
Examples for addition and subtraction

The child gets acquainted with examples of addition and subtraction even in preschool age, almost simultaneously with the writing of the numbers themselves. However, due to the richness of the school curriculum, not every student has time to understand and consolidate the material studied. Little time is given for working off, so at home the child has to deal with additional tasks.

Addition and subtraction examples generator aims to help primary school students. Here you can not only rewrite, but also download tasks to consolidate the topics studied.

Each time the page is opened, the child will be shown new examples for independent work. In addition, the simulator also includes checking the answers. To do this, just download the options with the correct answers.

The number of options for assignments is not limited, this will allow you to learn the composition of a number within two-digit and three-digit numbers (and even more). Rapid assimilation of the material will speed up the solution of tasks not only for addition and subtraction, but also move on to more complex examples.

Watch the video: 15 Addition and Subtraction of Integers Worked Examples (July 2024).