
"Elevit Pronatal" during pregnancy: instructions for use

During pregnancy, it is important to provide a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in food in order to prevent problems with the development of the baby and the deterioration of the health of the woman herself. However, it is very difficult to cover the increased needs of the expectant mother with food alone, so doctors recommend taking multivitamins. Among the most popular multivitamin supplements for pregnant women is Elevit Pronatal. To understand why many women in a position choose this particular complex, you need to read the instructions for using such vitamins, study their composition and review the reviews.

Features of the drug

"Elevit Pronatal" is one of the two complexes of vitamins for pregnant women produced by Bayer. Unlike a product called "Elevit Planning and First Trimester", specially designed for preparation for conception and early gestation, complex "Pronatal" recommended from the 13th week of pregnancy to delivery. It can also be taken during the postpartum period to support a nursing mother.

The drug is a tablet with a yellow color and an elongated shape... There is a risk on the surface of the product, according to which the vitamin can be divided into halves if it is not possible to swallow it whole. The average price of a pack of 30 tablets is 600-700 rubles, and a pack containing 100 tablets costs 1500-1700 rubles.

From such a complex, the expectant mother will be able to receive 12 vitamins, the dosages of which correspond to the needs of women in late pregnancy. A feature of the product is the increased dose of folic acid.

Each tablet is a source of 800 mcg of this vitamin, one of the most important for the normal development of the baby.

In addition to vitamins, Elevit Pronatal contains 7 more macro- and microelements... These are phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and copper in dosages sufficient for 2-3 trimesters. In this case, the pregnant woman will receive magnesium, calcium and phosphorus from several compounds at once, which increases the bioavailability of such minerals.

How does it affect?

The effect of Elevit Pronatal on the organism of the expectant mother and the development of the baby is determined by the ingredients of the tablets.

  1. Due to the high dose of retinol, the complex affects the metabolism of proteins, mucopolysaccharides and lipids. This vitamin is important for the normal development of both the embryo and the placenta. Its deficiency can affect the state of vision and bones of the fetus.
  2. The presence of the full spectrum of B vitamins makes Elevit Pronatal important for all metabolic processes, the production of enzymes and neurotransmitters. Such substances are involved in hematopoiesis, support cell synthesis and ensure the normal growth of the child.
  3. The addition of vitamin D to tablets is necessary for good calcium metabolism. Thanks to this substance, calcium is better absorbed, which is important for the mineralization of bones and the correct formation of teeth.
  4. The inclusion of vitamin E in the complex provides the necessary antioxidant protection, affects the formation of red blood cells and the condition of connective tissues. This ingredient also largely determines the normal development of the baby's nervous and reproductive system.
  5. A sufficient dose of vitamin C affects immune function, hemoglobin synthesis, healthy teeth, cartilage and joints. Another important property of ascorbic acid is the prevention of inflammatory processes, which is also facilitated by the manganese added to the tablets.
  6. The presence of calcium in Elevit Pronatal supports the formation of bone and dental tissue in the fetus, and also protects the teeth of a pregnant woman from decay. In addition, this element is involved in muscle contraction, blood clotting and the transmission of nerve impulses.
  7. The iron present in the preparation helps prevent anemia in the expectant mother, thereby protecting the fetus from lack of oxygen. The addition of copper to the Elevit Pronatal ingredient list is also aimed at preventing anemia and strengthening the vascular walls.
  8. The inclusion of magnesium in the tablets maintains the blood pressure of the pregnant woman within the normal range, and also has a positive effect on the nervous system. This element is very useful for expectant mothers, as it helps to prevent termination of pregnancy and the development of preeclampsia.
  9. Thanks to the zinc added to the complex, hormone synthesis is normalized, the risk of malformations is reduced, tissue regeneration is supported, and due to the phosphorus present in the preparation, the mineralization of bones and teeth improves.

Using Elevit Pronatal, the expectant mother will strengthen the defenses, improve metabolic processes in her body, and reduce the risk of bleeding and fetal malformations.

A sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in such tablets supports the female body in the later stages, prepares it for breastfeeding and ensures a quick recovery after childbirth.

When is it appointed?

Drinking "Elevit Pronatal" is recommended for women who have been diagnosed with hypovitaminosis or have a high risk of developing it. The product is especially often prescribed to expectant mothers over the age of 30 and pregnant women who have nutritional problems (if the woman, for some reason, does not get all the important vitamins from food). In addition, the supplement is in demand for women who have had problems with conception and bearing in the past. For such expectant mothers, “Elevit” can be prescribed together with “Angiovit” and other drugs.


The use of "Elevit Pronatal" is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the complex. The drug is also contraindicated:

  • patients who have developed hypervitaminosis D or A (the accumulation of such vitamins is dangerous);
  • expectant mothers with pernicious anemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12;
  • women with high calcium levels in their tests;
  • pregnant women with kidney pathologies, if the excretory function is seriously impaired;
  • patients with disorders of iron and copper metabolism;
  • in cases of detection of urolithiasis;
  • with lactose intolerance (such a component is included in the inactive substances of the tablets), lactase deficiency and glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • when treated with certain drugs, for example, antacids, other multivitamins, or antimicrobial agents.

Side effects

As with other multivitamins, while taking Elevit Pronatal an allergic reaction may develop, because the preparation contains a large number of different components. Starting to drink pills, some women notice hives, redness of the skin, swelling of tissues and other symptoms of allergies. This should be a reason to immediately stop taking and select another vitamin remedy, for example, tablets "Vitrum Prenatal Forte", "Complivit Mama" or "Femibion ​​2".

Sometimes "Elevit Pronatal" causes digestive disorders, for example, provokes abdominal pain, loose stools, nausea, or constipation... In rare cases, taking such pills leads to the appearance headache, dizziness, insomnia or increased nervous irritability.

With such symptoms, it is also best to replace the drug with other multivitamins by choosing the appropriate complex with your doctor.

Since iron is included in the composition of "Elevit Pronatal", while taking the tablets, the stool usually acquires a darker (almost black) color. Due to the inclusion of vitamin B2 in the list of active components of the drug, most women also change the color of their urine, acquiring a bright yellow tint. These are not side effects, but harmless changes that do not affect the condition of the fetus or pregnant woman.

Instructions for use

The supplement is recommended to be drunk daily, one tablet at a time, because it is in such a portion that all vitamins and minerals important for pregnant women are found in a daily dose... To reduce the harmful effect on the digestive tract, taking "Elevit Pronatal" should be carried out during meals or immediately after the expectant mother has eaten.

In this case, it is best to drink the drug in the morning, since use in the afternoon can affect night sleep and falling asleep.

To take a pill, it is recommended to take a small amount of pure water (about 100 ml). As mentioned above, the supplement can be either swallowed whole or divided into halves by swallowing them one at a time. In addition, it is important to take into account the following nuances:

  • it is impossible to drink "Elevit Pronatal" without the appointment of a gynecologist, because the expectant mother may not know about the presence of any contraindications that she has;
  • exceeding the dose of the drug can lead to an overdose of vitamins A and D, iron and copper;
  • the supplement is usually taken for 1 month, and then they take a break, but the specifics of the course of administration should be checked with the doctor;
  • if any alarming symptoms appear, which could be caused by vitamins, you should immediately consult a doctor;
  • before you start drinking pills, be sure to check their expiration date (it is marked on the package and is 2 years).


Most expectant mothers who have been prescribed Elevit Pronatal during pregnancy respond well to this supplement. The main advantages of the complex are called its balanced composition and tangible positive effect. According to women, the drug helped smooth out the symptoms of toxicosis, improved the condition of the skin and hair, prevented damage to the teeth, and ensured the normal development of the fetal organs. Many did not refuse to take "Elevit Pronatal" and in the postpartum period, noting the extremely rare occurrence of side effects in newborns.

Among the disadvantages of supplements are usually indicated high cost of tablets (there are many analogues on the market that are cheaper), as well as the absence of iodine in the composition, forcing such an element to be taken additionally. In addition, some pregnant women consider the disadvantage of the complex to be a large list of inactive substances, the safety of which for the fetus is in doubt. Most women tolerate the drug normally... Judging by the reviews, thanks to the reception of Elevit Pronatal, their health becomes better, and the development of the child corresponds to the terms.

Why take folic acid during pregnancy, see below.

Watch the video: Chemist Warehouse Healthy Break Elevit (July 2024).