
"Terzhinan" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Weakening of the defenses, which is often observed in pregnant women, increases the risk of infectious diseases, including in the genital area. If any gynecological problems appear while carrying a baby, an effective, but at the same time, harmless drug is needed. Doctors call one of them "Terzhinan", but the use of this remedy during pregnancy has some limitations.

Features of the drug

Terginan is produced in France in the form of oblong flat tablets intended for insertion into the vagina... They are light yellow in color, with the letter "T" embossed on both sides. Tablets are sold packed in strips of 6 or 10.

To buy a medication, you must first obtain a prescription from a doctor. The average price of 6 tablets is 400 rubles, 10 tablets - 550 rubles.

By its composition "Terzhinan" is a complex remedy, because it contains several active ingredients at once. Each tablet contains 200 mg of ternidazole, 100 mg of neomycin sulfate, 100,000 IU of nystatin and 3 mg of prednisolone. Additionally, the preparation contains substances that give the tablets their shape - starch, lactose, silicon dioxide and others.

Operating principle

The effectiveness of "Terzhinan" in relation to a large list of microorganisms is due to its multicomponent composition... Thanks to nystatin, known for its antifungal action, the drug destroys disease-causing yeasts. It affects the permeability of candida membranes, which affects the growth of pathogenic fungi and gradually reduces their number.

Due to ternidazole tablets help fight fungi, Trichomonas and many anaerobic bacteria, including gardnerella. Such a compound destroys the cell membranes of the pathogen, changes their structure and properties, which leads to the death of the infectious agent.

The second antibacterial substance is neomycin - refers to antibiotics-aminoglycosides. It has a bactericidal effect against staphylococci, shigella, proteus, Escherichia coli and many other microbes. The inclusion of prednisolone in the composition has an additional effect on the inflammatory process, since it is a glucocorticoid hormone with pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

Although "Terzhinan" is called an effective drug, this drug does not belong to absolutely safe means. Many expectant mothers, seeing antibacterial components in the list of active substances, begin to worry - and not without reason. Indeed, the use of "Terzhinan" in the early stages can be dangerous, therefore 1 trimester is noted in the annotation to the tablets in the list of contraindications.

A period of up to 12 weeks is the most important in the development of the embryo, therefore, it is advised to refuse the use of most drugs during this period. This also applies to Terzhinan.

If unpleasant symptoms arise at this time, and treatment cannot be postponed, they resort to more studied and less harmful medicines.

In 2-3 trimesters pills are not prohibited, but you cannot put them in the vagina on your own initiative without receiving a doctor's prescription. In case of an inflammatory process, the specialist will first make sure whether it is really worth prescribing Terzhinan for a woman, and only after that, treatment can begin.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The drug is used for vaginitis if it is caused by microorganisms with high sensitivity to Terzhinan. The drug is prescribed for women with bacterial vaginosis, vaginal trichomoniasis and candidal vaginitis. The drug is also used for mixed genital tract infection, when the disease is caused by several pathogens at once.

Such problems are often manifested in pregnant women, which is associated with a change in the sensitivity and composition of the microflora. A woman's reproductive tract can become infected with both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, and a group of infectious agents acting together.

When the normal flora of the vagina is replaced by such microorganisms, uncomfortable symptoms occur - itching in the perineum, discomfort during intercourse, burning sensation during urination, pain in the lower abdomen, leucorrhoea, and so on.

"Terzhinan" in a short time allows you to alleviate the condition of a woman and destroy the cause of the infection, preventing further spread of the pathogen.

Since the drug is prohibited in the early stages, it is worth treating possible problems in gynecology at the stage of pregnancy planning. If a woman suspects that she is pregnant, then until the delay, Terzhinan should not be used. It is best to consult a doctor and choose a medication that is safe in the 1st trimester.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, "Terzhinan" can be used as a prophylactic agent that reduces the risk of complications during childbirth. Some doctors prescribe it even in the absence of complaints and normal test results (clean smear, white blood cells are normal), to play it safe. This treatment is called the debridement of the birth canal. It is aimed at protecting the fetus while moving through the maternal genital organs.


In addition to 1 trimester of pregnancy, "Terzhinan" is also not prescribed in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug... Due to the predominantly local effect, the manufacturer does not note other contraindications for the use of such tablets.

Side effects

Individual women may experience an individual negative reaction to pills in the form of a burning sensation, as well as itching and redness of the tissues of the vagina. With such symptoms, you need to stop further use of the drug and inform your doctor about the side effect in order to replace Terzhinan with an analogue to which there will be no intolerance reaction.

In most cases, a light yellow discharge also appears during treatment. Usually the discharge after the introduction of "Terzhinan" is not too abundant.

Most of the medication is absorbed by the mucous membrane, but a certain amount is still excreted, as in the treatment of almost any intravaginal agent (tablets, capsules, suppositories).

Overdose when using "Terzhinan" is unlikely, because the dose of active substances in one tablet is limited. In addition, the action of the drug ingredients is local, and they do not enter the bloodstream. As for incompatibility with other drugs, it was not found, however, between the use of several intravaginal drugs, doctors advise taking breaks of several hours.

Instructions for use

Dosage and treatment regimen "Terzhinan" during pregnancy should be clarified with your obstetrician-gynecologist, but most often the agent is injected into the vagina once a day, and the duration of the course of treatment is 6-10 days. A single dose of the medication is one tablet.

It is best to insert it in the evening before going to bed. In this case, the components of the drug will be better absorbed into the tissues of the vagina, and not flow out during movements. If a woman decides to inject "Terzhinan" at another time, for example, in the morning, then after the drug enters the vagina, it will be correct to lie down for at least 10 minutes.

So that the tablet softens faster and does not cause discomfort after insertion, it is recommended to place it in warm water for 20-30 seconds, and only then gently insert it into the vagina with your fingers.

It is important to note that during the period of treatment, sexual intercourse should be stopped, and it is also advisable to examine and treat the woman's sexual partner in order to reduce the risk of recurrence of the infection.


In most cases, women who used Terzhinan while expecting a baby speak positively about it.

They confirm the effectiveness of the drug, which can be seen after the introduction of the first tablet.

TO cons the drug includes a high price, a ban for early terms and the process of use (putting pills is not very convenient). At the same time, according to pregnant women, side effects are extremely rare.


If it is necessary to use another medicine instead of Terzhinan, the doctor may recommend one of the remedies with a similar effect.

  • "Polygynax"... These vaginal capsules contain nystatin supplemented with two antibacterial compounds. The drug is prescribed for women with cervicitis, vulvitis, or vaginitis. It is often used before childbirth for prophylaxis, however, at the very beginning of pregnancy (in the 1st trimester), "Polygynax" is contraindicated, since it can be dangerous for the embryo in the first weeks of development.

  • "Hexicon". This medicine, produced in the form of vaginal tablets and vaginal suppositories, contains chlorhexidine bigluconate, therefore it has an antiseptic effect on various types of bacteria. In addition, it is prescribed for ureaplasmosis and women who have chlamydia, genital herpes, or syphilis. The drug is used in pregnant women at any time of bearing a child.

  • Fluomisin... These antiseptic vaginal tablets are in demand for vaginitis and colpitis. Their active substance - dequalinium chloride - affects many microorganisms. The medication is used in pregnant women according to indications at any gestational age.

  • "Pimafucin". Such suppositories based on natamycin effectively fight candida, therefore, the drug is prescribed to expectant mothers who have been diagnosed with thrush. The tool can be used both at a later date and in the 1st trimester.

It is important to note that there are medicines that have a similar effect to Terzhinan, but they are contraindicated during pregnancy (Elzhina, Vagisept).

And therefore, a woman in a position with the appearance of burning sensation, discharge, redness and other symptoms of inflammation of the genital organs should not self-medicate, but immediately consult a gynecologist. The specialist will assess the clinical picture, take into account the test results and gestational age, and then prescribe the optimal drug.

About the drug Terzhinan, see below.