
The child regurgitated yellow - yellow belching in the baby

Regurgitation in infants occurs quite often, this is not a pathology. It happens due to the high sensitivity of the gastric mucosa, weak muscles of the digestive tract and structural features of the gastrointestinal tract. If the child begins to spit up yellow, this may indicate the presence of bile in the masses, which is a reason to see a doctor.

Recovered baby

Can a healthy child spit up?

Of course yes. This is a normal reflex designed to help your baby get rid of excess food or air that has entered the stomach. Up to 7-9 months, regurgitation is an absolutely natural phenomenon, provided that no more than an hour has passed after eating, and the baby himself feels good. Doctor Komarovsky also wrote that this is the norm.

Dissatisfied baby

If food is spewed out in too large quantities, often, or the child feels unwell, this may indicate some kind of illness.

Reasons for regurgitationth:

  1. The baby takes the wrong nipple when breastfeeding or takes food from the wrong bottle when mixed and artificial. Then, when feeding, air can enter the stomach. The problem is solved as follows: the baby needs to be taught how to take the nipple correctly or replace the bottle with a suitable one for his oral apparatus.
  2. The kid eats too much. The body cannot digest large volumes of milk. To prevent this, during feeding, you need to take short breaks (literally a few seconds).
  3. Overfeeding. Often, parents believe that it is necessary to feed the child at all costs, even if he refuses to eat. This not only leads to regurgitation, but also eating disorders in adulthood.
  4. Swaddling too tight.

Also, food may ask outward if the child has an individual intolerance. This is no longer a classic regurgitation.

Baby photography

Important! Do not confuse regurgitation and vomiting. The first is the return of food from the stomach, which has the same color and consistency (white in color). Therefore, any deviation from this can already be considered vomiting. Differences are also expressed in quantity. In addition, regurgitation occurs after eating, while vomiting can occur at any time.

EIf, among other things, these symptoms are observed, this is a reason to worry:

  1. Spitting up is carried out by a "fountain".
  2. At a time, the body can regurgitate more than 30 milliliters of food eaten.
  3. The child is sad and passive.
  4. Repetitive regurgitation.
  5. Have fever, diarrhea, bloating and sleep disturbances.

What is the evidence of a yellow burp

If the newborn spits up yellow, this indicates a violation of the digestive process. But this is not always a cause for concern. If at the same time the infant continues to gain weight within normal limits, you should not worry. If, due to frequent regurgitation, there is a shortage of body weight, a specialist examination is necessary.

Digestive problems

This is the most common reason why belching occurs.

Happy baby

If the baby has vomited yellow, this may indicate such problems:

  1. Air entering the stomach while eating;
  2. Digestive system pathologies;
  3. Abnormal formation of the esophagus;
  4. Intestinal obstruction;
  5. Gastrointestinal infections. Most of the times when a baby starts to vomit are associated with this point.

Causes of spitting up in yellow

Yellow belching in newborns is due to a large number of reasons:

  1. Pathologies of intrauterine development of a child, as a result of which there is a violation of the formation of the organs of the digestive system. It is also not uncommon for babies to swallow intrauterine fluid, and when they are born, they vomit it up.
  2. Poor lactose tolerance. If the enzyme lactase is not produced in the baby's body, the child may vomit and cannot gain weight. The problem is solved by the transition of the toddler to lactose-free mixtures.
  3. Taking antibiotics.
  4. Infectious diseases, in particular, poisoning. In this case, in parallel with spitting up in yellow, there is an increase in temperature, weakness, and lack of appetite.
  5. Abrupt cessation of lactation or transition to artificial feeding.
  6. Colostrum or breast milk is orange.

Important! In fact, spitting up yellow is more vomiting than the normal reaction of a child's body to an excessive amount of food. It occurs when bile enters the stomach and irritates the esophagus. This can lead to serious consequences for the baby. If stomach contents enter the lungs while crying, it can lead to a number of serious diseases.

What to do if a child burps yellow

The parent needs to be careful and closely monitor the health of the child. What if the baby burps yellow?

See a doctor

The main recommendation is to see a doctor, since the reason why a child may regurgitate yellow may not be very serious, or lead to sad consequences. To prevent this from happening in the future, the parent is advised to follow these recommendations:

  1. Put the baby on the tummy some time before feeding. This will relieve him of excess gas, and also strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and neck.
  2. Do not wait for the child to become very hungry. Then he will eat too greedily, taking large gulps with air. All this will lead to overeating and, as a result, regurgitation.
  3. It is important to closely monitor how the baby picks up the breast. The baby should completely cover the areola with its lips. The signal that the chest is taken correctly is the absence of extraneous sounds. If the mother hears them, it is necessary to immediately change the feeding position.
  4. If your baby is nipple feeding, it is important to feed him at the correct angle. Food should not be too abundant, but there is no need to create additional difficulties for the baby. In addition, it is important that the diameter of the hole through which the food passes is not too large. Then you are less likely to overeat and create an extra burden on the digestive system.
  5. For some time after feeding, it is recommended to keep the baby in the position of the column and wait until the gases go away. As a rule, this happens immediately, let's say an interval of half an hour.
  6. Scheduled feeding is an incredibly important part of good infant nutrition. Over time, his digestive system adapts to the regime, and the baby does not starve too much. The second point is important to remember here. Breast should be given on demand, but taking into account the individual schedule of the baby.
  7. It is important to make sure that the head of the stroller is slightly raised. To do this, you need to put pillows or some other soft things under it. Moreover, not only the head should be raised, but also the entire upper body.
  8. If the baby is too tormented by gases, she can be given preparations with fennel extract.
  9. You can not give the baby formula that does not match his age. This can lead not only to regurgitation, but also to full-fledged vomiting.

Also, pediatricians are advised to regularly walk with the baby in the fresh air.

Important! If regurgitation is too profuse, fluid loss must be eliminated.

You need to consult a doctor at the slightest deviation from the norm, namely:

  1. If the quantity and frequency increase.
  2. If the volume of regurgitated masses increases.
  3. If the baby's temperature rises at the same time, he behaves restlessly, cries.
  4. For weight loss in a newborn or infant.
  5. If regurgitation occurs at the age of one or more.
  6. If, after spitting up, the child feels hunger, or he has noticeable signs of dehydration (weakness, pallor, sunken eyes, crying without tears, few trips to the toilet for a small amount of urine).

You need to listen to the crumb. Even a newborn child, despite the fact that he seems so defenseless, is already able to clearly state his needs, and even more so than adults. Therefore, the fears of parents who listen to every wrong, in their opinion, child's action turn out to be groundless. If something is wrong with the child, it will be known immediately. If in doubt, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Watch the video: Vomiting in Infancy Pediatric Advice Medical Advice Infant Vomiting (July 2024).