
Board games for children

It seemed that with the advent and active development of computers, board games would disappear within a few years - modern technologies, transferring the plot to the virtual space, offer much brighter graphics, improve the plot itself, and they also allow playing with loved ones. However, similar predictions were made before: it was assumed that radio would make newspapers disappear, developing television would destroy radio, and the Internet would destroy all three of its predecessors.

Nevertheless, all these inventions of mankind still exist and are popular, and even now we can say that since board games are still interested, then they will not disappear. Moreover, in addition to purely entertainment, board games have one more, very important function - developmental. For this reason, they should be of particular interest to parents who would like to teach their children certain real-life skills in a playful way.

Harm and benefit

To be honest, it is impossible to detect at least some harm from board games in general, although some, not the most successful samples, due to their dubious content, can alienate a potential buyer. Yes, board games are somewhat inferior to computer games in terms of complexity and visual impressions, but this is not harm, but they give a brighter feeling of competition, do not spoil your eyesight at all, and also not so much addictive, that is, they do not create mania.

Benefit is another matter. Here are just a few of the benefits of board games:

  • In any company, be it family or friends, it will be interesting to test your intelligence, cunning and luck.
  • The board game is relevant in any situationwhen you are not alone, even if the weather is bad, active physical activity is for some reason unavailable, and the computer or the Internet does not work.

  • Some board games have such a vivid educational elementthat are even used in educational institutions.

  • Board games are great time killing on a long journey, especially since their network competitors in this situation are often inaccessible - outside of large cities, wireless Internet in our country is still "caught" unless it is pointwise.

However, if we talk about the reasons for buying board games for a child, then the main attention should be concentrated on the educational capabilities of a particular game.

Here are the main reasons why a board game will become more than just a toy for a child:

  • Learning to count. Since almost any board game involves winners and losers, you need to be able to count to add points, moves, and so on. For adults, this task does not seem difficult, but it is very useful for the development of mathematical abilities in babies. If we talk about complex games like the same "Monopoly", then the account there is somewhat more complicated, and even the skill of conducting banking and economic transactions appears, which is useful for adults.

  • Learning to read. Many modern children are not too eager to learn the alphabet, and the only way to really interest them is to demonstrate an interesting game that cannot be played without the ability to read. Of board games, for which the ability to read is not required, only checkers, chess and backgammon come to mind, and everyone else develops this skill.

  • Family reunification. Many families experience a chilly atmosphere between members due to too little time for communication. The reasons for this are different interests, everyone's abstraction to their own concerns. An addictive game is a great way to bring the whole family together at one table and literally make you spend time together with interest.

  • Communication skills training. Shyness and shyness are characteristic of very many children, but this is not the best character trait. Even completely unfamiliar children can come together for the game, and in the process they will have to communicate at least a little, but still communicate with each other, which will teach them not to be afraid to get acquainted. In addition, the game will also teach behavior in society - at least to behave correctly in case of victory and after defeat.

  • A worthy replacement for gadgets. A lot has been written about the dangers of excessive enthusiasm for a computer, tablet or mobile phone, so we will not repeat ourselves. Gadgets attract children with the brightness and excitement of games, and then the "addicted" child simply cannot get rid of the habit that has become a part of life. It's another matter if you offer him a good alternative, which can be board games.

Still, one cannot help but notice that the choice of games should be more careful.

Focus on the indicated age on the box, as well as on the developmental characteristics of your child, if you want the gift to interest him.

Buy a game that is too easy - it will quickly get bored and be abandoned, but get something to grow, while it is too difficult - and the kid will be disappointed, not being able to win. In addition, take care of the variety - any, even the most interesting game tends to get boring over time.


The variety of existing board games is so great that it is not at all easy to classify them in any way. There is a solid suspicion that no matter what the most unexpected idea is expressed by potential consumers, it will turn out that she or her likeness has already been embodied in reality.

If we talk about targeting certain players, then all games can be divided into family games, for boys, for girls, for one child or for two children, and even for kindergarten. Games for the whole family should not contain overly naive, fabulous elements, otherwise parents will not be interested in playing this.

Games for boys and girls differ more in design and semantic content, because various military plots are more interesting for boys, but they will not play princesses.

If we talk about games for one child, then these are more often puzzles, logic or simple mini-games that do not require the participation of a second person.

Games for two always involve competition.

Kindergarten board games are designed for a large number of players of the same age group.

Most parents strive to purchase educational and developmental games for their children, forgetting that at a very young age, any board games provide a certain development. Even card games, which are usually not recommended for children, are capable of giving something useful - the well-known "foolish" fun, for example, develops memory well.

Any game can be of additional benefit, if it is in English, because there is nothing better for learning English than constant practice.

For kids from 1 year old, most often (first of all!) They acquire simple math games that allow them to learn numbers and learn to count.

Of course, with the growth of the child, the games should become more complicated, give him not just basic skills, but also more serious knowledge. Mind games are often some funny quizzes about geography, ecology, or any other branch of knowledge, or all of them at once. Some of them also perform cognitive functions, if, not knowing the correct answer, the player can immediately find it and learn more.

Various economic simulators have gained immense popularity, but one should not think that we are talking only about the standard "Monopoly". Even on its basis, dozens of modifications have been developed that take into account the specific interests of future players, for example, sports games focused on the purchase and development of well-known football clubs. All these examples are characterized as developing memory and intelligence.

Someone only needs new games with a bright design that take into account modern realities, but ordinary wooden Soviet chess can give a child a lot. Contrary to popular belief, some board games are not devoid of active movement elements - there are also games of skill.

Even if the game does not show any explicit and unique teaching moments, it can solve road problems: take it on a long journey, and the child will find something to do!

Perhaps, from such a choice it is easy to get confused, but it is important to remember that the inability to find something interesting is a too far-fetched reason not to buy a board game for a child.

Most played board games

Every person, even a child, has special tastes, and modern game manufacturers do their best to satisfy everyone's needs. In this context, it will not be entirely correct to single out some games as the best or at least just interesting, because there is no comrade in taste and color. Nevertheless, we will still try to make a small overview of popular games in order to show at least a little their variety.

Let's start with a legend called "Monopoly", because it is known to everyone. The first set appeared during the Great Depression in the United States, when in a difficult economic situation people could get rich and not need money at least to play.

It is possible to simply dream of untold wealth these days, but the fact is that the game contributes to the development of business skills, and the winner is usually the one who has already begun to understand how it works.

There are dozens of variations of this game designed to bring the game situation closer to the one that is interesting to the future owner - for example, buying attractions within one country or even a city. Among Russian consumers such version as Europolia has also become in demand.

Among children, "walkers" have gained great popularity, they are "walkers". "Monopoly", in fact, also in some sense refers to them, but most often games with a dice and chips do not imply a complex plot - there you just throw and walk. The attractiveness for children lies in the beautiful playing field and the need to help one or another hero of the fairy tale, urgently arriving at the destination. The benefit is in learning to count, so for children, even of primary school age, this is just entertainment.

Board games that imitate a particular sport are very common. Table tennis stands apart, of course, since it managed to transform into a separate sport, and not only children play it.

The favorite game of Soviet boys was table football; there is, albeit less well-known, also table basketball. Ladies and gentlemen-to-be may also like table billiards, which is played on a special toy table.

Judging by the demand, the timeless classics are not losing popularity either. Chess usually interesting not earlier than middle school age, but checkers, due to the simplicity of their rules, will fit even for preschoolers.

Similar success is enjoyed by lotto, especially since there are special children's varieties. Dominoes, usually considered entertainment for male pensioners, can be interesting and useful even for children, if, say, a children's dominoAnimals", Which helps to study animals, or"Fruit". Continuing the theme of mass entertainment of the past decades, we note that manufacturers have implemented even “Sea battle"And"Field of Dreams».

Games such as “ABC"And"Read grab". The second is especially popular, which can even be played by those kids who cannot yet read. Those players who have already learned to read will significantly develop this skill, since here the one who can read faster wins. For the use of "Read-grab" chips is often compared with the game "Dobble”, But that one - with cards, and she does not teach to read - it simply entertains and develops attentiveness and quickness of reaction.

If the child already reads well and has a good vocabulary, please him with a game "Erudite", The task in which is to compose crosswords from words with certain letters and collect points.

We will also include here “Tick-Tock Boom”, But there the meaning is in coming up with words from a certain set of letters at a time. It is necessary to come up with a word while the bomb clock is ticking in your hands. If you succeed - pass the "bomb" to the next player, if you do not have time - it will "explode".

Even one name is surprising to some parents, but a game called “Traffic Laws". Contrary to expectations, this is not a quiz, and she will not teach a kid to drive a car, but it will help to understand the meaning of road signs and not get hit by a car while walking on the street. There, by the way, you can play as a motorist, and if the kid is interested, but you don't want to put him at the computer, offer him to steer without any gadgets - with the help of a revived Soviet toy "Behind the wheel". For a more colorful study of signs with a large number of chips, there is also such a game as “Traffic lights».

Fans of complex logic games for two will surely like the game «The corridor", The meaning of which is somewhat reminiscent of Chinese tic-tac-toe - you need to confuse your opponent and not get confused yourself.

Even the game in the association found its reflection in the table version - the most famous version is called “Alias". For the youngest children, it expands the vocabulary, in addition, it can be played in a foreign language.

Something similar in meaning and Activity, but there you will have to explain not with words, but with gestures, movements, or even drawings made with your own hands, therefore this game is focused on adolescents and adults.

Another analogue is the game "Crocodile". But for teenagers, especially creative ones, from this series it is better to purchase the game "Imaginarium", Because it not only develops imagination, but also allows you to understand other players much better, but it requires a sufficiently developed mind.

An interesting game for reaction speed and attention - “Fishingand". A teenager would go for a real one, but a kid would be interested in catching fish that appear with a toy fishing rod. Similar features are developed by the game "In the bag”, But there, by throwing special dice with the characteristics of hats, you need to choose what you find among numerous layouts, and the one who copes with the task faster wins.

An unusual card game that requires its own set of cards - "Pig". They usually play it in a large company, and besides entertainment, it also develops attention - you need to carefully monitor your opponents, trying to watch for their inattention. Another card game is “Cortex”, She is distinguished by a decent variety of tasks, and therefore develops a number of abilities, including logic, speed of thinking and reaction, and much more.

The game "Cats and Mice" will help to teach kids how to count. In concept, it is somewhat reminiscent of a typical "walker", but it has a very unusual distribution. If you want to impress your child with a board game using modern technologies, buy him “Cockroach racing».

The entourage of the game is such that the action supposedly takes place in the kitchen, through which a cockroach is running, and it must be driven into its own trap - whoever copes first wins. A characteristic feature of the game is that there is a real mechanical cockroach, which in itself can be a fun toy.

Do not forget that children like games, one way or another, imitating the activities of adults. Kids, of course, dream of becoming super agents, for them - a game "Spy Kids», Which teaches you how to create secret ciphers and solve them. Game developers «Operation"Drew attention to the popularity of children's" medical "kits, but went much further - now the child will be able to" operate "a person and cure him of any disease!

You can "do" and breeding animals, now you do not need any real animals, or even gadgets - for those who are interested, the game "Farm". For children, even such unexpected board games are released as, for example, “Fortune teller", Where you can not only predict the future, but also score points and win. Well and "Mafia»Does not need an introduction - there will be a chance to try yourself in the role of at least a bandit or a policeman, and this toy will capture not only children but also adults.


The most popular board games are produced by dozens of different companies around the world, both in high-quality and expensive configurations, as well as in budget and simple ones, while lesser-known gaming concepts are produced by only one company. The most famous gaming brands are popular due to consistently interesting stories, high quality and durability of all components.

Pay attention to the following manufacturers - if you see such a label, then the game is definitely worthy of attention:

  • Hasbro. This American company was founded almost a hundred years ago, and began producing toys in 1940. Over the decades of its existence, it managed to reach the scale of the annual turnover of several billion dollars, and it is not surprising, because this company owns the rights to the famous Monopoly, as well as to Twister and Scrabble, not to mention collections of popular children's toys.

  • Play Land. Another very large company that produces toys, but located much closer - in Bulgaria. The company has existed for some twenty years, but managed to conquer the markets of all Eastern European countries thanks to the great attention of developers to the local mentality of each state. In particular, the Russian-language versions of this brand's products take into account the history, culture and economy of Russia as much as possible.

  • Djeco. Not so well-known brand in the world, but not because of poor quality, but because of the focus mainly on the smallest consumers. Board games from this company are distinguished by their characteristic, unlike anything else, design and will certainly interest the kid.

  • Hudora. This German manufacturer is better known for its "transport", namely scooters and longboards, but in recent years it has been actively developing the direction of board games, which has already been positively received, including by domestic consumers.

Russian manufacturers, in comparison with leading foreign ones, have not yet achieved significant achievements. Perhaps the main company producing products of this kind is TM “Red Cat», Whose plant is located in Rostov-on-Don. The company's portfolio does not have any of its own developments that have gained insane popularity, but it finds its consumer if only because it publishes inexpensive Russian interpretations of famous games from other brands - for example, it produces at least a dozen varieties of Monopoly.

How to do it yourself?

It is almost impossible to find homemade board games, but if you have certain skills and a great desire to make one yourself, it is quite possible. The meaning of this is not even in saving money, but rather in realizing one's own creative potential, or, alternatively, in creating a truly original and unique gift. It should be noted that for hand-made most board games, you will need woodworking skills to create chips.

Almost the only way to do without this is to make chips out of paper or cardboard, but then you need to come up with a way to make them durable or just make new ones in a timely manner to replace the worn ones. Theoretically, for the same purpose, you can also use the remaining chips from other games or even found checkers from old sets.

Regardless of the type of game, to create it on your own, you need to have talents in the field of drawing. If you are not a specialist in wood processing, then all the details of your creation, including the playing field and chips, will be made of cardboard, and without a beautiful visual design, it will look like rather boring waste paper. This is especially true if the child is small, since bright colors are simply necessary for him to feel a fairy tale and entertain. However, this is true for children of any age, just the elders can appreciate at least the attempt itself, but the younger will not appreciate the colorless game at all.

A very important detail for most board games is the dice that determines the number of moves. You don't have to make it yourself - it is sold in any major toy store. Having considered all of the above, we come to the conclusion that it is easiest to make a "walker" with your own hands. You can even simplify your task somewhat and not draw a playing field, but use a clipping from a magazine or even just a printout of an image from the Internet instead of your own drawing. It remains to plot the route on which the players will move and solve the issue with the chips and the dice - that's all, the gift is ready.

Another thing is that for an exciting children's game, an interesting plot is required, which must be thought out in advance. The same chess, being, in fact, quite a serious strategy, is inferior in popularity to many modern games precisely because there are no graphics or surroundings.

If we take them as an example, then in order to attract interest, the figures should be given the appearance of real soldiers, as well as come up with some kind of background in which to describe what kind of opposing sides are, why they met in battle, and how this or that outcome will affect them. further destiny. Ordinary "walkers" do not need such a large-scale legend, but it is still worth thinking about why it is so important for players to get to their destination as soon as possible.

If you are serious about it, take care of some packaging for the game and its components as well. Surely you spent a lot of time on its creation, put a lot of energy and your own soul into it, so it is better that the playing field lasts as long as possible, and the chips do not get confused.


Talking about reviews of board games in general is quite difficult, too - this is a broad topic. Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority of points of view on the role of such a gift in a child's life are characterized by a high proportion of positive.

Most parents sincerely believe that this is the optimal combination of play and learning, and over the decades of the developed industry of board games, developers have learned to develop literally any useful qualities, and have also created thousands of solutions for every taste - according to their interests. In addition to purely practical skills, board games improve the mood of the players and the atmosphere in the team, as for age restrictions, you can choose a game even for the smallest children.

Of course, there are negative reviews, but they are rather point-like. None of the commenters were unhappy with board games in general, their claims are always about one particular product. Most often, criticism is aimed at the quality of a particular set - for example, in a world famous game released by a domestic company in the form of a budget copy, cards can be short-lived. Some original little-known games are criticized for the complexity, or, conversely, the lack of thoughtfulness of the plot. Sometimes the plot of individual games lends itself to criticism for immorality or an attempt to exalt low human qualities.

What board games to play with children, see also the next video.

Watch the video: 8 Best Amazon Board Games for Kids and Family (July 2024).