
Why does the child crawl backwards

Small children sometimes do really amazing things. For example, when a child begins to crawl not as usual, but backwards. Should I worry in this case and how to fix it?

The reasons why the baby is crawling wrong

For the most part, the manner of crawling backwards depends on the large muscles of the baby, more precisely on their level of development. If the baby has more developed arm muscles, accordingly, the repulsion with their help will be stronger, and the child, wanting to crawl wherever it may be, will crawl back. This definitely does not mean any pathology, for example, underdeveloped leg muscles or autism, this is just a variant of the norm.

The kid will definitely begin to crawl in the standard way as soon as his legs get stronger. He can also skip this stage altogether and start walking right away.

Should you be afraid that the baby is crawling backwards

Not all babies develop according to the textbook, you should take this for granted and not worry again. Some babies are not even born in a very standard way - legs forward, and nothing, they grow up like all normal children. Therefore, if the baby crawled in the wrong direction, the mother has two ways: to accept it and do nothing; and try to teach the child to crawl forward.

How to fix his crawling behavior

If the mother really wants the child to crawl properly, then you can try using several techniques for this.

You can try to lure your child with your favorite toy. To do this, you need to sit in front of him and place the toy at a distance that will not allow him to just grab the toy. It is not worth helping a child in this matter, sooner or later he will orient himself and crawl forward.

You can try the same trick, but without a toy, just sit down opposite and start calling your baby to reach out for his hands. The main thing at this moment is to prevent resentment and hysteria.

Why the baby may not crawl on time

Babies usually start to crawl between 6 and 9 months. If the child does not crawl at the designated time, then perhaps he has slight developmental problems, but often there are no problems, because all children are different. For example, this can happen due to excess weight, the muscles of such a child are not strong and developed enough to carry such a load. Some more children are simply not inquisitive enough and they, in the literal sense, have no reason to crawl. In very rare cases, children do not crawl due to muscle lag.

Watch the video: Crawling backwards 6 months old baby (July 2024).