
From what age can Omez be given to children and how to use it?

Omez is one of the popular medicines prescribed for adults for erosion or ulceration in the upper gastrointestinal tract. It is often drunk to combat heartburn, since the result of taking Omez is a decrease in acidity.

Is this medication allowed in childhood, when can it be given to a child and how does it affect the child's body?

Release form and composition

Omez is presented in pharmacies in several options:

  • Capsules with a dosage of omeprazole 20 mg. They are sold in 30 pieces per pack and are presented in gelatinous hard capsules, which have a colorless body and a pink cap with a black OMEZ inscription, and inside are white granules. The auxiliary components of such a drug are lactose, talc, hypromellose, mannitol and other substances.
  • Enteric capsules containing 10 mg of omeprazole. One package of such Omez contains 10 or 30 solid opaque capsules, which have a yellow-violet body and the inscription OMEZ 10. Inside the capsules there are granules containing not only omeprazole, but also hypromellose, mannitol, crospovidone and some other substances.

  • Enteric capsulescontaining 40 mg of omeprazole. They are sold in packs of 28 and are presented in purple-yellow capsules with the inscription OMEZ 40.
  • Lyophilisate, from which a solution is prepared for intravenous injections. One bottle of this Omez contains 40 mg of omeprazole. It looks like a white powder or a porous white mass knotted into a "cake". Additional ingredients of the lyophilisate are disodium edetate and sodium hydroxide. 1 bottle is sold in one pack.

In addition, capsules can be found in pharmacies Omez D... In their composition, an antiemetic component is added to omeprazole at a dose of 10 mg - domperidone at a dose of 10 mg.

There is also a drug called Omez Insta, represented by sachets of powder, from which a suspension with a mint flavor is obtained. One sachet contains 20 mg of omeprazole.

Operating principle

Omez is classified as a proton pump inhibitor, since it is due to the inhibition of such an enzyme that its active component acts on the parietal cells of the stomach that secrete components of gastric juice.

As a result of this influence, the final stage of the production of hydrochloric acid is suppressed, due to which acid production is suppressed and the activity of gastric juice decreases. In addition, omeprazole has a bactericidal effect against Helicobacter pylori.

Omez taken orally is inactive and begins to act only after getting into an acidic environment (this is the environment in parietal cells) in about 1-2 hours.

The action of the drug in capsules lasts about a day. The higher the dosage of omeprazole is used, the stronger the inhibition of the secretory function of parietal cells will be.


Omez is used:

  • In the treatment of peptic ulcer of the duodenal ulcer and stomach, as well as for the prevention of recurrence of this pathology.
  • In the treatment of reflux esophagitis.
  • With hypersecretory function of the stomach, for example, caused by gastrinoma or stress ulcer.

  • With stomach damage due to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • In preparation for surgery, to prevent the backflow of stomach contents into the respiratory tract.

Are children prescribed?

In the list of contraindications indicated in the annotation to all forms of Omez, you can see the child's age. But gastroenterologists often use such a medicine in the treatment of children with the appearance of acute stomach pathologies.

At the same time, Omez is prescribed very rarely for babies under 5 years old, and its use must be monitored by a doctor.

It is categorically impossible to give capsules to a child without a doctor's appointment.


The medication is not used in case of hypersensitivity to any of its components. Capsules and suspensions are not used for carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

Increased caution in the use of Omez is required by patients with severe kidney pathologies or liver failure.

Side effects

During treatment with Omez, you may experience:

  • diarrhea;
  • itchy skin;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • allergic rashes;

  • nervous excitement;
  • bloating;
  • decrease in the number of blood cells;
  • headaches;
  • bronchospasm;
  • urticaria and some other side reactions.

When they appear, you should immediately tell your doctor about such symptoms.

Instructions for use

Omez in capsules is given before meals for about half an hour, offering to wash down the drug with water. If it is impossible to swallow the medication, the granules from the capsule can be mixed with an acidified product (fruit puree, juice) and immediately given to the child in this form. Mixing the contents of the capsule with milk or carbonated drink is prohibited.

Omez Insta is mixed only with water, adding 1-2 tablespoons to the contents of one sachet. As soon as the drug becomes a homogeneous suspension, it must be drunk immediately.

Injectable Omez is administered intravenously. Before the injection, a 5% glucose solution in a volume of at least 5 ml is added to the vial, and when the lyophilisate is completely dissolved, the resulting solution is diluted with 100 milliliters of glucose solution and a drop injection is performed for at least 30 minutes.

The dosage of the drug for each patient is selected by the doctor individually, since for its calculation it is necessary to take into account the diagnosis, the baby's body weight, and his age. The same parameters affect the duration of taking capsules or performing injections.

Terms of sale and storage

All forms of Omez are sold by prescription in pharmacies, so you should consult your doctor before purchasing.

The shelf life of Omez Insta lyophilisate and sachets is 2 years, capsules - 3 years. Until it has expired, the drug should be stored in a place hidden from small children at a temperature not higher than +25 degrees Celsius.


Most of the reviews on the treatment with Omez talk about the high effectiveness of this medication in the fight against heartburn, abdominal pain and other symptoms of peptic ulcer disease.

Parents confirm that the medication acts quickly enough and is well tolerated by most young patients.

The disadvantages of the drug include only its price, which is called high (in comparison with similar drugs from other manufacturers).


Most often, Omez is replaced with Omeprazole, since the active substance in these capsules is the same, and the price is somewhat lower. Also, instead of Omez, others may be prescribed drugs based on omeprazolee.g. Ultop, Losek or Gastrozol. However, all of them are used in childhood with caution and only as directed by a doctor.

Among other medications that are used in the treatment of peptic ulcer or other lesions of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum, children may be prescribed drugs such as Micrasim, Rabelok, De-Nol, Cerucal, Almagel, Zulbeks etc.

Some of them have the same mechanism of action as Omez, while others act in a completely different way and cannot be considered analogs to omeprazole preparations, therefore the decision on their use in the treatment of children should be made by a gastroenterologist or other specialist.

For more information on the drug, see the next video.

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