
"Anvimax" for children: instructions for use

To get rid of the symptoms of colds and flu, multicomponent remedies are often used. They help to quickly eliminate high fever, sore throat, body aches, chills and other ailments. However, not all of these drugs can be used in childhood. One of the drugs requiring increased caution is AnviMax.

Features of the drug

The line of products called "AnviMax" includes several drugs at once.

  • Sachet with powder. After diluting the powder, a lemon, raspberry, blackcurrant or cranberry drink is obtained. According to the manufacturer's instructions, each sachet provides 360 mg of paracetamol and 300 mg of ascorbic acid, supplemented with 100 mg of calcium gluconate, 20 mg of rutoside, and 50 mg of rimantadine.
  • Capsules. The packaging of such "AnviMax" includes two types of capsules. The blue capsule contains paracetamol in a dose of 360 mg, and the red capsules contain a whole complex of active substances. Like the powder form, these capsules include calcium gluconate, rutoside, vitamin C and rimantadine (dosages per capsule are the same as in 1 serving sachet), but 3 mg of loratadine was also added to them.
  • Effervescent tablets. The composition of this type of "AnviMax" is completely identical to the composition of the capsules. Throwing such a pill into a glass of water, you get a raspberry or cranberry drink, which must be taken 2-3 times a day.

Principle of operation and indications

The active substances present in AnviMax are capable of:

  • reduce pain;
  • reduce body temperature with fever;
  • stimulate the production of interferon;
  • increase capillary permeability;
  • destroy influenza A viruses;
  • prevent vascular permeability and fragility;
  • maintain blood clotting;
  • eliminate tissue swelling.

All these therapeutic effects are especially relevant for the flu or any other viral infections that occur with high fever, swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, muscle pain and other symptoms. That is why AnviMax is used at the first symptoms of colds and ARVI.

Is it prescribed in childhood?

The list of contraindications for all types of "AnviMax" indicates the age of up to 18 years, therefore, children should not be given powder, tablets or capsules... Such restrictions are associated primarily with high dosages of active substances, which can provoke many side effects in young patients. Among them are dry mouth, drowsiness, headaches, loose stools, allergic rashes, changes in blood composition and other disorders.

In addition, for the use of "AnviMax" there is still many contraindications, for example, diseases of the digestive tract, kidney pathology, lack of lactase, hemorrhagic diathesis, and so on. Precisely because treatment with any of the products of such a line in childhood is prohibited.

If a child complains of chills, pains, muscle aches, fever, sore throat and other uncomfortable symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor and pick up an analogue approved by age with him.

What can be replaced?

Nowadays, pharmaceutical companies offer a fairly large range of combined products that can replace AnviMax. They will help out if the patient is not yet 18 years old, for example, if a 7-year-old child or a toddler is sick at the age of three. Among them are a number of drugs.

  • Coldrex Junior... It is intended to combat nasal congestion, headache, fever and sore throat. It is available in portioned sachets containing 300 mg of paracetamol, 5 mg of phenylephrine and 20 mg of vitamin C. The agent is prescribed for patients over 6 years of age, one sachet every 4 hours.

  • Fervex for Children. This medicine is also presented in portioned sachets, each of which is a source of 280 mg of paracetamol, 0.01 g of pheniramine and 0.1 g of ascorbic acid. Like Coldrex Junior, it is prescribed from the age of 6 for rhinitis and fever.

  • "Maxicold". The composition of such a powder and tablets is the same as that of Coldrex Junior, but the dosage of active substances is slightly higher, therefore the solid form is allowed from the age of 9, and the drink from the powder is only from the age of 12. Separately produced "Maxicold for children", represented by a suspension based on ibuprofen. It can be used for fever and pain from 3 months of age. In addition, there is the "Maxicold Rino" remedy, which differs from the usual "Maxicold" by the presence of the fourth active substance - pheniramine. These sachets can be used in children from 12 years of age.

  • "AntiFlu Kids"... This powder is dissolved to obtain a pink liquid with a raspberry smell. The drug includes paracetamol at a dosage of 160 mg and chlorphenamine maleate in an amount of 1 mg. The third active substance is 50 mg of ascorbic acid. The remedy is prescribed for children over two years old, 1-2 sachets per appointment, depending on age.

Its analogue is Antigrippin powder, but due to higher doses it is shown only from the age of 15.

  • "Vicks AntiGripp Complex". This combination powder contains paracetamol, phenylephrine and guaifenesin, so it is effective for headaches, coughs, muscle pains, chills and other signs of acute respiratory infections. The medication is approved for patients over 12 years of age.

These and other multicomponent drugs act on several symptoms of the disease at once, but their use in children requires caution, because it is not known how the baby can react to this or that ingredient. Any of these drugs is recommended to be given to the child only after a doctor's examination.