
Dr. Komarovsky on the way to influence the sex of the child during conception

The child's gender is one of the most pressing issues for future parents. But previously, there were no reliable methods on how to influence the sex of the child. Now scientists have given hope for a solution to this issue in the near future, says Dr. Komarovsky.

Many couples want their future baby to be of a specific gender. This is especially true for families that already have one child or several children of the same sex (mainly when they want children of different sexes).

However, gender planning is extremely important in some hereditary diseases, which have a type of inheritance associated with sex chromosomes. So, it is known that hemophilia, color blindness, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Wiskott-Aldridge syndrome and Maurice's syndrome are characteristic only of boys. For families with these and other X-linked genetic diseases, the ability to choose who will be born (girl or boy) is not just a whim, but necessity.

Recent studies by Japanese scientists have shown that in sperm with the X chromosome (they are called "female") there is a certain protein, the activation of which occurs under the action of certain drugs from the group of immunomodulators. The influence on this protein can slow down the speed of movement of the germ cells containing it, as a result of which the "female" spermatozoa become sluggish and inactive. Accordingly, the "male" sperm cells freely reach the egg and "win", ensuring the birth of a boy.

Experiments of this kind of scientists were prompted by information that a couple infected with the hepatitis B virus is more likely to have a boy. This gave rise to thinking about the influence of an infectious or toxic factor on sperm with X chromosomes, which was the reason for the research of proteins.

Dr. Komarovsky calls this method quite promising and confirms that in mice, 90% of it leads to the birth of male offspring.

Watch the video in which Dr. Komarovsky talks about this method.

Watch the video: Школа доктора Скачко: видео 1 на YouTube про особенности национальной охоты за здоровьем (May 2024).