Games and entertainment

How to share toys without quarrels or 6 conflict situations on the playground

A playground is a place where a child can frolic and throw out his overwhelming energy. Here his socialization takes place: the baby learns to communicate with peers, faces problems and conflicts that need to be solved.

1. Outsiders criticize you as a mother

You are probably familiar with this situation: the child carelessly jumps through the puddles, laughs, and a circle of other mothers and grandmothers gathers around. They are discussing with might and main how poorly you are raising your child.

A natural reaction to such behavior of strangers is to rebuff them: "Who gave the right to outsiders to make comments to me, especially in the presence of a child?" Restraining this impulse is difficult, because those around you are really unfair - they have no idea what kind of mom you are. However, it is useless to argue in this case. You will only waste your nerves, but everyone will remain unconvinced.

The best solution is to ignore other people's statements. Ignore what strangers say to you, especially if their nagging is unfounded.

2. Someone reprimanded your child

The following situation is also possible: you and your baby return home from a walk - happy and cheerful, but dirty. If suddenly you meet some Anna Ivanovna from the next doorway, she will hasten to make a remark to the child: “Why are you so dirty? Look how dirty you are! And your mother will have to wash the clothes! "

You need to remember that babies react painfully to criticism from strangers. In such situations, the mother should always stand up for her little one. Otherwise, without feeling support from you, he will withdraw and become insecure.

The kid should not blame himself for the fact that the mother will have to wash the things that he got dirty during the walk. If someone makes such remarks to him, your task is to protect him, to make him feel that you are on his side. Turn to the child and tell him in a calm tone: “Well we took a walk, right? Now we need to wash and wash our clothes, but we are happy and rested, so we will cope with this work! "

3. Your toddler took away another child's toy

If on the playground you notice that your baby is trying to take a toy from someone, do not rush to scold him. The conflict can be resolved peacefully:

  • Waiting tactics. Calmly explain to your child that he is taking someone else's toy, which the owner still wants to play. Ask your baby to wait a little. Perhaps a little later, the owner of the toy will share it or want to play together;
  • Exchange of toys. If your child agrees to this option, let him offer the owner of the toy he likes a few of his choice.

4. Your child is crying and cannot return their toys

One of the toddlers in the playground can take the toy away from your child. Even if he cried and ran to you with complaints, do not rush to interfere. Better use these tips:

  • Talk to your child. Tell him that you understand how he himself wanted to play with the toy, and offer to ask them to return it together. Another option: explain to the child that another child took his toy for a while, he will give it back soon. To distract your baby, invite him to swing on a swing or ride a slide;
  • If your child does not agree to wait, hold hands and walk up to the offender together. Politely ask the child to give the toy to your son or daughter;
  • If the request does not work, invite the children to exchange toys for a while. If they disagree, gently take the toy out of your baby's hands.

By following these recommendations, you will teach your child to resolve conflicts peacefully.

5. Your toddler is angry because his toy was taken away

If another child takes the toy from your toddler, he may try to force it back. Realization of what property is only comes at the age of three. Until then, it seems to the baby that the toy is being taken away from him forever.

Your actions in such a situation should be as follows:

  • Don't let children use force against each other;
  • Tell your child that you understand how unpleasant it is for him, but you cannot offend another kid either;
  • Invite the children to exchange toys. Tell us that it will be more interesting to play together this way;
  • Do not force your toddler to give away toys or press on him;
  • If your child is not willing to share, talk to another toddler. Apologize to him and tell him that your child cannot give him his typewriter yet, since he himself has not played enough.

6. Your child took someone else's toy that no one else played

Children take different toys for a walk. Then they forget about them, being distracted by other activities. If your baby came up to a pile of abandoned toys and tried to take one of them, you should behave like this:

  • If your toddler takes a friend's toy, ask them for permission to take it. Warn your child that then the toy will need to be put in place or given to the owner;
  • If you don't know whose toy it is, ask loudly about it. If you still have not found the owner, tell the child that you cannot take someone else's without permission, and ask to return the toy to its place;
  • If your baby cannot refuse the toy and is ready to cry, but the owner has not shown up, offer to look for him together. Walk around the playground, ask around. Even if you do not find the owner of the toy, the child will play at least a little with it, and then put it in its place.
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Dmitry Karpachev: conflicts on the playground. How to teach a child to react to conflicts

Watch the video: #54: Raising Kind Kids, Part 1 with guest Dr. Thomas Lickona (July 2024).