
Bathing chair

For babies, bathing is not just a mandatory procedure, but also one of their favorite pastime options, even if they are too young to say it out loud. In the earliest stages of life, the mother has to constantly be in the bathroom while the child bathes, because even if he already knows how to sit on his own, he will not sit quietly in the bathroom. He can drink water or slip and bump, not to mention the fact that even 30 cm is a serious depth for such a baby.

In order not to keep the little one all the time, special devices have been invented, for example, a special bathing chair.


The chair for bathing a child is designed to solve the main problem - to make the baby feel free, being in the bathroom, but at the same time does not have too much freedom to get into trouble.

Structurally, this object slightly resembles a highchair: it also allows the child to sit comfortably and even spin a little, but does not allow it to fall out, slip out or reach the same water with his mouth. The shape of the product can be very different, but usually it is also attached to the walls of the bath in one way or another, and not just stands in it.

Although many models provide a high degree of restraint for a seated child, the instructions usually strictly forbid parents to leave the baby alone.

Thus, bathing in such a chair does not cancel the supervision from the parents, but only allows them to free their hands.

Do not think that buying such children's furniture solves all problems, many parents deliberately refuse to purchase such accessories. Many do not see the point in such a purchase due to the fact that while bathing, you still need to monitor the child. It is also noted that it is convenient to splash and play with a baby sitting on such a chair, but actually washing it not only does not simplify, but also slightly complicates it, because to rinse the little one it is necessary to remove it from the seat. It so happens that the child does not show a desire to get out, then he can cling to the handrail of the chair and it will become really difficult to pull it out for rinsing.

To make it more interesting for children to sit in such a highchair, the creators often provide them with a removable play panel - the same small table as highchairs. But this supposedly very useful feature is often subject to harsh criticism from parents and child psychologists.

They say that children with a calm character feel as comfortable as possible in such conditions, and do not try to move at all, and after all, bathing is in many ways useful precisely because it is much easier for a child to develop physical activity in semi-weighty conditions of the water column.

As for mobile children, such a play panel may not be of interest to them at all, because in the bathroom there are already a lot of curious things, for example, the same faucet, and you want to let toys float all over the bath, and not just around you.

Although it is a little more difficult for parents to bathe such children, they take full advantage of the benefits of the procedure, more precisely, they could do it if it were not for the highchair that restricts freedom. Accordingly, babies with such a character usually reveal dissatisfaction with the purchased accessory.


The highchair for the bathroom comes in a fairly wide variety of models, each with its own advantages. An orthopedic chair with a rather hard, rough seat that prevents slipping is considered an almost mandatory element for all models. Often, such structures are also equipped with an inclined back, because during bathing there is no problem of forming a perfectly correct posture. Rather, it is relaxation, rest, so this particular shape of the product may be optimal.

Most often, bathing chairs are made on suction cups, which allow you to securely fix the product in a bathtub filled with water.

This point is very important, since the chair should be stationary furniture, and not an analogue of a boat, because no such product usually has a correctly placed center of gravity to stay on the water in the correct position.

Any highchair for bathing provides all-round protection for the child, preventing him from leaving the seat on his own. However, some models have a removable play panel in front, then it is very important that the baby cannot remove it on his own, even by accident, because in this case he will be unprotected in front. Usually, these chairs are also brightly colored.

If we talk about the most common types of models, then the following four positions are worth highlighting:

  • Standard - they look like an ordinary seat, they are no different from it. Extremely simple, which ensures maximum child safety. They are attached to the bathtub with suction cups, which can be located from the bottom, to the side, or even both.

  • Rotating - they are attached according to a similar principle, but the seat itself can rotate in any direction. This was done, of course, not for play, but so that the mother could conveniently turn the child towards herself by either side - it is easier to wash it this way. However, the kid may also like this similarity to the carousel.
  • Universal - in addition to suction cups, they are also equipped with legs, ideally removable. Such a chair can be successfully used both for swimming and for feeding.
  • Suspended - they are attached not to the bottom of the bath, but to its walls, in fact, they hang in the water on the clamping brackets. This variety can be safely considered the least safe, because a too mobile toddler or even just a child who already knows how to stand can easily overturn the seat. Since such a seat is not tied to the bottom in any way, it is usually fastened quite high, so it is more convenient for the mother, but because of this, you have to collect more water. If the baby manages to overturn the chair, he will go under the water with him and will not be able to stand up on his own. At the very least, a strong fear is guaranteed.

Color solutions

The choice of color is actually not very fundamental, but still some patterns can be found in it. In particular, since the child is undressed and in the water, it is worth paying special attention to products in warm colors, which will psychologically "warm" the baby.

Many parents are repelled by the old stereotype that boys need everything in blue, and girls, accordingly, will appreciate a pink chair. In fact, it has long been out of fashion, and some psychologists absolutely seriously believe that it is even harmful to a child.

Perhaps, nothing terrible will happen if parents give preference to these particular colors, however, you should not do everything possible to purchase an accessory of strictly this color.

In fact, the only really significant factor that can play a role in choosing the color of the product is the temperament of the baby. Experts say that bright, catchy colors can cheer up a child who is too calm, although here parents should remember that excessive activity in the bath is not always a plus. The opposite pattern may turn out to be much more interesting for parents, because with the help of color matching, you can also try to calm down an overly active child, for this you need to choose a calm shade.

Which to choose?

Although the design seems to us, adults, extremely simple, each of its varieties is maximally adapted to the needs of one or another baby, while for another it will seem completely inconvenient. For this reason, when choosing a specific model, it is worth paying attention to a number of criteria, including:

  • Child parameters. Ideally, the sitting should be neither cramped nor too loose, because the former causes discomfort, and the latter does not fix the baby at all in a stable position. As a rule, manufacturers indicate for what age and what weight their product is suitable for. It is absolutely impossible to ignore the upper threshold - parents must be sure that the seat will withstand the child, especially if he is not characterized by calm behavior during bathing.
  • Bath parameters. Since the main feature of bathing chairs is the reliability of fixation, they rarely have any adjustable parameters. This means that the suction cups and other mountings are already sized for a specific space. If all the suction cups are located at the bottom and directed downward, it is allowed that the stool is smaller in width than the bath, but if not all suction cups are on a flat surface, then it is better to choose another model.
  • Material reliability. Assess mentally how durable the product looks. As a rule, bathing chairs are made of plastic, but this material can both serve as a model for reliability and be a perfect dummy. The seat should be thick and strong enough, experts also point out that it is undesirable to have any optional protrusions on the structure. They can be injured, with their help, you can quickly break the chair.
  • Security measures. Check by what means the child is protected from slipping out of the seat. The best solution is a T-shaped crossbar, when the baby is limited not only by the side-table in front, but also by a vertical obstacle located between the legs. Special belt loops for the legs can also act as a worthy alternative, but only on condition that they are conveniently adjustable, allowing you to quickly tighten them in size, and the baby himself will not be able to free himself from them.
  • Additional functions. The simplest and cheapest models provide only one task - a reliable fixation of the child while bathing. If you want and have money, it makes sense to pay attention to more complex options, for example, with an adjustable back, which will make the procedure as convenient as possible for the baby.

Even such a trifle as the deployable handrails can be very convenient for the mother, as it makes it easier and faster to reach the baby. The same can be said about the possibility of circular rotation of the seat. If the front side is also equipped with a small table, then the latter is often additionally equipped with various educational toys, which allows the child to spend time not only pleasantly, but also useful.

How to bathe a baby with a chair in the bathroom?

Although the use of a highchair for bathing seems extremely simple, manufacturers usually accompany their products with detailed instructions for a reason, apparently, some parents are still capable of making unpleasant mistakes. Let's try to briefly go through the basic rules of operation:

  • A very important point is the compliance of the baby's age and weight with that specified by the manufacturer. In general, the bathing chair is not recommended for use by children under the age of six months, since it is designed for those children who already know how to sit and hold their back. The packaging should also say what the maximum weight of the child is: a heavier baby will simply break the device and go under water, but sometimes this option is also possible in a situation where the child is still fit in weight, but is overly active.

The product does not have to be used until the moment the baby gains a certain weight; it can be abandoned earlier if the little one is already able to do without it.

  • Installation is also not difficult, but some parents ignore the requirement to install the product strictly on a flat surface, without any bends. This is important because the chair can "fold" on uneven surfaces. Even if the surface is perfectly flat, the reliability of the fastening should be double-checked. After that, water is taken into the bath - so much so that it is approximately up to the child's chest and only then they put the little one on the seat. If the model includes a game bar, it is installed last.

  • It is also easy to disassemble the product: when the water is released, you need to carefully pull the special tabs on the suction cups. After that, it is enough to rinse the product with warm water and soap - that's the whole care. The manufacturers themselves recommend storing the product right there, in the bathroom: the suction cups are securely attached to the tiled wall, so they will not take up extra space.

Finally, you can add a few examples of gross mistakes that parents make when using highchairs for bathing:

  • Leave the child unattended. Although the highchair implies fixation of the baby, it still does not restrain his movements completely, so in theory the little one can get out or do things. In addition, due to an oversight of parents or due to the great deterioration of the mountings, the seat itself may turn out to be poorly fixed and then it is necessary that someone immediately come to the aid of the child, for whom in this situation the protective mountings will turn out to be a huge danger.
  • Raise the chair with the child. A baby without a chair can hug his mother, that is, he clings to her, simplifying the task of lifting, but with a chair he becomes at least a little heavier and it is uncomfortable to hold him on weight. Dropping such a load is not difficult at all and the probability of injury for a small one with such an outcome is very high.
  • Plastic products are often highly susceptible to heat. Of course, the chair is unlikely to literally flow from a close location to the battery, but the attachment points of the suction cups can weaken and then its stability will be at risk. Even if the stool is stored in the bathroom, it should be placed as far away from the heated towel rail as possible. In addition, it is advisable that the residents of the apartment do not take a too hot bath with a lot of steam, because even such heating can fatally affect the reliability of children's furniture.

Reviews of popular models

Most models of bathing chairs receive mostly positive reviews, except in some cases when a particular model taken did not fit this particular baby. In particular, the domestic product under the Plastishka brand is highly praised as the first such accessory - it is simple, but inexpensive and very reliable. Ok Baby Crab is praised for the same qualities: it is noted that even an adult with his purposeful actions finds it difficult to unhook his suckers.

If we talk about the convenience of the child, then the Aprica highchair is highly praised - there are the widest possible possibilities for adjusting the backrest, plus an anti-slip mat. Smoby Cotoons is very good for developing in a playful way. It comes with a boat, a water mill and a toy flower. The Ok Baby Flipper Evolution highchair is not only safe and comfortable for the baby, but also has important bonuses for the mother - it indicates the optimal water level and also measures its temperature itself.

In this video you will find a lot of additional information about choosing a bathing chair.