
Lactobacillus for children

When the baby is born, its intestines are completely sterile, but soon it is filled with beneficial microorganisms, including many lactobacilli. They help digest food and are important for normal functioning. In some situations, doctors prescribe them to be taken orally in the form of special medicines and dietary supplements. If such drugs are prescribed for the baby, the mother should learn more about their effect on the body and the features of their use.

What it is?

Lactobacilli are called gram-positive lactic acid microbes that do not form spores and are present not only in the intestine, but also in other organs (oral cavity, nasopharynx, genitourinary system). For their elongated shape, they are also called lactobacilli or lactic acid sticks.

Such microorganisms are able to convert milk sugar and other carbohydrates into lactic acid, thus creating an acidic environment in which many pathogenic fungi and bacteria do not multiply. It also helps digest food and reduces the risk of allergic reactions to food.

In industry, they are used to make cheese, yogurt, kefir, in medicine - for the production of special drugs called probiotics.

The benefit of lactobacilli lies in their positive effect not only on digestion, but also on many other processes in the body. They are:

  • improve metabolic processes;
  • stimulate immunity, including the formation of antibodies;
  • lower cholesterol levels;
  • prevent the deficiency of certain vitamins;
  • participate in the formation of certain enzymes;
  • destroy pathogenic microbes and their toxins;
  • help to quickly restore the balance of beneficial bacteria if it has been disturbed.

Lack of lactobacilli provokes such unpleasant symptoms as colic, constipation and flatulence. Without a sufficient number of them, the formation of immunity, the work of endocrine organs and the development of the baby are disrupted.

How do they enter the body?

An infant receives lactobacilli with mother's milk, an older child - with food. The first beneficial microorganisms enter the infant's intestines with colostrum and immediately multiply actively... However, at the same time, various pathogenic and opportunistic microbes, including clostridia, streptococci, and Klebsiella, begin to enter the digestive tract. The task of lactobacilli is to restrain their growth, therefore, a decrease in the number of representatives of normal microflora is below normal and threatens with various problems - frequent regurgitation, colic, slow weight gain, and stool disorders.

In the food industry, Lactobacillus acidophilus is most often used, therefore the resulting products are often called acidophilic. If in the name you see the prefix "acido", "lacto" or "bio", then such a product contains useful lactobacilli... Some manufacturers use certain types of microorganisms for their products, for example, Actimel contains Casei Imunitas lactobacilli, and Imunele For Kids contains Casei and Rhamnosus lactobacilli. They have a positive effect on the microflora and intestinal walls, and also strengthen the immune system.

When should you take?

The main reason for the appointment of lactobacilli to children is digestive disorders, which were provoked by a change in the composition of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal lumen. It can be caused by taking antibiotics, chronic colitis, chemotherapy, and so on. In addition, lactic acid bacilli are useful for intestinal infections, since such microbes act as antagonists of many harmful bacteria (Escherichia coli, shigella, staphylococci).

Another common indication for the intake of lactobacilli is atopic dermatitis.

They are well proven in the treatment of food allergies and help to reduce skin manifestations.

For prophylactic purposes, they can be taken to babies who are fed with adapted formulas, begin to try complementary foods, or switch to an adult table. In such cases, lactobacilli will smooth out possible difficulties in digesting new foods and prevent tummy problems.


Among the drugs and dietary supplements from the group of probiotics, there are both 1st generation drugs (these are mono-drugs based on only one type of beneficial microorganisms) and combined drugs (they include several types of bacteria or other components that enhance the effect of lactobacilli).

The most popular drug containing only Lactobacillus acidophilus is Lactobacterin... It is represented by tablets, lyophilisate and vaginal suppositories. In childhood, lyophilisate is most often used, which is produced in vials of 3-5 doses (each dose is 2-4 billion CFU). It is sold without a prescription in boxes of 10 bottles. The price of the drug is affordable and amounts to 150-170 rubles per package.

Such "Lactobacterin" is a yellowish, gray or beige porous mass, but sometimes it looks like crystals. In addition to the active ingredient, the lyophilisate contains sugar, gelatin and milk. Before use, it is diluted with boiled, non-hot water to obtain a suspension, and then immediately given to a small patient.

Reception of "Lactobacterin" is recommended half an hour before meals, and the suspension is best washed down with milk.

"Lactobacterin" is safe for children of any age, therefore it can be used even in newborns... It is not prescribed only for babies with hypersensitivity, problems with digestion of carbohydrates and candidiasis. Adverse reactions such a drug, judging by the reviews, provokes extremely rarely. The remedy is applied 2-3 times a day as long as the doctor prescribes. A single dosage for infants is usually 3 doses, and children over a year are given 5 doses per dose.

The analogue of "Lactobacterin" are tablets "Gastrofarm"containing one of the strains of lactobacillus bulgaricus. They are prescribed for gastric ulcers or gastritis for children over 3 years old. Other monopreparations with lactobacilli are "Atzilact", "Lactonorm", "Ecophemin". They are represented by vaginal capsules and suppositories, therefore, they are more in demand in adults with various diseases of the genital organs to restore microflora.

If we consider complex probiotics, in which lactobacilli are only one of the components, then their list contains such drugs.

  • "Linex"... The action of such capsules is provided by a combination of lactobacilli, enterococci and bifidobacteria. They can be used right from birth.
  • "Bifiform"... The composition of such a medicine contains lactobacilli with bifidobacteria, to which streptococci and enterococci are added. The drug is approved from birth and comes in several dosage forms.
  • "Acipol"... In such capsules, polysaccharides from kefir fungi are added to live acidophilic lactobacilli. In childhood, they are used from 3 months.

Separately, we note the Finnish supplements with lactobacilli under the Gefilus brand. They are presented in capsules "Basic", drops (they are used even in premature newborns), drops with vitamin D and sweet chewable tablets. The basis of all these preparations is the lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you how to repopulate the intestines with beneficial bacteria.

Watch the video: Probiotic bacteria evolve inside mices GI tracts (July 2024).