
"Prajisan" during pregnancy: instructions for use

"Prajisan" refers to hormonal drugs required for infertility. Such a drug can also be prescribed to pregnant women, which raises many questions for expectant mothers. We will analyze what it is used for during pregnancy, how to take this remedy and what side effects it can provoke.

Features of the drug

Prajisan comes in two forms - capsules and vaginal gel. Both versions of the drug contain progesterone as an active substance. Its dosage in capsules is 100 mg and 200 mg, in 1 gram of gel - 80 mg. The capsules are oval in shape and light yellow in color.

They are made of gelatin and contain an oily, whitish suspension.

Capsules produced in packaged 10 pieces in a blister, 1-3 blisters in one carton box. Gel Prajisan is a soft homogeneous white mass packaged in a disposable applicator. Both forms of the drug are sold by prescription in pharmacies to ensure that they are not used without a prescription.

Operating principle

Because the active substance Prajisana is a natural progesterone, then it can replace this hormone, performing all its functions. Under the influence of progesterone, the lining of the uterus changes, as a result of which it accepts a fertilized egg without problems at the beginning of pregnancy. In addition, such a hormone is able to reduce the excitability and activity of the fallopian tubes and myometrium, which reduces the risk of rejection of the ovum.

He also changes the metabolic processes in the female body, so that as a result, the expectant mother can bear the baby normally. In list action of progesterone and preparation of the mammary glands... This hormone stimulates the development of the milk ducts, which ensures successful breastfeeding after childbirth.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

The use of "Prajisan" while carrying a child is permissible at any time. Many doctors prescribe this medication even before conception to support the luteal phase, for example, if a woman has too low natural progesterone levels, because of which pregnancy does not occur or ends in an early miscarriage.

In this case, the use of the drug is mandatory controlled by a gynecologist... It is unacceptable to use capsules or gel on your own initiative.

The specialist must examine the patient, make sure that there is a deficiency of progesterone, and only then decide on the appointment of Prajisan.

In the early stages they mainly use a gel, since it acts faster, and taking drugs by mouth in the 1st trimester is often impossible due to severe toxicosis. The medication eliminates hypertonicity and reduces the risk of miscarriage if it is caused by low progesterone. At the same time, the active substance Prajisana does not harm the fetus.

Capsules are more in demand in 2-3 trimesters. In the second trimester they are used in situations where the placenta cannot cope with the production of progesterone. In addition, during this period, women who have had IVF or were diagnosed with cervical insufficiency continue to receive the drug.

In the third trimester "Prajisan" is prescribed for women who are at risk of preterm birth. For example, the medicine is indicated when the fetus is too low and the cervix is ​​softened ahead of time. In this case, the decision on the appointment of the hormone for each patient is made by the doctor individually. Capsules are used mainly in dangerous situations when treatment will be more beneficial than no treatment.


The use of Prajisan is prohibited when:

  • high risk of thrombosis, thromboembolism or thrombophlebitis (even if these pathologies were in the past);
  • bleeding from the vagina, if its cause has not yet been clarified;
  • incomplete miscarriage;
  • suspicion of tumors of the mammary glands or genitals, as well as when they are detected;
  • porphyria;
  • hepatitis and other serious liver disease;
  • hypersensitivity to the active or auxiliary component of the drug.

In addition, there are many other health problems in which treatment with Prajisan requires caution, such as kidney failure, bronchial asthma or diabetes mellitus.

If the expectant mother has any concomitant diseases this is certainly taken into account when prescribing hormone treatment.

Side effects

Reception of "Prajisan" can be accompanied by different negative symptoms including drowsiness, headache, fever, dizziness, bloating, nausea, allergic rashes, weight gain, insomnia and other side effects. When they appear, you need to consult a doctor.

One morenegative effect, which can provoke the drug in pregnant women in the 2nd or 3rd trimester is stagnation of bile. To avoid its appearance with prolonged use in the expectant mother, the indicators are monitored by which the liver condition is assessed.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that the introduction of "Prajisan" into the vagina often increases the volume of discharge. If they are yellowish in color, and there is no itching, burning or redness, such a reaction is not considered a side effect. In case of a change in consistency and color, as well as in the event of an unpleasant odor, you should contact your gynecologist.

Instructions for use

Prajisan capsules can be used in two ways - taken orally and inserted into the vagina, like suppositories. With the oral route, the number of capsules prescribed by the doctor is swallowed after meals and washed down with water. The dosage is determined depending on the indications for each woman separately.

With the vaginal method of treatment, the capsule is inserted into the vagina as deep as possible. To do this, you need to wash your hands, open the blister, get out the drug, lie down comfortably, insert the capsule and lie down for a while so that it has time to dissolve and penetrate into the tissues of the vagina.

The dose of Prajisan, as well as when used internally, is also determined individually. For example, if a woman is in the IVF protocol, then she is prescribed from 200 to 600 mg per day, and if there is a threat of delivery ahead of time, the agent is used 200 mg once a day.

How long to drink or insert capsules depends on both the tolerability of the medication and the clinical situation. For example, if a woman is diagnosed with a threatening or habitual abortion, Prajisan is used for the entire first trimester, and sometimes part of the second trimester. In the case when the agent is prescribed at the risk of premature birth, the capsules are inserted into the vagina from 22 to 34 weeks of gestation.

Cancellation of "Prajisan", like any other hormonal medication, must be done gradually and smoothly... How to cancel correctly, you need to check with the doctor. The number of capsules is reduced by monitoring the general condition. If any alarming symptoms appear, postpone the withdrawal and return to the previous dose.

In the form of a gel, the agent is most in demand in IVF. Usually in such a situation, Prajisan is prescribed from the day of embryo transfer, one applicator every day. If pregnancy occurs, the drug continues to be used for another 10-12 weeks or longer if the doctor sees it as necessary. Having opened the sachet, the woman removes the applicator from it, unscrews the cap, lies on her back, gently inserts the applicator into the vagina, then presses on its plunger, as a result of which the gel gets inside the vagina.


You can find many good reviews about the use of Prajisan during pregnancy, which confirm its effectiveness in the event of a threat of premature birth or miscarriage. However, many women have complained of side effects, among which dizziness, nausea and weakness were most often noted.


The most famous analogue of Prajisan is "Utrozhestan"... It is presented only in capsules containing 100 mg or 200 mg of progesterone. The drug is prescribed for the same indications, its effect on the female body is identical to "Prajisan", but the price is slightly higher. Other analogues of these two drugs are Iprozhin, Krainon and Progestogel. Among them there are both capsules and a gel that is in demand in IVF.

The question of replacing Prajisan with any of these medications is decided by the attending physician who observes the pregnant woman.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe instead of Prajisan and other progesterone drugs a drug called "Duphaston". Its action is provided by a synthetic analogue of the hormone - dydrogesterone. It is able to replace progesterone in the early stages and does not cause many of the side effects characteristic of Prajisan. He also has fewer contraindications. To maintain pregnancy, such pills are taken on an individual basis, and cancellation is carried out slowly, often after the 16th week.

Why progesterone is needed during pregnancy, see below.