
"Chlorophyllipt" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Pregnancy is a serious test for the body of any woman, so ailments and diseases during this period are not uncommon. Since it is important not to harm the fetus during treatment, doctors often resort to herbal preparations, for example, they are prescribed to expectant mothers Chlorophyllipt.

Such a medicine is in demand for various diseases, including stomatitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis and many others. However, before using it while carrying a baby, be sure to read the instructions for use, and also check with your doctor the dosage of "Chlorophyllipt" and other nuances, for example, can they gargle for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Features of the drug

Chlorophyllipt is sold in pharmacies without a prescription in several dosage forms. One of the most popular is alcohol-based solution... The active component of such a solution is 1% extract of spherical eucalyptus leaves, supplemented with 96% ethyl alcohol. The drug is sold in glass bottles containing from 25 to 100 ml of green transparent liquid.

No less popular version of "Chlorophyllipt" is oil solution. It is also a dark green transparent liquid, but with an oily texture.

It can be purchased in 20-30 ml glass bottles. This preparation contains 2% eucalyptus extract, to which sunflower or corn oil is added.

In addition to solutions, "Chlorophyllipt" is also produced in pillsto dissolve. They have a green color, pronounced aroma and a round shape. Such a product is sold from 20 to 50 tablets in a pack, packed in blisters of 10 pieces. Each of them contains 25 mg of eucalyptus extract, and the auxiliary ingredients of the solid version of "Chlorophyllipt" are sugar, citric acid, calcium stearate and MCC.

There is also the fourth form of the drug, which is very convenient to spray on the mucous membrane or skin... This is a spray that contains eucalyptus extract, polysorbate, glycerin and some other substances. One can contains 15-45 ml of solution. A special spray bottle is put on the bottle before use. The Vialine spray additionally contains other plant extracts.

Operating principle

Eucalyptus leaf extract, present in any form of "Chlorophyllipt", has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. It contains various minerals, phytoncides, essential oils, chlorophylls and other compounds that can destroy pathogenic bacteria. They have high activity against staphylococci and many other microorganisms.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

Since the basis of "Chlorophyllipt" are natural substances, many women consider this remedy safe, but you should not rush to use it. In the instructions for all forms of the drug there is a note that during pregnancy, its use is permissible only after consulting a doctor. The specialist must examine the expectant mother, confirm the need for treatment, and then choose the appropriate form and regimen.

Usually, while carrying a child, liquid versions of "Chlorophyllipt" are used, since their action is predominantly local... As for the pills, they try not to prescribe this form to pregnant women, since when absorbed, some of the drug enters the body, which is undesirable, because serious studies confirming the safety of "Chlorophyllipt" for the fetus when taken orally have not been carried out.

It is also recommended to refuse the use of sprays, because they contain additional active and auxiliary substances that can affect the female body.

The risk of side effects in the treatment of "Chlorophyllipt" in the form of a spray is increased, therefore, in most cases, doctors are limited to the appointment of an oil or alcohol solution due to their simpler composition.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

One of the most common reasons for the use of "Chlorophyllipt" during pregnancy are throat and mouth infections. The drug is prescribed for colds, SARS, sore throat, laryngitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis and similar problems. For throat diseases, "Chlorophyllipt" helps to reduce pain and redness, helps to eliminate cough and other signs of inflammation.

It is no less in demand for local treatment of scratches, minor burns, minor wounds, abrasions, and insect bites. Treatment with the drug accelerates the healing of small damaged skin areas. Gynecologists also prescribe an oil solution for inflammatory diseases of the cervix and vagina. The remedy is used for erosion, colpitis or vaginitis.


Any type of "Chlorophyllipt" prohibited for persons with hypersensitivity to eucalyptus. Certain forms of the drug are not prescribed for intolerance to their auxiliary ingredients, for example, tablets are not used for disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.

Side effects

Since the main ingredient of "Chlorophyllipt" is an extract from a plant, such a remedy may cause allergic reaction.

It is manifested by swelling, rash, redness, itching, and other signs of allergies.

If a woman uses "Chlorophyllipt" for the first time, then to eliminate the negative impact it is recommended to test for sensitivityfor example, lubricate a small area of ​​skin with the solution.

Instructions for use

In case of inflammation or damage to the skin, "Chlorophyllipt" is used topically... The alcohol solution is applied to a cotton pad, and then wipe the desired areas up to 4 times a day. If a spray is used, the medication is applied to a gauze swab and then applied to the affected areas twice a day for 15-20 minutes.

If a woman has an inflammation of the oral mucosa, the treatment is carried out pointwise. For it, an oil-based product is usually used, which is applied only to the affected areas. If "Chlorophyllipt" is prescribed for a cold, then the oil solution is dripped into the nose after preliminary cleaning of the nasal passages. A single dosage and duration of use is determined by the ENT doctor.

For throat ailments "Chlorophyllipt" can be used in several ways, taking into account the chosen form of medicine.

  1. An alcoholic solution is usually used to gargle. The procedure is performed after meals 3-4 times during the day. For her, the amount of medicine recommended by the doctor is stirred in a glass of water, after which they begin to rinse.
  2. An oil-based solution is used to lubricate the sore throat. The mucous membrane is smeared with a cotton flag dipped in the preparation twice a day. After processing, they do not eat or drink anything for 30 minutes.

If a spray is used, then such "Chlorophyllipt" irrigate the throat from one to 4 times a day. Aiming the spray nozzle directly at the throat tissue, press the valve 2 times. After that, refrain from eating and drinking for at least 20 minutes.

For some patients, the doctor may recommend doing inhalation with "Chlorophyllipt". Such procedures are carried out with an alcohol solution. It is diluted with saline and then placed in the nebulizer chamber. The amount of the drug, the proportion for dilution, the duration of the procedures and their frequency should be checked with the attending physician.


From women who had to be treated with Chlorophyllipt during pregnancy, the drug receives mostly good reviews. Among its main advantages are a minimum of contraindications, a plant base and a quick healing effect. TO advantages funds also include a variety of dosage forms and a wide range of indications. Among consmentioned in the reviews, you can usually see the risk of allergies and not too pleasant taste.


If necessary, choose a medicine that can replace Chlorophyllipt, the doctor may recommend one of the analogues.

  • Miramistin. This liquid antiseptic is used for various indications. It, like "Chlorophyllipt", is used for gargling, dripping into the nose, inhalation and douching. The drug is considered safe for pregnant women and is prescribed for any period.

  • "Tantum Verde"... Such a medication with an anti-inflammatory effect is released in the form of a solution, lozenges for resorption and a metered spray. The remedy can be prescribed in 2-3 trimesters for stomatitis, angina, glossitis, pharyngitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx.

  • "Lizobakt". These tablets are harmless to the fetus and are often used if the expectant mother has been diagnosed with tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis or pharyngitis. They dissolve slowly with sore throat and inflammation in the mouth.

  • "Pinosol". This drug can be used instead of "Chlorophyllipt" for a cold. It is sold as drops, nasal ointment and spray. It has a plant base, decongestant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The medication can be prescribed for pregnant women at any time.

For more details about Chlorophyllipt, see below.