
Tsiprolet for children: instructions for use

Preparations from the group of fluoroquinolones are in demand in the treatment of many infectious diseases, since they have a wide spectrum and are capable of destroying harmful bacteria. One of these drugs is Tsiprolet. It is often prescribed to adults for pneumonia, sinusitis, sore throat, pyelonephritis, adnexitis and other diseases. If such a medication is prescribed to a child, it is worth finding out if it is allowed in childhood, and in what cases its use is justified in children.

Release form and composition

Tsiprolet is available in India in three forms, which are eye drops, solution for intravenous injections and coated tablets with a dosage of 250 mg and 500 mg. The main ingredient in each of these drug variants is called ciprofloxacin.

Since the solid and injectable forms can negatively affect the formation of the skeleton, such "Tsiprolet" is not prescribed in childhood, and only because of the predominantly local effect, the medicine in the form of drops can be used in children. This form of the drug is prescribed for young patients over 1 year old.

There is also a medicine called Tsiprolet A. This is a tablet medicine, which, in addition to ciprofloxacin, contains another active compound, tinidazole. This drug is also contraindicated under the age of 18.

One milliliter of Ciprolet eye drops contains 3 mg of ciprofloxacin, which is found in this medicine in the form of a hydrochloride. The solution itself is clear and usually colorless or slightly yellowish. It is packaged in 5 ml plastic bottles. Excipients in such a medication are the standard ingredients for eye drops - benzalkonium chloride, water, hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride and edetate disodium.

Operating principle

Ciprofloxacin is able to inhibit DNA gyrase - special enzymes in microbial cells. As a result, "Tsiprolet" prevents the growth and division of bacteria, moreover, it provokes changes in the membranes and cell walls of pathogens, which leads to their rapid death.

The drug has a bactericidal effect on Salmonella, Citrobacter, Proteus, Chlamydia, Campylobacter, Escherichia coli, Legionella, Serrata, Moraxella, Diphtheria Corynebacterium, Streptococcus, Mycobacterium and many other microorganisms.

Enterococci, clostridia, pseudomonas, treponema, ureaplasma and bacteroids can be resistant to the drug.


Treatment with "Tsiprolet" is in demand for various infections of the eyes and lacrimal apparatus, which provoked microorganisms sensitive to ciprofloxacin. Drops are prescribed for children who are ill:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • corneal ulcers;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • meibomite.

The drug is also used as a means of prophylaxis if the child has had an operation on the organs of vision, as well as after removing a foreign body from the eye or eye injury.

Some doctors prescribe such a medicine to drip into the nose if a child has a runny nose of a bacterial nature, but most experts doubt the safety of such use of Tsiprolet.


"Ciprolet" is not prescribed for patients who have previously been found to be hypersensitive to ciprofloxacin, another drug from the group of fluoroquinolones, or any of the auxiliary ingredients of the solution. Drops are also not used for viral eye lesions. In case of convulsive syndrome or impaired blood circulation in the brain tissues, the treatment of such a remedy should be controlled by a doctor.

Side effects

In some children, after getting "Tsiprolet" on the conjunctiva, negative symptoms such as redness, slight soreness, itching or burning sensation may appear. In rare cases, the medication provokes discomfort in the eye, photophobia, decreased visual acuity, inflammation of the cornea, swelling of the eyelids and other symptoms. Sometimes, during treatment with drops, nausea or an allergic reaction appears. In addition, occasionally patients complain of an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Instructions for use

The dose of "Tsiprolet" depends on the severity of the infection and in mild cases is 1 drop, and in moderate or severe lesions - 2 drops into the affected eye. The frequency of use is also determined depending on the diagnosis.

If the disease is moderately severe or mild, the solution should be dripped into the eyes every 4 hours. In a severe course of the disease, the medicine must be instilled every hour, and after improvement, the frequency of use is reduced.

The duration of treatment with Tsiprolet is from 5 days to several weeks. It is also affected by the disease in which the drops are prescribed and the patient's response to therapy. If after 2-3 days of use there is no improvement, you should contact an ophthalmologist to select another medication.


If more than 2 drops are dripped into the eyes at a time, this will not affect the general condition of the patient. If a child accidentally drank the solution from a bottle left unattended, he may experience various negative symptoms, for example, vomiting, headache, anxiety, nausea, and so on.

In such a situation, you should immediately flush the stomach, and then give the patient a sorbent and a sufficient amount of liquid.

Drug interactions

Since "Tsiprolet" in the form of eye drops acts exclusively at the place of use, this tool is compatible with any other drugs. In addition, when administered together with metronidazole, aminoglycosides and other antimicrobial drugs, synergism is observed (the effect is mutually reinforced). However, any other eye drops should be used together with Tsiprolet only at intervals of at least 5 minutes.

Features of purchase and storage

Eye drops "Tsiprolet" are sold by prescription, therefore, before purchasing such a medicine, an examination by an ophthalmologist is required. The average price of one bottle is 50-70 rubles.

It is important to store the medication at home in a dry place where a child cannot find it.

The solution should not be heated above +25 degrees or frozen. The shelf life of drops is 2 years, but after opening the bottle, it decreases to one month.


The use of eye drops "Tsiprolet" in children responds mostly positively. The medicine is called effective for various bacterial eye diseases, as well as inexpensive and easy to use. Its disadvantages include only the short shelf life of the opened bottle, and side reactions are very rare.


If for some reason it is not possible to use "Tsiprolet", this medicine can be replaced with eye drops, which contain a similar active ingredient. Such drugs are "Cipromed", "Ciprofloxacin" or "Ciprofloxacin-AKOS". In addition, the doctor may recommend another fluoroquinolone drug that is used in ophthalmic practice, for example:

  • "Zimar";
  • Floxal;
  • "Dancil";
  • "Maxiflox";
  • Levofloxacin;
  • "Vigamox";
  • Signicef.

In case of an allergic reaction to Tsiprolet, you have to use other antimicrobial or antiseptic agents that drip into the eyes. Among them, the following drugs are in demand in childhood.

  • "Tobrex". This drug acts on bacteria thanks to the antibiotic tobramycin. It is allowed to be used even in newborns.
  • "Vitabakt". The antibacterial effect of such drops is due to picloxidine. Such a remedy can be used from birth.
  • "Sulfacil sodium". This sulfa drug is in demand for various bacterial infections and for their prevention. In children, it is used from the first days of life.
  • Okomistin. Such drops have antiseptic properties and are prescribed from the age of 3. Their action is provided by miramistin.
  • "Sofradex"... This medication is combined, because it contains three components. It is used not only for eye diseases, but also as ear drops. Children are discharged from it from 1 year.
  • "Conjunctin". The antiseptic effect of such a solution is provided by decamethoxin. It can be instilled into the eyes of a child of any age.

Parents will quickly cope with any eye disease in their child if they carry out the instillation procedure correctly. Advice from an ophthalmologist will speed up the children's recovery process.

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