
How old can you ride an ATV and do you need a license?

The ATV today is that type of transport, the demand for which is constantly growing, especially since you can simply ride on it, transport goods, and even use it for economic purposes, and quadric models are not only adults, but also children. The very fact that an ATV can be used for children makes some people think that it is a kind of analogue of a bicycle, and a license is not required to drive it. However, not everything is so simple, and in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, let's understand all the intricacies.

Are rights required?

This is exactly the question that makes would-be ATV owners break lances in controversy. The subtlety lies in the fact that there is no specific answer to this question - more precisely, it is strongly depends on the scope of the vehicle.

Let's look at three situations to understand how this works. In the first case, the speech will go about children's ATV, which was entrusted to a minor child. Conscientious parents will not only choose a model of minimum power for the baby (no more than 50 cubic meters), but they will also be allowed to drive only somewhere in nature or on the territory of their own yard - in a word, where an emergency situation with harm to others or other people's property is practically excluded ...

It is clear that a child does not need a license - he is not a road user, and no one will give him them.

Another example: the ATV is used only on private territory as a kind of mini-tractor - with its help, cargo is transported and snow is cleaned, but they do not leave on public roads. An adult can also drive a unit with an engine up to 500 cubic meters, but the traffic police are unlikely to come to your yard to ask if you have a license. That is, in fact, looking ahead, they should be, but, in fact, you will never get caught.

And finally, the third example is the most important. It is no secret that an ATV can travel a long distance, and some models accelerate to tens of kilometers per hour and are capable of transporting a significant amount of cargo. In some rural area, such transport can be practical already from the point of view that it is convenient to go to the store for purchases on it, even to a neighboring settlement. However, such use certainly involves driving onto public roads, and we are not even talking about primers somewhere in the fields, because you will not find shops in the middle of the field anyway. Since we are driving along the highway (mind you - along the carriageway for a car!), Then here you can already meet representatives of the traffic police, and they have every right to demand a license.

In fact, you can often hear that all ATVs up to 50 cubes are considered children's, and in Russia you do not need a license to drive them. This was the case until 2014, but then this rule was canceled - apparently, ATVs were noted in several serious accidents on public roads... Today you need to be ready, when meeting with traffic cops, to show the license of the "moped" category M, if the driver is from 16 to 18 years old, or, in fact, the "all-terrain" category A1, if the driver is an adult. Demonstration of the rights of an inappropriate category is equivalent to their absence, and this, for a second, is a fine from 5 to 15 thousand rubles! In addition, each ATV must be registered within 5 days of purchase.

How old can you ride?

Modern ATV manufacturers produce models that are supposedly available to drivers from the age of three and are good because learning to drive a vehicle is best from an early age. On the one hand, this is true, but there are significant doubts that a child at three years old can consciously drive a self-propelled vehicle, even taking into account the fact that parents can set strict maximum speed limits (even up to 5 km / h) and at low distance, forcibly shut off the engine of the unit using the remote control.

Of course, a child can ride at the age of three, but very limited - in fact, you have to push him without using the engine.

Many experts note that there will not be much sense in learning to manage until the age of 6, and the child will be able to ride on his own even later, with a lot of experience, and then only on something very modest - even 125 cubes will already be a lot. However, this is a reasoning about morality, but in practice the law requires you to have rights.

If you plan to drive on public roads, then you cannot do without a license, and the minimum age at which you can acquire them to operate a quadric is 16 years.

Where to go to get the rights?

Like the rights of any other category, an “all-terrain” document can only be obtained by passing the training course and passing exams. If we are talking about a children's ATV, you need to contact the nearest traffic police department - ordinary driving schools are not allowed to issue such a document. A young driver must complete a full-fledged training course, which includes both theory and practice - it is paid. You will also have to pay for a medical examination, which is needed by the driver of the ATV, as a full participant in the road traffic.

On average, training lasts from 2 to 6 weeks, you can pass it either on a special site, or under Gostekhnadzor. This difference is due to the fact that someone opens the first category in their life, while someone already has the rights of another category and significant driving experience - in the second case, instead of a full-fledged program, a short retraining is carried out. If you do not specifically need to pass the theory again, then practical training before passing is mandatory since 2015, and only under control - you are not supposed to train on your own.

Although the training costs money, the exam itself can be taken completely free of charge - at least, according to the law, its passing does not require material compensation.

Before going to the exam, you need to collect an impressive package of documents:

  • a medical certificate authorizing the management of self-propelled vehicles;
  • certificate of successful and complete completion of theoretical and practical training courses;
  • passport or other proof of identity;
  • confirmation of payment of the cost of the document itself in the form of a check;
  • three photographs measuring 3 by 4;
  • application to the traffic police with a request to take the exam.

Authorities carry out similar exams regularly with a certain frequency, therefore, the potential driver will be notified separately about the exact date and place of delivery, when his package of papers is reviewed and approved for admission to the exam.

Examiners will test who wants to acquire a driver's license from all sides, and although, on the one hand, this complicates the procedure for surrendering, on the other, it simplifies it, because the procedure turns out to be predictable. You must be prepared:

  • answer theoretical questions about driving as such, and, in particular, driving an ATV, as well as understand the principles of daily maintenance of such equipment;
  • demonstrate confident orientation in the traffic rules, which allows you not to create emergency situations on the road;
  • Demonstrate practical skills in driving the ATV.

If the first two points are dry theory, which, in principle, could be learned at home, from books and sources from the Internet, then the third part of the exam is pure practice.

Just rolling in your free time outside the city, and even having hundreds of hours of knurling experience, you may not be ready for what is asked do in the practical part of the exam. Fortunately, this is also not a secret for a long time, and the procedure for demonstrating practical skills is clearly established - it consists of five tasks, each of which shows that you can do more complex things than just accelerate in a straight line and stop.

Examiners required will be asked to turn around "on a handkerchief", and this is a really practical skill that will come in handy many times in life. You will also have to ride a quadric on a narrow overpass, which also proves the driver's ability to fit into tight spaces. They will ask and call into the garage backwards - even if you do not have a garage, you need to be able to do this, because parking will most likely find you anyway. The fourth point is actually not needed by everyone, because it represents the aggregation of a trailed machine, but it just so happens that the ATV is considered a mini-tractor in its own way, so its a driver with the appropriate license must know all the details.

Finally, the last moment is to demonstrate the ability to brake, including at high speed, so that there are no drifts and overturns.

Since getting a dismissal for training and passing exams for a soldier can be problematic, it is separately stipulated that he can study and receive a certificate directly on the territory of the military unit where he serves - if, of course, it provides such an opportunity at all. In any case, after passing the described exam, it remains only to contact Gostekhnadzor in order to obtain the rights within the specified period.


Although an ATV is most often perceived as a toy, this must be forgotten once and for all - this is not even a bicycle, but a serious vehicle, which, if mismanaged, can create a full-fledged accident with all the ensuing consequences. As for driving around the city under the control of children or simply without a license, this is a very, very dangerous practice - due to the large number of bystanders and the ability to instantly damage someone else's property, even teaching a child to ride an ATV with a volume of up to 50 cubes is not worth it. Remember that the consequences can be much more serious than just a fine for driving without a license.

Please note that the ATV, regardless of who its driver is and whether he has a license, when entering a public road automatically becomes a full participant in the movement, and the same rules and restrictions apply to it as to cars or motorcycles with mopeds... At the same time, driving on pedestrian sidewalks or bicycle paths is prohibited for him, and theoretically, parents who have arranged driving courses for a child in a park can be fined.

Do you need a license for a children's ATV, see below.

Watch the video: Knowing the rules before riding your dirt bike (July 2024).