
At what age can a child be given tangerines?

Such sweet and aromatic citrus fruits like tangerines are loved by many children and adults. They are associated with the holiday and are not only pleasant to the taste, but also very useful in winter. At what age can a child be given a tangerine to taste for the first time, how can such a fruit be dangerous and how to choose the best tangerines for a baby?


  • Mandarin is a source of minerals and many vitamins, among which vitamin C, potassium, vitamin D, phosphorus, B vitamins, calcium and vitamin A are especially abundant.
  • Thanks to the content of valuable essential oils, such fruits improve mood, give energy for games and explore the world, and improve memory.
  • The high water content makes mandarin a fruit that is a wonderful thirst quencher.
  • Eating tangerines has a positive effect on metabolic processes, bowel function and glucose levels.
  • Mandarin juice has a phytoncidal effect, therefore it is recommended for respiratory and viral diseases, as well as during the period of recovery from infections.
  • Since the calorie content of mandarin fruits is low, the fruit is classified as a dietary food and is recommended for overweight children.
  • Fruits contain a fairly large amount of fiber, therefore, they have a positive effect on the digestive function.


  • Like other types of citrus, mandarin is classified as a highly allergenic food.
  • Due to its high sugar content, mandarin fruit should not be given to children with diabetes.
  • The use of such citrus should be strictly dosed in case of stomach diseases, when the acidity is increased, since organic acids are present in it.


You should not treat a child with tangerine with:

  • Gastritis or peptic ulcer disease.
  • Diabetes.
  • Citrus intolerance.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Jade.
  • Cholecystitis.

Why are there allergies?

The development of allergy to mandarin fruits is often associated with a hereditary predisposition. If one of the parents has an intolerance to this type of fruit, then there is a high probability of its occurrence in the child.

A reaction to tangerine can also appear with an excessive amount of such citrus in the children's menu. Also, the body can respond with allergies to citrus fruits for diseases of the digestive tract.

The reaction to mandarin fruits can also be caused by chemicals that can be used to process these fruits for longer storage.

What does a mandarin allergy look like?

Most often, the reaction to the use of tangerine is the appearance of a rash on the child's skin. The skin may turn red and swollen and itch. Allergy often affects the mucous membrane of the eye, then the child's eyelids swell, tearing begins, the eyeballs redden and itch.

Eating the fruit can also cause nasal congestion and allergic rhinitis. Symptoms of the respiratory system can be added to it, such as dry cough, difficulty breathing, swelling of the larynx, and a sore throat. The digestive tract can also react negatively to tangerine - the appearance of abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea or even colitis.

Can I give a one-year-old child?

Most pediatricians advise introducing the baby to the tangerines after 12 months. First, give your baby some juice of this citrus, remembering to dilute it by half with water. Next, the toddler can taste the tangerine wedge. If the child reacted normally to it, the number of slices is gradually increased to one or two tangerines per day.

At what age is it better to introduce into complementary foods?

In the absence of a tendency to allergies, it is advised to introduce mandarin into the children's diet from 1 year old. If the baby has had cases of allergic reactions to any food products, acquaintance with all citruses, including tangerines, should be postponed until the age of 3.

In what form can you give?

In the child's diet, mandarin most often appears:

  1. In the form of freshly squeezed juice. Fresh tangerine is cut into two halves and using a citrus press or simply squeezing tightly with your hand, squeeze the juice out of the fruit. Then it is diluted with the same amount of purified water and offered to the child.
  2. In the form of fresh fruits. Tangerines are peeled and divided into slices. The smallest children are advised to remove the white skin from the slices so that the pulp is easier to chew. If there are seeds in the fruits, they must be removed and discarded.

Tips for choosing

  • Assess the weight of the fruit visually, and then take the mandarin in your hand or weigh it. If the fruit is ripe, its weight will be less than you thought at first glance. Unripe fruits will be firm and heavy.
  • The skin of the fruit must be intact. If tangerines have dark spots, cracks, or rotten areas, do not buy them for children.
  • You should not buy overly soft fruits, as the inside of such tangerines can be rotten. Also, do not use fruits with woody or dull skins, as these citrus fruits are overripe.
  • Choose tangerines for a child only in places where the products have all the necessary documentation. Take an interest in where the fruit is grown - the hotter it gets, the sweeter the tangerines will be.

Find out if your child's weight is normal using the following calculator.

Watch the video: Tangerine in one hand, muffin in the other hand The Return of Superman (July 2024).