
"Polygynax" during pregnancy: instructions for use

While waiting for a child, a woman often encounters thrush and an infectious lesion of the vagina, because the immune system during this period does not "work" in full force. For the treatment of vaginitis and candidiasis, local agents are usually used, which are inserted into the vagina. For example, a doctor may prescribe a mother-to-be "Polygynax"... We will analyze the reasons for the appointment of such candles, the permissibility of their use in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, instructions for use and a review of reviews.

Features of the drug

Polygynax is combined antibacterial agent, since it contains three substances with antimicrobial activity at once. The medication is not produced in suppositories, but in the form of vaginal capsules. They have a soft gelatinous shell of beige or yellow color. The capsules themselves are oval, packed in 6 pieces in one blister and are sold in 1 or 2 blisters in one pack.

The oily content of one capsule contains 35 thousand IU of polymyxin B and neomycin (both substances are in the form of sulfate), as well as 100 thousand IU of nystatin.

Among the auxiliary components of the drug, in addition to gelatin, there are also dimethicone 1000, tefos 63, glycerol and soybean oil. To buy a medicine at a pharmacy, you must present a prescription from a doctor. It is recommended to store Polygynax at home at temperatures no higher than +25 degrees for up to 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Operating principle

The components of "Polygynax" are capable of destroying bacteria and fungi. Thanks to neomycin and polymyxin B, capsules effectively fight against many gram-negative microbes and a number of gram-positive bacteria, with the exception of streptococci and anaerobic pathogens. The inclusion of nystatin in the composition allows the drug to act on candida. After the capsule dissolves, the ingredients are evenly distributed over the mucous membrane, as a result of which microorganisms sensitive to them die, the inflammatory process begins to subside, and the tissues are restored.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

The active substances of "Polygynax" have mainly a local effect, not penetrating into the blood, however The 1st trimester of pregnancy is included in the list of contraindications for such capsules. While the most important organs of the fetus are being formed, doctors do not want to take risks, therefore they refuse to use "Polygynax" at an early date, preferring to prescribe this remedy not earlier than the 14th week.

Such precautions are due to the presence in the composition of the drug of substances that are unsafe for babies - neomycin and polymyxin. Because of them, in the second or third trimesters, treatment with capsules also requires medical supervision. In no case should you buy Polygynax and install it yourself... The course of treatment with such a remedy should be prescribed by a doctor after a smear on the flora.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

One of the most frequent indications for the use of "Polygynax" during the period of bearing a child is candidiasis... Pathogenic fungi not only cause an inflammatory process that brings a woman severe discomfort, but also threaten the baby if he passes through the birth canal affected by candida.

Thrush is diagnosed in a large percentage of expectant mothers, which is associated with a decrease in the defenses of the female body, hormonal changes, changes in diet and many other factors. The infection is manifested by itching, redness and whitish discharge, which cause a lot of discomfort to the pregnant woman.

To quickly and effectively get rid of the disease, doctors decide to use local antifungal agents, including Polygynax.

The drug is no less in demand when nonspecific vaginitis and vulvovaginitis provoked by bacteriaand also for inflammation of the cervix. A good effect is given by treatment with "Polygynax" and in case of mixed infection, if fungi join the microbes or the disease has caused several pathogenic microorganisms.

Since treatment with capsules is contraindicated in the first weeks of pregnancy, gynecological infections should be treated before planning conception. If there is a likelihood of pregnancy, then it is impossible to put Polygynax before the delay. In such a situation, it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe a drug that is safe to take in the 1st trimester.

Before childbirth, a medication can be prescribed to normalize the flora of the vagina and reduce the risk of infection of the baby... Such use of "Polygynax" is called by the physicians vaginal sanitation. It is carried out both when detecting dangerous microorganisms in a smear, and for preventive purposes, if the woman's analysis is normal, but doctors are still afraid of a possible threat of infection.

Contraindications and side effects

In addition to the first trimester of pregnancy, Polygynax also do not use in patients with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the capsules. There are no other contraindications for such a drug in the annotation.

After the introduction of the capsule, local irritation, itching, burning and symptoms of an allergic reaction may occur. With such phenomena, a doctor's consultation is needed to select another remedy that the expectant mother will take normally.

Instructions for use

Before using the medicine, a woman needs to lie down, spread her legs and carefully insert the capsule as deep as possible into the vagina. So that the components of the product have the maximum long-term effect, after the introduction of "Polygynax" it is necessary to remain in the supine position, therefore, the medication is usually put at night. If the patient accidentally forgot to insert the capsule, the treatment continues the next day at the usual dosage.

The duration of the use of the drug depends primarily on the indications, but the doctor may take into account other factors.

If "Polygynax" was discharged for therapeutic purposes, then the course of use can be from 6 to 12 days. For prevention, a six-day course is often sufficient.


There are mostly positive reviews about the use of "Polygynax" while waiting for a child, confirming the effectiveness of this drug in infectious and fungal infections of the female genital organs. Women who used the capsules under the supervision of a physician noted that they helped to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms and eliminate discomfort. Adverse reactions to Polygynax were rare.


In addition to the usual "Polygynax", you can find a drug in pharmacies called "Polygynax Virgo" with exactly the same composition. The indications for the use of "Polygynax Virgo" are the same as for the vaginal capsules "Polygynax". During pregnancy, the drug is used only under medical supervision.

Its main differences are its appearance and method of application. The medicine is represented by oval capsules, one end of which is slightly elongated and pointed. Before using the medication, this end must be cut, after which the capsule must be inserted into the vagina and slightly pressed so that the oily contents fall on the mucous membrane. The capsule is then discarded.

Other intravaginal agents can also replace "Polygynax".

  • "Pimafucin"... The effect of such suppositories on candida is due to natamycin. The remedy is in demand for thrush during pregnancy, as it is considered safe for the fetus and is prescribed even in the early stages.

  • "Hexicon"... The active substance of such a drug is the antiseptic chlorhexidine bigluconate. The medication is available in suppositories and vaginal tablets. It is used for bacterial lesions of the vagina, as well as for genital herpes, chlamydia and ureaplasmosis. It is allowed at any stage of pregnancy.

  • "Terzhinan"... Unlike previous products, such an analogue is similar to Polygynax in its composition, because it also includes nystatin and neomycin, but in addition to these substances, the tablets also contain ternidazole and prednisolone. The drug is effective against many bacteria. It is contraindicated in the first trimester, but can be prescribed for vaginitis in 2-3 trimesters, as well as for prophylactic purposes before childbirth.

Let us emphasize once again that the question of using "Polygynax", as well as the choice of its analogue, should be solved together with the doctor who is observing the pregnant woman.

It is important for the expectant mother to monitor her own health and, if any alarming symptoms appear, immediately consult a specialist. After examining and passing the smear, the doctor will evaluate all the collected data and prescribe the necessary remedy.

Self-medication for vaginal inflammation is not only useless, but also harmful, because an untreated infection can harm the baby, and microorganisms can acquire resistance to antibiotics, which is why you will have to resort to more "strong" means, among the side effects of which are bleeding, increased uterine tone and other dangerous phenomena.

See below for the doctor's comments on Polygynax.

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