
Pregnancy dynamics by month

Pregnancy months are amazing, one is unlike the other, and every month a lot of changes happen to the baby and mom. We are used to thinking that pregnancy is 9 months, and obstetricians are 10, and this is not unusual: in each obstetric month there are exactly four weeks or 28 days, while in calendar months from 28 to 31 days.

If you look at pregnancy by months, then the invisible changes that await the mother and baby on the way to a significant event - the birth of a child - will become more obvious.

The first

The first month of pregnancy begins when there is no trace of pregnancy yet - on the first day of menstruation, which opens a new cycle, which will become special for women. It includes 4.5 calendar weeks from 1 to 4.5... Most women do not even imagine that they are in the first month, because it ends when a woman has only 2-3 days of delay in her period.

Around the middle of the first month, a new life is born - conception occurs. Within a few days, the baby, which is represented by constantly dividing cells, moves to the uterus, where he has to gain a foothold and begin to develop. It depends on how successful the implantation will be, whether the embryo will develop further and whether the pregnancy will continue. Having attached to the wall of the uterus a week after conception, the baby begins to receive nutrition and oxygen from the mother's blood - it is obtained by the chorionic villi.

At the end of the first month, the size of the embryo does not exceed 1 millimeter. An amnion is formed, which begins to produce the very water environment in which the baby will be until the very birth. A heart is forming, but it is not beating yet. The laying of the neural tube begins, the germ cells of the fetus are formed. What gender it will be is known from the moment of conception.

It is too early to look for signs and symptoms of pregnancy, they are too subjective. Only with the onset of the delay, at the very end of the first month of pregnancy, can tests and blood tests for hCG be done.

Depending on how high the individual sensitivity of a particular woman is, some feel the period of implantation, observe implantation bleeding, but this is not typical for everyone. Some may notice the first signs of pregnancy even before the delay, and they are usually associated with the action of progesterone, which is produced in large quantities - there is slight bloating, the temperature rises in the evening, and urination may increase slightly.


It was this month that starts at 4.5 weeks and ends at 8 weeks, a delay in menstruation begins and the state of health of the expectant mother changes. The period of active organogenesis of the fetus is very responsible and important, as well as the most critical. All internal organs are being formed, and changes occur not even every day, but every second.

At 5 weeks, a tiny baby heart begins to beat. At 6 weeks, an ultrasound scan determines the fetal egg and the baby's heartbeat. At this time, the fetal immune system is laid, the formation of facial structures begins. At 7 weeks, the embryo is clearly defined inside the ovum. At 8 weeks, the development of the nervous system begins, the separation of the brain and spinal cord occurs. By the end of the second month, the baby's height reaches 2.5 centimeters.

In women during this period, toxicosis often appears, and this month, most expectant mothers register with a consultation. Breasts begin to ache, and multiparous colostrum may be released slightly.


The third month includes period from 9 to 13 weeks and it ends the first trimester... It is considered one of the most difficult for a woman if she is tormented by toxicosis, since during this period the placentation process is actively going on. But the wait for relief is not long - by the 13th week of gestational age, the placenta will begin to work fully and the woman will feel better.

By the end of the month, the belly begins to grow... From 9-10 weeks, when the formation of the baby's internal organs is completed, they begin to call him not an embryo, but a fetus. At 9 weeks, the baby begins to move his arms, open his mouth. The embryo looks even more than strange, but it is already beginning to get rid of the embryonic tail, legs are forming.

At 9 weeks, the rudiments of milk teeth are laid, the pituitary gland is formed, and neurons begin to form. At 10 weeks, the right and left hemispheres of the brain are separated, the baby begins to swallow amniotic fluid. The face, ears are formed.

Soft cartilaginous bones begin to harden gradually, mineralization takes place, and the need for calcium is great.

At 11 weeks, the structures of children's eyes and the optic nerve are formed, and from 12 weeks the nasal bone grows, fingers are formed. The external genital organs are being formed. By the end of the third month, the child begins to demonstrate the first facial skills - frowning and smiling. By the end of the month, the child reaches a height of 10-12 centimeters and his weight is already approaching 30 grams.

At the end of the third month, from 11 to 13 weeks, the first prenatal screening takes place, designed to identify the increased risks of having a child with chromosomal pathologies.

It is important to register before 12 weeks. This is considered an early production, the woman will be paid a lump sum from the state for it.


Period from 14 to 17 weeks - the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. This month is considered one of the easiest (the fetus is still small, and the toxicosis is already passing). From this month, a woman can afford what was unacceptable in the first trimester - the list of medicines that can be used in case of illness is expanding, you can, if necessary, with precautions dye your hair, treat your teeth, If you want to.

But you can no longer sleep on your stomach and on your back, you should more carefully choose sex positions in order to sleep with your husband safely.

The development of the fetus in the womb slows down somewhat, and now all formed organs simply grow. The kid starts to gain weight. The main risks and dangers are left behind.

  • At week 14 hair begins to grow on the baby's head, all the fruits are discolored so far, there is no coloring pigment. The child develops its own fingerprints, the optic nerve matures, thanks to which the fetus learns to distinguish between light and darkness.
  • At week 15 the first gyrus appears in the brain. The baby's motor activity increases, his liver begins to work, the lungs perform training breathing movements, and the intestines begin to contract weakly, "rehearsing" peristalsis.
  • From week 16 babies have dreams, and muscle formation is completed. At 16 weeks, the child develops hearing, he perceives high-frequency loud sounds, he has his own blood type and Rh factor. On ultrasound, you can determine the sex of the baby with great accuracy.
  • Week 17 the fetus for the first time acquires an external resemblance to relatives, acquires individual features.


The fifth month usually does not give a woman trouble. Unpleasant sensations during this period are the minimum, and the pleasure from your position is the maximum. This period includes 18-21 weeks... Reduces the risk of miscarriage and pregnancy fading. In the movements of the expectant mother, a special smoothness appears, the belly grows, but so far it is still small.

The first stretch marks may appear, and therefore it is important to monitor normal weight gain and take care of the skin of the abdomen, thighs and mammary glands.

The baby begins to acquire normal proportions - now his head is not equal to half of the area of ​​the whole body, it grows more slowly than the legs, arms, trunk. All internal organs are working. From 19-20 weeks, a set of subcutaneous adipose tissue begins, due to this, now the baby will "grow heavier" faster than increase growth. From this time on, you can expect the first movements. The baby pushes intensively, but it is small, and therefore the first movements of the fetus in the womb are felt as light touches.

Full hearing is formed at 20 weeks... The skin becomes four layers, the process of loss of lanugo - thin hairs that covered the entire skin for its protection - begins. A blinking reflex is formed.

From 20-21 weeks, the fetus's own immunity begins to work. The hemispheres are also differentiated - the child is either right-handed or left-handed.

By the end of the fifth month, the child comes up with a weight of 400-450 grams and a height of almost 26-28 centimeters... Almost all reflexes necessary for survival appear.

From 16 to 21 weeks, a second prenatal screening takes place to detect possible chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, as well as neural tube defects.


This month is the last month of the second trimester. It includes the period from 22 to 26 weeks of pregnancy plus a few days from 27 weeks... That is why the information about the end of the second trimester is so different: some say that the trimester ends at 26 weeks, while others - at 27 weeks. To be precise, it ends at 26.5 weeks.

From 22 weeks, babies for the most part reach a weight of 500 grams, and now, if childbirth begins, they will be precisely premature birth, and not a miscarriage. Doctors are now obliged to save the baby at any cost. The baby is still thin, he does not have enough fatty tissue and immature lungs, and therefore childbirth should be avoided. At 23 weeks, the child's sweat and sebaceous glands begin to function, and personal preferences appear - there are sounds that he no longer likes. At the 24th week, the temperament of the fetus is already quite clearly determined - by its movements, behavior. Many women are already establishing full contact with their babies.... This week, the maturation of the fetal lung tissue begins - a phospholipid surfactant substance is formed in the alveoli.

At 25 weeks, fetal reflexes improve. A pigment begins to be produced, which dyes the baby's hair in the color that is predetermined for him by the genetic program laid down at conception.

At 26 weeks, the baby usually turns upside down and is fixed in this position until delivery. Previously, he could spin and turn over as he liked, now there is little room in the uterus. Nine out of ten fetuses are now in cephalic presentation... The boys' sex glands (testicles) begin to descend into the scrotum. At the end of the sixth month, the baby becomes stronger. In case of childbirth at 22 weeks, the probability of his survival does not exceed 7-15%, and already at 26 weeks the chances are estimated at 35-40%.

The belly grows actively, it is no longer possible to hide it. The breast becomes more lush, large, the amount of vaginal discharge increases. During this period, some begin to feel training contractions. (short-term and intermittent tension of the uterine muscles).


The last trimester begins, which will require patience and endurance from a woman. The seventh month includes 27, 28, 29, 30 weeks... The last weeks before the decree are not easy. A woman may develop insomnia, heartburn, some already have shortness of breath, because the uterus occupies up to 70% of the abdominal space.

The baby in the womb continues to gain weight and grow. Lung tissue is actively maturing - this process does not stop for a minute. At 27 weeks, the baby becomes cramped in the uterus, he takes a flexion position, in which the legs are drawn to the stomach, and the chin to the chest. From this moment, again, as in the early stages, it becomes difficult to determine the sex of the child on an ultrasound scan - now the genitals are poorly distinguishable due to the umbilical cord passing between the legs.

The baby's eyesight improves. At week 28, eyelashes grow significantly and cheeks are rounded. The survival rate of fetuses born at this time is approaching a record for deeply premature 90 percent. The process of differentiation of the cerebral cortex is fully completed.

At 30 weeks, women go on maternity leave if they are pregnant with one baby. With twins, the long-awaited maternity leave is provided from 28 weeks.

By the end of the month, children on average reach a weight of 1600-1800 grams with a height of 42 centimeters... The skin folds are gradually smoothed out, the baby ceases to be bright red, most of the hair has fallen out - lanugo.

Now a woman should pay special attention to her weight and edema. Puffiness, pathological increase and high blood pressure are signs of a dangerous complication of the third trimester - gestosis.

A large belly changes the distribution of the load on the spinal column, women have a specific "duck" gait. You can have sex if there are no contraindications from the gynecologist, like flying an airplane... But in any case, on the trip you need to ask the permission of the attending doctor.


In a woman's body, the processes of prenatal preparation begin. A feeling of fatigue appears. It becomes more and more difficult to carry the baby. A month starts at the end of week 30 and ends at 34 weeks plus a few days.

The baby is still reliably protected by the placenta, the aging process has started yet. He is actively gaining weight, every day he becomes more and more like a newborn. Childbirth at this time is no longer as dangerous as it used to be, but due to insufficient maturation of the lung tissue, the risks of distress syndrome still exist.

At the 31st week, the kidneys and lungs are ripening. The skin acquires the color provided by the genome - dark-skinned babies become just that, and representatives of the European race keep their skin pink.

From 32 weeks, the motor activity of the fetus decreases, because there is almost no room for movement in the uterus. A gradual process of reducing the amount of amniotic fluid begins... In the body of the expectant mother, oxytocin begins to be produced in small portions, which will help the onset of labor pains in due time.

Last prenatal screening takes place at 33-34 weeks... The baby adds 300 grams per week, and this is a record increase for the entire period of intrauterine development. At the end of the eighth month, the aging process of the placenta begins. By the end of the month, the baby comes with an average weight of 2.3-2.9 kilograms with an increase of 47 centimeters.

The mobility of the expectant mother is noticeably reduced, anxiety and emotional instability appear. The uterus supports the diaphragm, the ribs may begin to hurt. The body produces relaxin, which softens bones and ligaments, which leads to pain in the pubis and coccyx. Many people complain of insomnia.


The woman and her child are entering the home stretch. This is the final month of pregnancy and the third trimester. Childbirth can happen at any time. The ninth month is considered a period from 35.5 weeks to childbirth... From 37 weeks, childbirth is no longer considered premature, and the baby is no longer premature.

Not only a woman is preparing for childbirth, but also her baby. He "hones" his adaptation skills, as he will soon have to radically change his habitat. At 35 weeks, abdominal prolapse usually occurs in primiparous, later in those giving birth again... Babies now take a place in the lower part of the uterus and press the head against the internal os of the cervix, thereby bringing it closer to maturation and disclosure.

The bones of the baby's skeleton have become stronger, have become solid, the only exceptions are the bones of the skull, which are supposed to remain mobile and relatively soft for the successful passage of the baby through the birth canal.Baby's hair and nails are actively growing. From the 37th week, the senses are tuned, which will begin to fully work immediately after the baby is born. Surfactant production is almost complete.

About a third of all births occur at 38 weeks, but most babies are born at 39-40 weeks... If this does not happen, then from the full 40 weeks, the baby begins to suffer from tightness in the uterus, he begins to produce the stress hormone adrenaline. Up to 42 weeks pregnancy is not considered post-term, it is prolonged.

A woman throughout the month listens carefully to herself, monitors the discharge, sensations, looks for possible harbingers of imminent birth.

The uterus hardly grows - it reached its peak at 36 weeks. Closer to childbirth, mucous discharge with bloody impurities may appear - this is how the so-called mucous plug leaves the cervical canal. After this event, as well as when water leaks, a woman is not recommended to have sex and take a bath, so that the infection does not penetrate into the uterine cavity.

A wide variety of pain sensations are observed - aches in the back and lower back, pain in the pubis, coccyx. Mood and emotional state change. Cystitis and hemorrhoids, as well as varicose veins, are often exacerbated. Colostrum appears in all pregnant women; shortly before delivery, it becomes lighter, more liquid. Milk appears only 2-3 days after delivery.

During this month, a woman is not recommended to eat a large amount of foods with calcium content, so as not to lead to excessive mineralization of the bones of the fetus.

Also contraindicated, as in any other month, alcohol, coffee, smoking. It is better not to dye your hair, because the placenta has become thinner, its resources are exhausted.

Throughout all months of pregnancy and lactation, a woman needs to take care of the health and safety of her baby. During pregnancy, toxicosis, indigestion, allergies can develop - conditions in which you cannot do without taking enterosorbent. The previously popular sorbent Smecta is no longer assigned to expectant mothers, nursing mothers and babies under 2 years old due to the detection of toxic lead in the raw materials for the manufacture of this product. Lead in Smecta can have a depressing effect on the development of a child, in particular on his brain. This statement was published by the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Medical Devices (France) in the spring of 2019. For this reason, the Russian Society of Obstetricians - Gynecologists (ROAG) issued a recommendation to discontinue the appointment of Smecta to pregnant, lactating women, as well as children under 2 years of age. ROAG recommends well-proven Enterosgel or similar preparations.

Entersogel has been identified as the first choice drug for pregnant women for safety reasons (it works only in the gastrointestinal tract lumen). The water-saturated gel form, unlike the powder form, minimizes the risk of constipation, which is very important in the treatment of pregnant women. Gel-like enterosorbent reliably binds and naturally removes pathogenic and toxic compounds from the body, does not have an aggressive effect on the microflora and epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract, in contrast to finely dispersed sorbents.

Knowing the characteristics of pregnancy by month will help a woman better navigate what is happening and build her daily life so that both her and the baby are as useful as possible.

Next, watch a short video - pregnancy: from conception to childbirth.

Watch the video: परगनस क पचव महन. Pregnancy 5th Month baby Movement Development Growth. Second Trimester (May 2024).