
34 weeks pregnant: what happens to the fetus and the expectant mother?

The final stage before childbirth is very important. At this time, interesting changes take place with mom and baby. Gradually, a woman is preparing for a new quality - motherhood.

How many months is it?

The 34th week of pregnancy is in the third trimester. Obstetricians-gynecologists believe that this period is equal to a full eighth obstetric month and two more weeks. Also, this period corresponds to the age of the fetus, equal to 32 weeks from conception.

The difference in calculating the gestational age is due to a different measurement system. Doctors most often use the term "obstetric month". In one such period, there are four obstetric weeks.

It is important to remember that the simple calendar method and the obstetric method are somewhat different from each other.

Features in the mother

Changes at 33-34 weeks of gestation also occur in the maternal body. Their hormones start up. These biologically active substances are synthesized by the endocrine system. Changing the hormonal background is a necessary physiological reaction, which was invented by nature to prepare the female body for the upcoming birth.


In the bloodstream of expectant mothers at this stage of pregnancy, rather high concentrations of prolactin are detected. This hormonal substance affects the ligamentous and muscular apparatus of the pelvis. This causes the muscles to become more elastic. This feature was conceived by nature so that during a natural childbirth the risk of traumatic injury to a child remains low.

The increase in prolactin levels in the female body also contributes to other changes. So, a woman's chest hurts. At the same time, the mammary glands begin to swell and increase in size. Such physiological preparation is necessary for the body to prepare for the next stage after the birth of a baby - lactation.

An increase in the concentration of prolactin in the blood also contributes to the fact that some women begin to gradually develop colostrum, necessary for feeding the baby in the very first time after his birth.

Gradually, the chemical composition of colostrum begins to change. This is necessary in order for the child to fully receive all the necessary nutritional components for his development. Colostrum is initially quite thick. Gradually it becomes more liquid. The chemical composition of this nutritious product also changes.

The baby at 34 weeks pregnant is very active. This leads to the fact that the expectant mother often feels various jolts that arise when he moves.

If the baby is rather large, the uterus rises strongly. This contributes to slight compression of the diaphragm. This condition leads to the fact that the expectant mother's breathing changes - it becomes difficult for her to breathe.

Some women may experience shortness of breath. It usually shows up even when doing normal household chores.

In order for breathing to remain normal, doctors recommend that expectant mothers limit intense physical exercise at this stage of pregnancy.

An important assessment of the condition of the expectant mother and baby is the determination of the woman's monthly body weight gain. A doctor conducts such a simple study on a pregnant woman regularly. This informative examination method allows the doctor to determine the general condition of the body of the expectant mother. Also, using this clinical technique, the doctor can indirectly assess the intensity of fetal development.

Doctors believe that all expectant mothers should follow the weight gains. All the obtained values ​​fit into the medical documents. This allows specialists to assess the dynamics of the course of pregnancy. It is important to note that the average increase in different periods of pregnancy is different. This is largely due to the rate of development of the fetus and functional changes in the female body.

The rate of overall weight gain may vary from woman to woman. A huge number of factors influence the rate of weight gain during pregnancy. By this time, a woman's body weight increases by 9-13 kilograms.

Expectant mothers should remember that this clinical indicator is an average. Reviews of many women indicate that their weight gains were very diverse. Someone is gaining 7 kilograms, and someone is all 20.

At the same time, a comprehensive assessment of the well-being of the expectant mother and indicators of the intensity of the development of her baby is much more important. For this, doctors use various research methods.


By this time of pregnancy, the expectant mother has numerous changes in her body. At this stage of intrauterine development, the baby is already quite well developed.

As a rule, by this time of pregnancy, there is a strong physiological and emotional connection between the mother and the baby. The development of the baby in the mother's tummy leads to the fact that the woman feels a whole range of different sensations.

Changes in mood and behavior

Changes in hormonal levels contribute to daytime sleepiness in many pregnant women. The need for such rest, as a rule, increases every day. Many women who have become mothers note that their daytime sleepiness increased significantly closer to childbirth.

At night, the opposite situation quite often happens - difficulty falling asleep. The woman may develop insomnia. Most often, this unfavorable symptom develops in quite anxious and exciting women.

Another symptom that the expectant mother may experience at this stage of pregnancy is mood swings. Changing hormonal levels also lead to such specific changes. This protective reaction on the part of the nervous system is a consequence of its preparation for the upcoming birth.

This is most often manifested by the fact that a woman can "break down" over trifles. Anxiety increases in the expectant mother. A woman can strongly focus on everyday events that do not carry strong significance. The development of such symptoms is also quite strongly influenced by the personal characteristics of the psyche, temperament and character makeup.

Development of an alternative situation is possible - a decrease in the intensity of emotions. This is manifested by the development of apathy in the expectant mother, which is noticed in women from the outside. A sufficiently active woman at this stage of pregnancy can become more silent, limit social contacts.

This reaction of the psyche is compensatory. The female body thus limits all external events, as if protecting the baby from stressful influences.

Changing hormonal levels contribute to the fact that changes in behavior and mood are, as a rule, temporary. After the birth of the baby, the state of mind changes. If the expectant mother is experiencing significant difficulties in her behavior and mental state, then it is better for her to seek advice from a psychologist.

By this time of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to cope much worse with various psycho-emotional influences. Many women find it difficult to cope with stress.

Stress exposure negatively affects the tone of the blood vessels. Also, during stress, special hormones enter the bloodstream. All these changes negatively affect not only the general condition of the woman, but also her baby.

At this stage of pregnancy, the mental activity of the cerebral cortex is mainly aimed at preparing for the previous birth. This contributes to the fact that it becomes much more difficult for a woman to perceive a large amount of information.

At this time, memory loss and distraction may also develop. Many women may have trouble doing multitasking. This leads to the fact that they try to perform all actions in sequence. This makes it much easier for them to track the result.

Too intense mental activity can lead to rapid fatigue. This leads to the fact that the woman gets tired much faster. The mom-to-be may feel that she has a headache. She needs more frequent rest periods to recover her mental strength.

Also, intense mental activity can contribute to mild spasm of the blood vessels. This leads to the fact that oxygen enters the blood a little less.

In this case, the woman may feel dizzy. The severity of this unfavorable symptom is much less manifested in a horizontal position. An excellent prevention of various dizziness is control over the daily regimen and rest. It is dangerous for the expectant mother and her baby to strain excessively at this stage of pregnancy.

Sensations in the body

Some women at 34-35 weeks of pregnancy have lower back pain. This symptom is much more pronounced in pregnant women carrying twins or triplets.

Pulls on the lower back much more after exercising. Some women also develop soreness in other parts of the back. The expectant mother may also feel that her bones hurt between her legs.

Many women develop swelling at this stage of pregnancy. This is how a rather dangerous pathology can manifest itself - preeclampsia. In addition to edema, this disease can also develop arterial hypertension and protein in the urinary sediment.

Swelling can occur on the body of a future woman, not only due to pathological changes. Some women also note that they developed such symptoms for the first time only during pregnancy.

The onset of puffiness occurs due to the fact that the enlarged uterus strongly compresses the organs located nearby. Strong pressure is also exerted on the kidneys and ureters. This contributes to the fact that urine excretion deteriorates somewhat. Ultimately, this leads to severe swelling.

Swelling develops in various parts of the body, but most often on the legs and face. Expectant mothers suffering from severe swelling even change their appearance and face contours. This leads to the fact that it becomes more rounded and puffy.

The puffiness that appears on the face leads to swelling of the eyelids. This makes the facial expression look more sullen and sad. When pressed on the swollen skin, fingerprints remain on it. Edema is most pronounced, as a rule, in the morning hours.

The enlarged uterus presses heavily on adjacent organs. As a rule, this is manifested by the fact that the expectant mother begins to run to the toilet more often. The urge to urinate increases closer to childbirth.

So, by this period of pregnancy, the expectant mother may begin to show contractions. They are not yet the predecessors of early birth. Doctors call such contractions training.

They can be identified using cardiotocography. For this, special sensors are placed on the belly of the expectant mother. With the help of this study, you can determine the amplitude and frequency of any contractions, including false ones. They appear due to increased contractions of the walls of the uterus.

Some women do not feel any significant changes in their condition at all during training fights. Others feel some abdominal discomfort. Severe pain syndrome does not develop in this condition.

What can bother a pregnant woman at this time?

Even with a healthy pregnancy, the expectant mother develops a variety of symptoms. Their development is caused by specific changes that occur at this time in the female body.

If a woman has any diseases of internal organs, her general condition may be worse. It often happens that at this stage of pregnancy, many diseases become aggravated.

Prone to colds

The immune system changes during pregnancy. This is largely due to the fact that a "new biological" object with its own genetic makeup appears in the female body. A decrease in immunity is necessary. This contributes to the fact that the mother's body does not reject the baby.

Altered immune system function results in the expectant mother becomes susceptible to many infectious diseases. Various pathogenic viruses and bacteria can lead to their development.

The course of pathologies can be different. This largely depends on the initial state of the woman and the presence of aggravating chronic diseases of internal organs.

The risk of catching a cold during this stage of pregnancy is also quite high. With colds, quite a few different symptoms develop, which greatly disrupt the well-being of the expectant mother.

So, a woman may have nasal congestion, as well as difficulty breathing. Rhinitis (runny nose) is also accompanied by nasal discharge. The inflammatory process can also begin in the oropharynx. In this case, the woman experiences pain when swallowing. The pharynx turns red, appetite may decrease.

The appearance of herpes on the lips is a common pathology that occurs at this stage of pregnancy. Weakening of the immune system also contributes to its development. It also happens that herpetic vesicles on the lips appear after banal hypothermia by the wind.

Herpes manifests itself in different ways. Some women have a severe herpes infection.

When a herpetic rash appears, the expectant mother should definitely see her doctor. As a rule, topical agents are used to eliminate adverse symptoms.

Disorders in the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract

By this time of pregnancy, changes also occur in the functioning of the digestive system. This leads to the fact that the woman begins to experience uncomfortable symptoms. Such sensations can appear even in expectant mothers who have never suffered from digestive diseases.

One of the possible changes characteristic of this period of pregnancy is an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. This can lead to heartburn in the woman. Inaccuracies in nutrition can also lead to an increase in this unfavorable symptom.

Too high acidity of gastric juice also contributes to the appearance of discomfort and even pain in the stomach. As a rule, the maximum of these manifestations occurs in the first hours after eating.

Changes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract can manifest themselves in various stool disorders. Many women complain to their doctors at this time that they are constipated.

The development of this symptom is facilitated by impaired intestinal motor function. Such changes lead to the fact that the chair of the expectant mother may be irregular. Some women may even experience soreness in the rectum during bowel movements.

Such symptoms should not be tolerated. It is very important to immediately consult a doctor when they appear. The doctor will make a set of recommendations, and, if necessary, recommend safe laxatives.

In some cases, to normalize bowel function, it is enough only to correct eating behavior.Eating fiber-rich fruits and vegetables in your daily diet will promote regular bowel movements. Also, the expectant mother should not forget about the drinking regime. Inadequate fluid intake also contributes to difficulty with regular bowel movements.

Difficulty defecating can also be complicated by the development of hemorrhoids... This condition, unfortunately, is recorded in many women precisely during pregnancy. It is most unfavorable if hemorrhoids in the rectum begin to bleed.

The appearance of hemorrhoids is an important reason for an urgent visit to a doctor. The danger of pathology is that bleeding hemorrhoids can lead to anemization of a woman. Anemia is also dangerous for a baby's development.

Rectal suppositories may be required to improve your well-being. Such funds are prescribed by a doctor. It is important to remember that when prescribing them, the potential risk from their use is necessarily assessed.

Stool disorders can be different. In this case, the expectant mother may develop diarrhea. If it is accompanied by fever, pain in the abdomen, and vomiting, then this may be due to an intestinal infection or food poisoning. In this situation, you need to seek medical help as soon as possible. This condition is dangerous for both the woman and her baby.

At this stage of pregnancy, all organs of the gastrointestinal tract begin to work much more intensively. This leads to the fact that their functions change.

The secretory activity of many organs also increases. This leads to the fact that the concentration of various enzymes in the blood increases. So, intensive liver work can lead to a fairly high level of liver enzymes in the bloodstream - AST and ALT.

If the expectant mother likes to eat fatty and fried foods, then she, as a rule, develops problems in the work of the gallbladder.

In women who have had chronic cholecystitis before pregnancy, the abuse of fast food can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

This condition manifests itself as soreness on the right under the ribs after eating. There may also be problems with stool. Some women get itchy skin.

To normalize well-being, the doctor will definitely recommend a diet. In some cases, the appointment of choleretic drugs will be required. Such funds are usually prescribed by a therapist. If the expectant mother has chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then she can also seek advice from a gastroenterologist.

Dental problems

At this stage of pregnancy, expectant mothers quite often experience various pathologies in the oral cavity. This is also preceded by a changing hormonal background. One of the adverse symptoms is gum bleeding. This clinical sign may be a manifestation of periodontal disease.

Special mouth rinses and gentle toothpastes can reduce bleeding gums. You can use products containing extracts of medicinal plants. Also, to strengthen the gums, you can also rinse with decoctions of chamomile or sage flowers. You can easily make such decoctions at home.

When using medicinal herbs, it is very important to remember about the possibility of allergic reactions, especially if a woman has a tendency to develop allergies.

If problems appear in the oral cavity, the expectant mother should immediately seek the advice of a dentist. It is not worth delaying with such a consultation if a woman has a toothache. Many expectant mothers are very worried about how they will receive dental treatment. You shouldn't be nervous about this.

Many dental products are now safe to use during pregnancy. It is better to treat the teeth of an expectant mother with a specialist who has experience working with pregnant women.

Reproductive disorders

It is very important to assess the condition of the reproductive organs of the expectant mother at all stages of pregnancy. Such dynamics allows doctors to timely identify dangerous conditions and emerging pathologies.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency

There are a lot of various pathologies associated with the shortening of the cervix. A cervix that is too short can make it difficult to have a natural baby. Also, this condition can lead to premature birth.

The shortening of the cervix can lead to the development of a rather dangerous pathology - isthmic-cervical insufficiency. She is dangerous because the risk of having a baby early is very high.

Treatment for ischemic-cervical insufficiency can be different. The tactics of therapy are compiled individually. For this, the initial state of the woman and the characteristics of the development of the fetus are necessarily assessed.

One of the methods of therapy is the appointment of hormonal drugs. These funds also affect the cervix.

Different drugs can be used for hormone therapy. One of them is "Utrozhestan". This drug is prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist who observes a woman during her pregnancy. Cancellation of Utrozhestan is carried out with mandatory monitoring of the state of the reproductive organs.

For the purpose of treating ischemic-cervical insufficiency, another method can also be chosen - the use of special obstetric devices. They are called pessaries. These funds are necessary in order to reduce the risk of premature birth.

There are certain medical indications for installing a pessary. This obstetric device will remain in the woman's vagina long enough for the baby to be in the uterus for the time it needs to develop.

To assess the condition of a woman, doctors also use other parameters. One of them is the tone of the uterus. It is an important criterion for the condition of the reproductive organs in the expectant mother.

An excessive increase in tone can be dangerous for the development of many pathologies for a baby.

Specific discharge from the genital tract

During this period of pregnancy, it is also very important for the expectant mother to monitor vaginal discharge. The norm is a light discharge that does not have any sour or unpleasant odor. Mucous discharge can also be a completely physiological phenomenon.

The appearance of red or crimson vaginal discharge should alert the expectant mother. This symptom can be extremely unfavorable and indicate various pathologies associated with the placenta. For example, in this way, its detachment may appear.

If bloody vaginal discharge occurs, a pregnant woman should immediately see a doctor. The doctor will conduct a clinical examination and examine the internal genital organs using medical instruments.

If you suspect the development of pathologies, he will also send the expectant mother to undergo an urgent ultrasound. If, nevertheless, a woman is diagnosed with severe placental abruption, then she will be hospitalized in a hospital. Various medications can be used to eliminate the arising vascular disorders. According to the indications, the following medications are also administered: "No-shpa", "Papaverine", solutions of magnesia and many others.

An unfavorable course of vascular pathologies that have arisen in a mother or her baby may require an immediate delivery. The choice of tactics in this case is determined individually by the attending physician.


Immune system disorders and changes in hormonal levels contribute to the fact that a pregnant woman may develop symptoms of thrush. Diet tolerances can also increase the growth of Candida yeast.

Women who abuse sweets and chocolate are at an increased risk of developing this disease. This pathology is accompanied by the development of multiple uncomfortable symptoms. They can significantly worsen the general condition of a woman.

Itching is a characteristic symptom. Its severity can be different. For some women, the itching in the intimate area is so strong that it greatly limits their usual lifestyle.

An equally specific symptom of candidiasis is the appearance of unusual white discharge - in its consistency they resemble cottage cheese. If the expectant mother has these symptoms, then she should immediately consult with her attending physician.

Sore bones in the pelvic area

A fairly common symptom that worries expectant mothers at this stage of pregnancy is pain in the pelvic region. Many women complain to their doctors about the appearance of pain in the pubic bone, as well as in the projection of the hip joints.

Such symptoms quite often develop in expectant mothers who carry large babies. Also, soreness in the pelvic area occurs in women carrying twins or triplets. Such symptoms are most manifested after a long walk or after lifting heavy objects.

Removal of the plug from the genital tract

This event could very well occur between 33 and 34 weeks of gestation. With the development of this situation, the expectant mother should immediately consult a doctor.

Discharge of the mucous plug from the vagina is not a cause for panic. It is important to remember that in many women the plug comes off a little earlier than the expected due date... The development of this situation is not yet a reason for the baby to be rapidly born in a few hours. It also happens that a lot of time passes between the passage of the plug and the birth of the baby. This is also evidenced by the reviews of many women who have had this situation.

In this case, it is very important to remember that you should not hesitate to see a doctor. The doctor will conduct a clinical examination of the pregnant woman and will be able to determine the further prognosis. In the event of a close birth, the expectant mother is hospitalized.

During this stage of pregnancy, some women may have amniotic fluid leakage. In this case, you should also consult a doctor immediately. The doctor should assess the condition of the mother and fetus, as well as assess the risk of coming birth. Doctors note that quite a lot of children born at 34 weeks of gestation are registered.

About the possibility of a sexual life

The question of having sex at this stage of pregnancy is very important. Many parents-to-be begin to deliberately limit or exclude sex. They do this because they are afraid to harm their baby.

Restricting sex at this stage is not required for all couples. It is very important to assess how the pregnancy is progressing.

If the baby is developing well, and the expectant mother has no pathologies, then sex should not be completely ruled out. Moderation is very important in this intimate matter. Parents-to-be should choose the most gentle posture possible.

If the pregnancy is proceeding with complications or there is some reason for restricting sex, then the doctor will definitely advise you to limit sexual activity. Such recommendations are made individually.

In order to give recommendations on the possibility of having sex, the doctor must necessarily assess the initial state of the woman and the fetus.

At this stage of pregnancy, women may experience some changes in sensations during intercourse. So, they may have a slightly reduced emotional sensations, in some women, the achievement of orgasm may also change. Such sexual changes are caused by altered hormonal levels.

Features in a child

By this time of intrauterine development, many different specific changes have already taken place in the fetus. Many of them are physiological.

Multiple factors affect the structural features of the baby's body. Even the constitution of the parents can affect the performance of their child's body. Such individual characteristics must necessarily be assessed by doctors when drawing up a comprehensive assessment of the intrauterine development of the fetus.

At this stage of pregnancy, the child may also develop specific pathologies. In order to identify them on time, doctors use various examination methods. Also, using a combination of several research methods, you can determine how close the approach of labor is.

Anatomical features of the fetus at this time

The size of the fetus is a very important criterion for its intrauterine development. To measure them, doctors resort to ultrasound examination methods.

By this time of pregnancy, the baby's weight has already reached 2250-2300 grams. The growth of the baby is approximately 44-46 cm.

Expectant mothers should understand that these indicators are indicative. Individual characteristics of the development of babies are also allowed.

Women who carry several babies at the same time in one pregnancy often face the fact that their babies develop in different ways. Typically, one baby grows faster than the other. This can lead to the fact that the weight and height of children will differ significantly.

The circumference of the baby's head by this period of pregnancy is approximately 29-33.9 cm.At the same time, the circumference of the baby's abdomen at this time is on average 26.7-32.5 cm.

Performing an ultrasound examination, the doctor will necessarily evaluate other clinical indicators of fetal development. So, it determines the bipariental size. Normally, its values ​​by this period of pregnancy are 7.9-9.3 cm.

Another definable clinical indicator is the frontal-occipital size. Its normal values ​​are 10-11.9 cm.

Physiological development

By this period of the baby's intrauterine development, many of his internal organs are already quite well formed. The organs of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems gradually begin to function. They will really start working only after the baby is born.

At this time, qualitative changes begin to occur in the child's body. For example, the amount of muscle and adipose tissue changes. At this stage of development, the amount of fat in the baby's body reaches about 8% of his body weight.

Fat cells are essential for the body - they accumulate fat, which is necessary for the active work of the thermoregulatory system. Its important function is to maintain the required body temperature and protect against hypothermia. It often happens that in premature babies, thermoregulation is impaired.

By this period of pregnancy, a child living in a mother's tummy undergoes quite serious changes in the musculoskeletal system. This is manifested by the fact that the tubular bones of the baby are lengthened.

The bone structure itself also changes. The bones become denser. In the future, they will be strengthened every day.

In order for this process to proceed well enough, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her diet. In her daily diet, foods containing calcium must be present.

Before this period of pregnancy, babies often change their position in their mother's tummy. The most advantageous and functional position is when the child's head is directed downward along the genital tract.

In some cases, the baby's presentation may be different. One of these options is breech presentation. In each specific case, the doctor must take into account the location of the child, since this is necessary to select the correct tactics for the delivery.

By this period of pregnancy, the baby is already quite active. Every future mom can feel it. Doctors note that it is optimal if the child pushes his mother's tummy at least ten times in 12 hours a day.

At this time, the maturity of the lung tissue can also be determined. By this time of pregnancy, the lungs are already well formed. However, they will begin their full-fledged work only after the baby is born.

If the maturity of the lung tissue is good enough, it will be easy for the baby to take its first breath at birth. If the lungs are underdeveloped, pulmonary resuscitation may be required. It is performed by a neonatologist immediately after the birth of the baby in the maternity ward.

The active development of the child's nervous system leads to the fact that the first unconscious emotions may appear in him. They can be "seen" when performing ultrasound. Toddlers tend to grimace or smile. Some children may simply turn away from the ultrasonic sensor.

Experts believe that by this period the baby has dreams. The emotions experienced by the mother can affect the baby as well. Many women note that during stress they feel increased physical activity in a child.

In addition to assessing the basic indicators of the baby's body, the ultrasound specialist must also assess the condition of the membranes. So, various pathological changes in the placenta contribute to the fact that certain complications and pathologies may develop in the expectant mother during childbirth.

Possible pathologies in a baby

In order to grow and develop, the baby needs nutrients and oxygen. He receives them through the umbilical cord. This special organ binds mother and child's body during pregnancy. The blood vessels entering the umbilical cord provide the child's body with all the necessary substances.

This organ can be of different sizes. The length is determined by various factors. Too short an umbilical cord can lead to the development of conditions dangerous for the fetus. So, it will be much more difficult for the child to move along the mother's genital tract during her birth. Usually, so that the baby does not have dangerous pathologies, doctors are forced in such a situation to carry out a cesarean section.

Too long an umbilical cord can also lead to quite dangerous conditions for the baby, for example, the umbilical cord entwined around the baby's neck.

It should be noted that umbilical cord loops can "entangle" the baby not only in the neck area, but also at the level of the baby's legs or abdomen. It all depends on how long the umbilical cord is, on the size of the baby, as well as on the amount of amniotic fluid.

With the development of this pathology, doctors must assess the general condition of the fetus. It is taken into account whether the child has signs of hypoxia (oxygen starvation of tissues). A hypoxic state leads to the fact that the internal organs of the baby do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. Ultimately, this condition contributes to the development of various disorders in its general condition.

If the signs of hypoxia in the baby are too pronounced and there is a threat to his life, the doctor will definitely consider the need for urgent obstetrics.

You can find out about how the 34th week of pregnancy for a woman proceeds from the video below.

Watch the video: 34 Weeks Pregnant by @PregChat (July 2024).