
Driptan for children

Enuresis is a common problem in childhood and the fight against it includes various measures, including medications. One of the most commonly used medications for urinary incontinence is Driptan. Can it be given to children and how does it affect the body of a little patient?

Release form

The medicine is produced in the form of tablets and is packaged in 30 or 60 pieces in one pack. They are white, round and convex on both sides. Each tablet on one side has a risk, according to which the medication, if necessary, is divided into two identical parts.


The action of the drug Driptan is due to oxybutynin in the form of hydrochloride. This active compound is present in each 5 mg tablet. It is supplemented with calcium stearate, lactose and microcrystalline cellulose.

Operating principle

The medication belongs to antispasmodics, since oxybutynin in its composition is able to relax smooth muscle fibers, as well as counteract acetylcholine, which also helps relieve smooth muscle spasm.

The main effect of this medication is on the muscular layer of the bladder called the detrusor.

Due to its ability to relax, such muscles are in demand in case of unstable bladder function. Its use prevents spontaneous detrusor contractions and allows you to increase the volume of the bladder.


In childhood, Driptan is used for urinary incontinence, frequent urination and frequent urge to use the toilet, caused by neurogenic or idiopathic bladder dysfunction. The drug is often prescribed for nocturnal enuresis, which occurs due to overactive detrusor.

And now we offer for viewing the release of Dr. Komarovsky's program dedicated to children's enorese.

From what age is it allowed to take?

Driptan tablets are prescribed for children from the age of 5. The use at an earlier age is not recommended because of the high risk of side effects of the drug on the nervous system and mental state of babies.


The drug should not be used when:

  • Hypersensitivity to any of its components.
  • Angle-closure glaucoma.
  • Elevated body temperature.
  • Dysfunction of the esophagus.
  • Pyloric stenosis.
  • Myasthenia gravis.
  • Ulcerative colitis.
  • Intestinal obstruction or intestinal atony.
  • Congenital disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Lack of lactase.

Any other pathologies of the digestive tract, disorders of the nervous system, kidneys or liver are the reason for giving Driptan to the child with extreme caution.

Side effects

Due to Driptan treatment, negative symptoms such as nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, dry skin, headache may occur.... In some children, the drug provokes urinary retention, dry eye mucosa, confusion, vomiting, and allergies. If you take the medicine for a very long time, it affects the production of saliva and can lead to tooth decay.

Instructions for use and dosage

A child with a malfunction of the bladder and nocturnal enuresis is prescribed a two-time dose of half a tablet, which corresponds to a single dosage of 2.5 mg. If the drug is well tolerated, it is acceptable to increase the dose by one dose to 5 mg (whole tablet). The last dose of the medication should be before bedtime. The doctor determines the duration of the course of treatment for the little patient individually.


Exceeding the dose of oxybutynin is dangerous by the effect of this substance on the central nervous system, blood pressure and respiration. In severe cases, an overdose of Driptan can lead to coma.

Interaction with other drugs

The medication is not prescribed together with any other drug with an anticholinergic effect. Combine Driptan and atropine, antipsychotics, antihistamines, dipyridamole and some other drugs noted in the annotation should be very careful.

Terms of sale and storage

To buy Driptan at a pharmacy, you must first get a prescription from your doctor. On average, the price of a pack of 30 tablets is 600-650 rubles. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. Until it expires, the medicine can be stored at home at temperatures less than +30 degrees. At the same time, it is important that the storage place is inaccessible to the child.


There are quite a few positive reviews about Driptan treatment. In them, moms confirm the effect of this drug and note that it helped with enuresis and other urinary problems. However, there are also negative opinions in which parents mention the short duration of action and the side effects of the pills.


Instead of the drug Driptan, the doctor may prescribe other medicines with a similar therapeutic effect to a child with urinary incontinence, for example, medicines based on hopantenic acid (Pantocalcin, Gopantam, Pantogam). These drugs are referred to as nootropics and are often used for stuttering, tics, mental retardation and other problems. At the same time, only a specialist should decide the issue of replacing Driptan with any other drug.

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