
Morning exercises: a set of effective exercises

It has long been proven that those who start the day by exercising learn and work more productively. There are many reasons for this, but in order to maximize the effect, it is important to be able to select the right exercises for different age groups and training levels. Carrying out morning exercises with the child, it is important to do everything so that he was interested, the exercises were feasible, and at the end of the classes the child was cheerful and cheerful.


Morning exercises are important for everyone and it is worth setting aside time for it, especially if your children are already growing up. Simple gymnastics in the morning will make it possible to awaken the body, activate the child's muscular apparatus and charge him with positive emotions for the whole day. With all the optimism of what has been written, it is far from easy to put all this into practice. Most children do not want to get out of bed early and do something, especially exercise.

To change this situation, you need to approach the problem creatively, it makes no sense to conduct sports training with preschool children, it will not interest them, especially from the early morning. To make the baby want to move, you need a set of exercises that will resemble a game. It is advisable to think over the equipment, use your favorite toys and the simplest sports equipment.

It is especially good if there is an opportunity to charge on the street, in the case of living in a private house. Clean air will allow the body to invigorate several times faster, improve the well-being of the child and the adult who will be engaged in nearby. For young children, it is important to give only a little sports exercises, and the main bias is to play. The older they get, the greater the proportion of exercise will be.

Carrying out morning exercises at home, with family members, is important for a small child also because when entering a kindergarten, this type of activity will become the norm for him and it is better to prepare the baby in advance. So that the skill is not lost, and the desire does not disappear with age, it is necessary to constantly monitor the performance of all exercises and change them as soon as they become too easy or uninteresting.

A child who is used to awakening himself by charging for several years will carry this experience for as long as possible.

The benefits of morning exercises are obvious, but it is important to do it correctly with your child. When the baby is two years old, he is completely ready for the basics of charging. In order not to harm the body, it is important to exercise on an empty stomach, you can only drink a little water. After a short course of game exercises, you can personally see the positive impact on the child:

  • he has an appetite: even if the baby eats almost nothing in the morning, then after charging the plate will be empty;
  • after exercise in the morning, it will be easier for parents to put the child to bed both in the afternoon and in the evening;
  • exercise will strengthen the joints and ligaments, help in the proper development of the body;
  • the nervous tension that can cause lack of sleep will immediately go away, and the child will be in a great mood;
  • charging helps to improve blood circulation processes;
  • physical activity helps the child grow faster;
  • regular exercise makes it possible to maintain metabolic processes in perfect order.

All parents who care about the health of their children can easily set aside some time to prepare a small workout for a child and find 10-15 minutes to do exercises together.

Proper preparation

When planning a morning exercise with a baby, it is important not to force the child, not force him or drag him by force, otherwise such activities will leave the most negative impression, and no one wants to continue this practice on their own. In order to generate interest in the exercises, parents should start doing them themselves, without offering to repeat them. It is this option that usually arouses healthy interest, and the baby himself asks to dad and mom to do interesting and fun exercises together.

If the process of involvement in the process is a success, then it is important to think in advance how to interest the baby and what to do with it. A story-driven game can be an excellent way out of a situation, making it possible to come up with different exercises, based on one story that is familiar to the child and loved by him. The duration of training should initially be minimal: no more than five minutes for children under 3 years old, from 5 to 10 - at 3-4 years old, and it is recommended to bring this figure to 20 minutes by school age. This will be quite enough for a good exercise complex that awakens the body and maintains it in excellent physical condition.

Children who have any developmental problems, mental or physical, need a special complex. Children with disabilities need a special approach, with a full understanding of the essence of the problem, which dictates a change in the set of exercises and the plot of games. Carrying out physical exercises with such children is no less important, and sometimes even more significant, because constant and joint work often allows you to completely or almost completely solve the child's problems.

To properly carry out morning exercises with a child, you first need to prepare the room by ventilating it well, which is very important for the normal functioning of the body and the launch of all its processes. It is necessary to take care of the musical accompaniment so that the children first of all like it, please them and make them move actively. If possible, it is better to conduct the lesson on the street: in the courtyard of your house or on the playground near the high-rise building where the family lives.

A huge plus will be the presence of as many family members as possible who will take part in the exercise. This condition encourages the child to be like everyone else, which will help to quickly and easily join the process.

For the first lessons, you need to use the simplest exercises that are exactly familiar to the child:

  • walking is normal and with high knees;
  • running in one place, moving back and forth and in a circle in both directions;
  • body tilts on the sides;
  • squats, for the first sessions 2 times are enough, gradually you need to increase their number to 10;
  • a small complex for stretching: tilt downward, touching the floor, to the right and left legs.

This version of gymnastics will be acceptable for the first week of the exercise, after which you need to leave what the baby liked and remove what is not to his liking, replacing it with new, more dynamic exercises. In addition, it is important to choose such music so that it not only charges the child with positive emotions, but also helps to practice. If the pace is very slow, then instead of waking up, the baby will want to sleep even more. If the pace is too fast, the unprepared body will not have time to properly warm up and the child will overwork, which is also harmful.

Charging at home will make it possible to facilitate this process in kindergarten. Going to the nursery becomes a real stress for the baby, therefore, having at least something familiar and understandable in the group, the child adapts faster. The younger group of the kindergarten is characterized by the use of a playful form of charging, when children sing songs or recite little rhymes during the lesson, which helps the full development of all the skills of the baby. For the middle group, the task becomes more difficult, at this age much more physical exercises are added, and the number of games decreases significantly.

When children approach school age, then for the preparatory group there are their own patterns of exercise. Its time increases, exercises become more difficult, and time is allocated for the game after the entire complex has been completed. For elementary school, almost the same cycle is characteristic, only in this case there are already additional physical education lessons, therefore a little less time is given for exercises, and its focus is more specific: prevention of scoliosis, back curvatures, etc. It is useful for a child to warm up before the educational process and during the day, for which teachers spend physical education minutes.

Main complex

To make morning exercises easy and interesting, as well as beneficial for the child and adult, it is important to think over a set of exercises in advance, calculate the time for its implementation and conduct a trial lesson. A child who sees in front of him an adult who can easily cope with the exercises, and he himself wants to repeat them. For the first lessons, the complex should be feasible, and then the number of tasks and their complexity will gradually increase.

Use the following exercises to charge.

  • Simple walking in one place or moving to a specified point.
  • Bouncing on one and two legs, in place and with movement.
  • Warm up the shoulder girdle using circular movements back and forth.
  • Raising the legs forward, even at the knee joint. As a complication, you can straighten your arms and touch them with your toes.
  • Exercise for coordination: bouncing in place with arms raised.
  • Squats.
  • Push ups.
  • Rhythmic movements to music for relaxation, as well as improving musical ear and rhythm.
  • Stretching: sitting on the floor, legs together - tilt forward, legs apart - tilt to the right, center and left leg. You can try to master the twine.

During charging, it is important to count loudly and clearly for the child so that he remembers the count, which is also important in preschool age, and can clearly, at the right speed, complete the task. The most convenient option for counting will be a four-phase exercise. For older children, you can include a second four, continuing the count to eight.

It is important to monitor the performance of each exercise and correct the baby if he does something wrong. It is worth doing this very carefully, without constantly interfering, while all the time encouraging and praising the little athlete. To make exercise always interesting, it is important to constantly search for new original complexes intended for children, which can be learned from different sports: aerobics (work with apparatus), yoga (difficult but interesting positions), wushu and boxing (which boys will especially like ), dance and ballet (for girls).

For those parents who have been doing morning exercises with their children for more than a year, you can use such a set of exercises.

  • Inhale and exhale, performed with raising and lowering the arms. It is important to monitor the speed of movement of the limbs and breathing.
  • Walking in one place, later with promotion. The next step will be to add hand movements, which is designed to develop coordination.
  • Warm up the cervical vertebrae by tilting the head from side to side, forward and backward. It is very important to ensure that there are no sudden movements and high speed of execution.
  • Warm up the spinal column by tilting the body from side to side. After that, a forward and backward movement is added to the deflection. Upon completion, the body rotates clockwise and counterclockwise, stretching the back as much as possible.
  • Stretching exercises for the back and leg muscles. It is necessary to tilt down with a touch of the feet and return to the basic position (legs together, hands down).
  • The strength load that can be given in squats is 5 to 10 times. As a complication, carry out several series.
  • Exercises on the press with holding the legs by the parent or placing under support. To complicate the exercise, you can use additional sports equipment that the child will hold in his hands or clamp with his feet.
  • Push-ups, which can initially be done from the knees, and as a more difficult level, in a full stance.
  • At the end, you can give several coordination exercises: jumping on one leg, jumping over a gymnastic stick, jumping rope, etc.
  • You need to finish exercising at a calm pace, slow down the speed of the exercises and, in the end, just walk around the room and breathe.

The longer it is possible to carry out joint gymnastics, the stronger the health of all family members will be and the more productive every working day.

In the next video, you will find a fun cartoon exercise for sports kids.

Watch the video: Lose 4 Kg In 7 Days - Daily Home Workout (July 2024).