds.

At what age is it prescribed?

In the annotation to "Holosas" you can see that such a syrup is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. This limitation applies primarily to the self-administration of the drug by young patients. Doctors can prescribe "Holosas" and younger patients, if there are indications for this.

According to doctors, it is permissible to use the drug from the age of 3, but such a remedy should be drunk at 3-4 years or later only after consulting a specialist. As for young children, they are usually not prescribed "Holosas" because of the increased risk of allergy to its components. For this reason small patients at 1 or 2 years old should, together with the doctor, choose another choleretic drug that is approved for their age.


Treatment with "Holosas" is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the syrup, as well as in hereditary diseases that affect the absorption of carbohydrates. If a child has diabetes mellitus, the question of using the medication is decided individually. With a high risk of allergies, the medication should be used with increased caution.

Side effects

Reception of "Holosas" can become cause of an allergic reaction, because it is based on plant materials. Another unpleasant side effect of syrup is heartburn. If this symptom manifests itself soon after admission, treatment will have to be abandoned.

How to use?

Instructions for use states that "Holosas" is taken orally half an hour before meals. Depending on the reason for the appointment the remedy should be given to the child twice or thrice during the day.

The dosage is determined by the age of the little patient.

If the child is over 12 years old, then a teaspoon of syrup will be a single dose for him. For younger patients, the doctor determines the required amount of syrup for an appointment, for example, prescribes drinking "Holosas" in 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon. The course of drug treatment usually lasts several weeks, and is also indicated by a specialist.

Terms of sale and storage

Purchase of "Holosas" in pharmacies is possible without a prescription. The average price of a small bottle of syrup is 70-80 rubles, a bottle with 300 g of medicine costs about 120 rubles. Store the drug at home at temperatures up to +15 degrees Celsius. Since the medication is sweet, it is important to place it out of the reach of babies. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. If the date printed on the bottle (month and year) has passed, you should refuse to use such a tool.


There are mostly good reviews about the use of "Holosas" in childhood. One of the main advantages of the drug is called it tastes good so kids can drink it without any problems. In addition, the pluses of "Holosas" include natural basis, affordable price, effective stimulation of the outflow of bile and the work of the digestive system, as well as a positive effect on immunity.

Among the disadvantages of the drug indicate the risk of developing allergic reactions.


In the pharmacy you can find analogues of "Holosas" for the active ingredient. These are “Rosehip syrup with vitamin C” and “Holos” syrup. They have the same therapeutic effect and are used for the same indications. In addition, if it is necessary to replace "Holosas" with another drug with a choleretic effect, the doctor can prescribe similar drugs.

  • "Hofitol"... This medicine is made from artichoke leaves. In the form of a solution, it is used even in infants, and in tablets it is prescribed from the age of 6.
  • Flamin. The children's form of this drug (granules that are mixed with water to obtain a suspension) can be used from 1 month. It is based on flavonoids obtained from immortelle flowers.
  • "Allohol"... Such tablets work thanks to extracts of nettle and garlic, to which activated charcoal and dried bile have been added. The drug is used in pediatrics from the age of 7.
  • "Tykveol"... This pumpkin seed oil product comes in several forms. Children can take it from 12 years old.