
"Magnelis B6" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Modern women often experience a lack of certain vitamins and mineral salts, and during the gestation period, the deficiency can worsen, which poses a danger to both the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. Among the substances that are especially important for the normal state of the expectant mother are magnesium and vitamin B6.

Both of them are part of a drug called Magnelis B6. Before you start taking it, it is important to read the instructions for use and the review of reviews in order to find out in more detail how it is useful, why such a medication is prescribed to pregnant women, how to take it, and what dosage should be used.

Features of the drug

Magnelis B6 is sold over-the-counter in pharmacies only in pill form. They have a round, convex shape on both sides, a white-gray dense shell and a white core. Each such tablet contains 470 mg magnesium lactate, from which the patient receives 48 mg of pure magnesium.

The second active ingredient of the drug is pyridoxine hydrochloride, also called vitamin B6 - is presented in a dosage of 5 mg per tablet. Auxiliary components of the product are acacia gum, talc, sugar, povidone and some other compounds. The tablets are sold in blisters or polymer jars. One package contains from 30 to 120 pieces.

A separate drug is produced, which is called "Magnelis B6 Forte". These are also white-coated tablets, but they have a convex oblong shape.

They include pyridoxine dosage doubled (the ingredient is represented by a dose of 10 mg per tablet), and the magnesium lactate is replaced with citrate in such an amount that the content of magnesium ions in each tablet is 100 mg.

Inactive substances of the drug "Forte" are represented by macrogol, crospovidone, lactose, titanium dioxide and other components noted in the annotation. The tablets are sold over the counter in blisters of 10. One package of Magnelis B6 Forte contains 30, 60 or 90 tablets.

Operating principle

Magnesium, which is the main ingredient in both Magnelis B6 and Forte tablets, has many different functions in the body.... Without this element, normal development and functioning of cells is impossible. Magnesium takes part in a variety of metabolic reactions, it is necessary for the contraction of muscle fibers and the transmission of impulses through nerve cells. It prevents heart rhythm disturbances, smooth muscle spasms and thrombosis. This element also affects mood and night sleep.

Adding pyridoxine to tablets helps magnesium to be absorbed faster from the digestive tract, and also easier to penetrate into tissues and organs. This vitamin has an effect on various metabolic processes, including the reactions in the nervous and muscle tissues, which enhances the positive effects of magnesium. From the drug taken orally, magnesium is absorbed by about 50%. Excretion of the active substances "Magnelis B6" occurs mainly in the urine.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

In the paper annotation to the tablets, the manufacturer Magnelis B6 notes that during the clinical use of this drug, neither teratogenic nor fetotoxic effects were found. It means that the drug does not harm the development of the embryo and the growth of the fetus, does not provoke dangerous malformations and does not cause abortion.

However, this does not mean at all that such pills can be used uncontrollably and on their own initiative. Their use during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimesters must be monitored by a doctor, as should the intake of any other mineral or vitamin preparations.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The main reason to prescribe "Magnelis B6" to a woman in a position is a lack of magnesium or its prevention. The need for such an element during pregnancy increases significantly, so a deficiency is not uncommon. In addition, it can be caused by eating disorders, when the expectant mother does not receive the necessary amount of magnesium from food. In such situations, the doctor decides to increase the intake with the help of drugs, prescribing Magnelis B6 or its analogue.

If there is less magnesium in the body of a pregnant woman than is required, there are symptoms of a lack of it, such as severe irritability, stomach cramps, tachycardia, fatigue, muscle soreness and tingling, sleep disturbances, and so on.

A pregnant woman becomes whiny, lethargic, nervous, she has mood swings, muscle spasms appear, and sleep is disturbed.

In addition, with a deficiency of magnesium, the tone of the uterus may increase, therefore, Magnelis B6 is often prescribed to women in a position with hypertonicity, especially if such a condition is provoked by feelings and anxiety. The tablets are prescribed in combination with other drugs that relax the myometrium and improve the general condition of the pregnant woman. In some cases, to prevent problems in the early stages, "Magnelis B6" is prescribed even when planning conception.


Magnelis B6 is not used in case of hypersensitivity to magnesium, pyridoxine or any inactive ingredient of the tablets. The drug is contraindicated in phenylketonuria, and the presence of any kidney problems in the patient makes it necessary to approach treatment with such a drug with increased caution (it is important to prevent hypermagnesemia). Tablets marked "Forte" are additionally contraindicated in case of lactase deficiency, hereditary galactosemia or glucose-galactose malabsorption, since their composition includes milk sugar.

Side effects

Sometimes taking "Magnelis B6" can provoke negative symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract (for example, women complain that they are sick) or cause an allergic reaction. In such a situation, the use of the drug is discontinued, and an analogue is chosen instead, which the woman will tolerate without any side effects. As a result of taking Magnelis B6 Forte, diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, skin rash, abdominal pain or vomiting are also possible. With these or other negative reactions, the medication is immediately canceled.

Instructions for use

The daily dosage of "Magnelis B6" is set by the doctor for each expectant mother individually. In the annotation to the medicine, only the most common scheme of use is indicated, according to which adult patients should take from 6 to 8 tablets in 2-3 doses during the day.

It is recommended to swallow tablets during meals, drinking plenty of clean water. The duration of admission is specified with the attending physician, because for some pregnant women it will be enough to drink "Magnelis B6" for 1 month, while others are prescribed the remedy for a longer period.

The daily dosage of Forte is somewhat lower, because the amount of magnesium in it is increased. The medicine is swallowed whole with food and washed down with water.

Most often, the doctor recommends drinking 3-4 tablets per day. How long to take Magnelis B6 Forte is also important to ask your obstetrician-gynecologist.

It is also worth asking about compatibility of "Magnelis B6" and some other drugs that can be prescribed to pregnant women. First of all, we are talking about calcium - such an element when combined with magnesium is absorbed worse, therefore, you should not take calcium preparations with magnesium preparations at the same time. There are the same restrictions for iron supplements - when taking Magnelis B6, their absorption will deteriorate, which is important for expectant mothers who have iron deficiency anemia.


About the use of "Magnelis B6" while waiting for a baby are found mainly positive reviews. In them, women confirm the effectiveness of the remedy and note that the pills helped to reduce the tone of the uterus, remove irritability, improve sleep, calm down, and eliminate leg cramps. Many pregnant women emphasize that the drug did not work immediately, and its effect was cumulative. Most expectant mothers did not feel any side effects when using both the usual "Magnelis B6" and "Forte".


To replace Magnelis B6, the doctor may recommend one of the drugs with a similar composition and effect on the body.

  • Magne B6. This tool is represented by tablets with the same composition as Magnelis B6, but its price is slightly higher. In addition, Magne B6 is also produced in a solution that contains two forms of magnesium (pidolate and lactate), supplemented with pyridoxine at a dose of 10 mg. There is also Magne B6 Forte. Such coated tablets are capable of fully replacing Magnelis B6 Forte, since they have the same composition of active substances and their dosage. Both drugs are used during pregnancy as directed by a doctor.

  • Magnesium plus. The effect of such effervescent tablets is due to two forms of magnesium at once - lactate and carbonate. In addition, the drug includes pyridoxine, folic acid, and cyanocobalamin. It is often prescribed to expectant mothers to fill the lack of magnesium and B vitamins.

  • Magnistad... These enteric-coated tablets contain pyridoxine and magnesium lactate in the same doses as Magnelis B6. The remedy is allowed during pregnancy if prescribed by a doctor.

  • "Magnerot"... The active substance of these tablets is magnesium orotate at a dosage of 500 mg. The tool is in demand with a magnesium deficiency or a high risk of its development. It is not prohibited while carrying a child, but its reception should be carried out only as directed by a specialist.

There are also many dietary supplements based on magnesium, which have a similar action to "Magnelis B6", however, such drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, because their effect on the fetus has not been studied. It is especially dangerous to use them without a doctor's prescription in the early stages.

For the application of Magnelis B6, see below.

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