
How to choose a kids ATV helmet?

Child safety is one of the most important concerns for parents. From the very first days, moms and dads make sure that the child feels comfortable, satisfied and protected. As they grow up, children choose new hobbies and interests, some of which pose certain health risks. Riding vehicles starts from a very young age, and after scooters and bicycles comes the turn of ATVs. This type of transport is suitable for children from 2 to 15 years old and can be very dangerous, therefore the use of a helmet is one of the most important criteria.


Children's fun can be very diverse - both completely safe and quite risky. Riding any vehicle takes the child's spirit, cheers him up, and also allows him to show maximum activity, which is very useful. When a boy or girl begins to show interest in a more serious technique, such as an ATV, parents need to think about safety first.

You can buy an ATV only for those children who have no problems with adequate behavior, psychological or obvious physical disabilities. Any features of the child can adversely affect the health of the young driver, as well as those around him.

If the child has no contraindications, he normally reacts to stimuli and copes with various situations, then you should not refuse your son or daughter to buy this transport.

Before you put your child on the ATV, you need to take care of protection. Depending on the age of the baby, the kit may differ, but only the head protection will remain unchanged. A children's ATV helmet can have a different appearance, material of manufacture and have different additional functions, therefore it is important to be able to choose the right protective equipment.


A protective helmet for riding an ATV can be presented in several options, which will equally successfully protect the child's head in the event of a fall from a vehicle or other unforeseen situations.

If we talk about children's helmets, then the following types can be distinguished.

  • Cross - a lightweight and durable motorcycle helmet with a wide viewing angle, allows the rider to breathe easily due to the special elongated design of the product. The eyes are protected with glasses.

  • Child integral - resembles a cross helmet, only equipped with a visor that provides additional protection for the neck and face. The chin area is shallower, so it is less comfortable to breathe in such a product.

  • Children's modular - looks like an integral, but due to the design features it is possible to remove the lower part and remove the visor without removing the helmet itself. This option requires thorough maintenance and has a high cost, therefore it is the least popular.

For the smallest drivers, you can use helmets supplied with rollers, because the baby's speed will not exceed 10 km / h. For children at the age of 7, you can think about buying more serious equipment, because the speed will increase to 20 km / h or more.

At 10 years old, young riders can arrange competitions and measure in speed, therefore it is worth purchasing only high-quality products that guarantee full head protection.

The teenage helmet can be bought both in children's ATV products and in adult, professional motorcycle products.

Popular brands

When choosing a helmet for a child, you should pay attention to the model, cost, and then to the appearance. Below are the brands that you should focus on when choosing.

  • For motocross, the most popular is Nolan brand, a helmet can be purchased for 1000 rubles or more. If there is a desire to buy something as reliable as possible, then there will be no equal brand Airoh Aviator - the cost of products starts from 30,000 rubles.

  • If you are interested in the integral helmet, then you should pay attention to Caberg ego, the cost of which starts from 5000 rubles. The more expensive company is Icon - the price of products starts from 30,000 rubles.

  • If you like the modular helmet, then the best option would be Shark Evo-One brand... You can buy a product of this brand for 27,000 rubles and more.

Each family independently selects a company, which will entrust the safety of their young driver.

Tips for choosing

In order for a helmet for an ATV to perform all the functions assigned to it, it must be correctly selected for the child. Among the mandatory criteria:

  • the size of the product - the helmet must be exactly in time, not small and not large, otherwise there is a risk of injury;
  • convenience - the child should be comfortable, while the helmet should sit tightly on the head;
  • design features - you should pay attention to what the helmet frame is made of, the inner layer that provides cushioning when falling, check the lining material, all fasteners;
  • product weight - a high-quality helmet for a child will weigh at least 0.5 kg, for teenagers the weight will be even greater;
  • quality standards - a tested and good product will be marked with a quality standard - ECE 22.05.

You should not buy a helmet for a child only for visual characteristics.... Its quality and reliability are much more important, and both parents and children should know this.

An overview of children's equipment for moto and quad exercise, see below.

Watch the video: How to Properly Fit or How to Find the Right Size Motorcycle Helmet at Chap Moto (July 2024).