
What are rattles and which model to choose for a newborn?

Rattles are perhaps the most invariable attribute of any baby. With their help, the baby learns the laws of the world around him, in particular, learns that mechanical action on many objects allows you to create one or another sound.

As a rule, baby rattles are designed in the form of a toy. However, choosing them correctly is not at all as easy as it might seem at first glance.

A bit of history

The rattle was not invented yesterday, but no one can say with certainty when people first guessed to make such toys for children. The fact is that at first such a subject played a completely different role, in no way connected with the upbringing of children.

It is known that rattles were used in ancient Greece during cult rites. Such their use is documented, but it can be safely assumed that similar devices were used by different prehistoric tribes in all corners of the globe.

According to Russian traditions, a rattle is often perceived as a musical instrument that could be used as an addition to a drum or attached to festive costumes or horse harness. In the culture of many small peoples of Russia, the rattle is still used as an accompaniment for dances or religious rituals. Initially, the rattle had not only entertainment, but also symbolic meaning, protecting the child from evil spirits.

Benefit and harm

Baby rattles play a key role in the early development of a toddler. Having been born, he still does not know how to use even those senses that he has. Therefore, a rattle for newborns can become his first simulator. There are a number of advantages of purchasing such a gift.

  • Listening to the sound of the rattle and examining it, the child begins to catch the pattern between where the noisy object is and its location. It is thanks to rattles that we adults understand where the sound comes from.
  • At first, a newborn is not able to focus his gaze for a long time even on a static object, but the rattle, making a noise, attracts the attention of the baby. If the parents move it, the child learns to follow moving objects, increasing his own concentration.
  • In the future, the child will be able to hold small objects in his hands, and the rattle will be one of the first. Holding it in inept handles, the baby develops finger motor skills, thanks to which his grip becomes more confident and stronger.

There should be no harm from a good rattle, the only exception will be very loud varieties that can scare a child or interfere with his parents' sleep.

At what age should you buy?

Almost all types of toys are marked with the minimum age from which they should be used. Although rattles are the simplest variety of toys, they can not always be used literally from birth.

It should be noted that it is really worth training attention and well-coordinated work of the senses from birth, but not any rattle is suitable for such purposes. The newborn does not yet completely control his limbs in order to hold such an object in his hands. He cannot even turn to the side if the object is out of sight.

That is why for the smallest it is recommended to choose hanging rattles, which are always in sight.

Starting from three months, it is considered acceptable to use rattles that really resemble toys. The baby is not yet able to lift such objects, but he can already independently activate them if they are in the immediate vicinity. Gifts of this type also improve the child's tactile skills, because to get a sound, he will have to touch the object.

After reaching six months of age, you can use the most difficult rattles, for example, those attached to the dining table. This solution allows the child to play and develop even while eating, but the suction cup does not allow the toy to be thrown off. A teether with a rattle function is also a good option.

When does a baby start to respond to a rattle?

The use of rattles is beneficial for the baby literally from birth, but the fact that he perceives the toy and reacts to it does not become immediately obvious. This is caused not only by the weak level of development of the nervous system, but also by the actual inability of the infant to demonstrate his reaction.

However, scientists have proven that already starting from the fourth week of life, the baby is able to approximately determine the direction of sound, trying to turn his head and look in that direction.

When does it start to hold in your hands?

In the first months of life, rattles are already interesting for a baby, but he still does not have enough strength and skills to hold such a toy in his hands. It is not for nothing that manual toys are not recommended for use before the age of three months. It is at this stage that the child finally reaches the level where he can, of his own free will, touch nearby objects.

The question of when exactly he begins to hold the object in his hands depends on the individual characteristics of the development of each child. Wherein from 7 months it is recommended to use rattles on suction cups, because at this stage the child is already able to purposefully push objects from horizontal surfaces. As a rule, now the baby is already able to hold small rattles in his hands.

Models and views

Although the rattle seems to be an extremely simple design, manufacturers have come up with at least a dozen varieties of it. They differ not only in appearance, but also in the age of their target audience.

For newborns, they usually buy those rattles that are hung on strollers, cots and car seats. This is convenient, since the child in the first months of life can only look up, and it is there that the developing object is fixed. During a car ride or light motion sickness, an infant hears the sound made by such suspensions and stretch marks.

An alternative for the smallest can be a bracelet worn on arms or legs. Another thing is that for the full use of such a gift, both a fairly developed physical activity and the possibility of a good view of the source of the sound being emitted are needed.

When using bracelets, parents should make sure that the attachments do not pinch their toddler's limb.

In addition, there are a huge variety of other types of rattles that are designed for babies 3 months and older.

  • Starting at 3 months, the child slowly begins to be interested in the surrounding objects, trying to reach them. The rattle attracts increased attention, therefore it can become an excellent trainer of grasping reflexes. In this situation, great fit mace or maracas, and special ones are bought for the legs cute socks with noise function... Light knitted amigurumi toys with bells will also be a good gift.

  • After another three months, you can give your baby rattles, which have other useful properties. For example, it is during this period that the baby's teeth begin to erupt, causing him discomfort. You can search in children's stores teethersthat can make noise when shaking. In addition, at this stage, the child increasingly leaves the cradle and can even play on the floor, so that rattle mat it will not hurt him either. At the same time, he will help mom to hear if the child has crawled away somewhere.
  • A few months later, you can gradually start buying developmental rattles, in which the noise function is already only an additional one. These include various puzzles and books. Don't worry that your child is still infinitely far from being able to read on his own. If the book contains beautiful pictures, and even it can make noise, the stable interest of the young "reader" will be guaranteed.

In addition, you can find personalized rattles in stores, which is especially important when several babies are growing up in the same family.

Types of materials

It's no secret that many types of material are considered unsuitable for children for a number of reasons. Today, rattles are usually made from four different materials, each with its own characteristics.

  • Plastic toys for babies are most popular among the manufacturers themselves, since this material is inexpensive, but it allows not to limit the imagination of designers. High-quality plastic samples are completely safe and have bright colors. In addition, this rattle is very convenient to wash, because it does not absorb dirt.

At the same time, it is worth considering the choice more carefully, because many consumers choose such a product for a low price, which often indicates low-quality and toxic raw materials.

  • Wooden rattles in fashion longer than any others - a few centuries ago, their predecessors were also made of birch bark and wood. Wood is completely safe for a child, its production does not pollute the environment, and the surface of the product is also pleasant to the touch. But rattles made of wood are quite heavy for the baby's hands, and even traumatic - they can hurt you.
  • Textile and knitted soft rattles they look very attractive, differ in weightlessness and inability to injure themselves. Their appearance is so elegant that one of the varieties of such toys, amigurumi, is rapidly gaining popularity even among adults. Such dolls are even used for interior decoration.

  • Felt toys provide the child with pleasant tactile sensations, stimulating additional interest in the subject. The price of such products is also relatively low, but there is one drawback: the fabric easily absorbs dirt, so it will have to be washed with unenviable regularity.
  • Silicone rattles it is more correct to call teethers, since the latter are made only from this material. The main advantage of choosing silicone is the ability to combine the functions of two items at once. At the same time, there is usually a liquid inside the teether that softens the baby's suffering from teething, so you should carefully monitor the integrity of the product.

Popular brands

Many parents do not have the time or desire to understand all the intricacies of choosing rattles. Therefore, they prefer to make their choice in favor of well-known brands that produce time-tested products.

In terms of quality, it is most advisable to choose products from Western manufacturers. These include, for example, Italian rattles Chicco or Israeli Tiny Love. Delivery from afar may negatively affect the cost of the product, but there is no doubt about its quality.

Russian consumers have naturally high demand for products from domestic manufacturers, since they are the most affordable both in price and in proximity to the buyer. Russian brands include Stellar and "World of Childhood"... Reviews of such products come across polar opposite: from delight and admiration to a complete lack of understanding how you can buy something like this a second time.

It is impossible not to mention Chinese goods, they are increasingly taking over the world market, and rattles are not an exception here. For the price, such a purchase will cost even less than the Russian counterpart, but it is impossible to single out at least one manufacturer here, they represent too monotonous models.

Tips for choosing

Products for children need to be chosen very carefully, because babies pull everything into their mouths, and their health is not yet ready to resist various troubles. For this reason, it's important to learn a few more tips on how not to buy your child a potential threat instead of an educational toy.

  • The quality requirements for rattles are so high that such products can even be specially certified. For this reason, it is not recommended to purchase rattles in the markets. Trust only large children's stores and pharmacies.
  • The unpleasant smell coming from the product is one hundred percent reason not to buy it. As a rule, it indicates the use of low-quality raw materials or dye.
  • Perfect surface smoothness is a must for a rattle. Every chip or sharp corner can cause injury to the baby.
  • Children like everything bright, but in nature there are practically no safe dyes of "poisonous" shades. In addition, it is better to train the visual apparatus on natural colors.
  • Before buying, be sure to evaluate the sound made by the toy. The noise should be pleasant and in no case harsh, otherwise there is a risk of frightening the baby. Then he will not be interested in the rattle.

  • Scientists have found that infants are not able to lift an object weighing more than one hundred grams. Therefore, the rattle should weigh less, otherwise it will not contribute in any way to the development of fine motor skills of the hands.
  • When choosing a teether, you must make sure that the product is intact, otherwise the liquid filler may leak out. Then the purchase will turn into a shapeless and useless silicone case.
  • For more variety, you can buy a whole set of rattles for the baby, but it should be understood that he does not need too many. In the first months of life, even one toy for 5 minutes a day can “load” his little brain. At an older age, he will already need more diverse entertainment.

How to play?

In the first months of life, it is necessary to play rattles with a child rather carefully, because, guided by his reflexes, he can grab the product and swallow it or part of it solely out of his own curiosity. Such reflexes work already in the first month of life, but they are completely unconscious, so you can't even call it a game.

They play with the newborn, smoothly swinging the rattle at a distance of 25-30 cm from his face. Such play should not last more than 2 minutes, since the child is still not able to concentrate attention for a longer period.

From about two months old, you can put rattles in a child's hand so that he learns to hold them consciously. This is unlikely to work the first time, but with the proper amount of exercise, already at three months, the baby will be able to take the toy from his mother's hands, consciously examine it and even deliberately rattle.

For information on how to choose the right rattles for the little ones, see the next video.

Watch the video: KONIG KIDS Baby Rattles BPA Free Toys for Newborns (July 2024).