
Swaddling a newborn: all the pros and cons, to what age to swaddle a baby and which way to choose

One of the most important questions for new parents is to swaddle or not to swaddle a baby. Representatives of the older generation in the family unanimously advise to swaddle so that the baby grows calm and slender, like a cypress. Modern doctors, who received their diplomas after the nineties, authoritatively assure the young mother that swaddling is in no case possible - this, according to them, is contrary to the laws of nature.

Confused young parents find it difficult to understand what information is true and what to decide with diapers. In this article, we will talk about all the pros and cons of changing babies, the ways to do it, and answer the main question - how to make the right choice.

Historical reference

When the first diapers appeared, history is silent. Historians are inclined to believe that this happened at the dawn of mankind, when people realized that the baby is fragile and defenseless, he is cold and sick, that it is in the interests of the tribe to keep him alive, since he will grow up and become a hunter or continue the race. The first nappies were animal skins, wide leaves of plants. It is difficult to say whether the swaddling was continuous, but with a high probability, the baby's body was completely covered. It was a defensive necessity.

Native American tribes in North America even made a kind of diapers from dry grass and rabbit skins. The used grass was thrown away and the hide was dried and used again as a reusable diaper. For a long time the peoples of the North made diapers from deer skins and even made an absorbent hygienic layer of moss.

In Asia, children were not swaddled in the usual sense of the word, they were simply kept in a carry cot around the clock, which limited their movements. Straw, grasses and cloth, if any, were laid at the bottom. It was both a diaper and a diaper. The kid could not get out, the parents got the opportunity to grow their rice in the fields all day.

In Europe, swaddling cloth began to be used as early as the second century BC. The Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Jesus, according to the Bible, "wrapped him in rags and put him in a manger." And that was swaddling too.

For a long time, diapers were similar only from the point of view of hygiene and traditions. But in the 20s of the last century, doctors decided to give them a reliable and convincing medical justification - they convinced all pregnant women and women in childbirth that the child would be more slender, his legs would be straighter, and his temper would be more meek if the baby was swaddled with a “column” and kept in this form at least up to six months.

A grain of doubt arose at the end of the 20th century, when the pediatricians themselves started talking about the fact that the benefits of swaddling were clearly exaggerated - the legs of many generations of bow-legged people did not straighten from birth, although their mothers swaddled them regularly, and the character is generally an unexplored area. From that moment on, the unshakable authority of diapers in the life of babies was shaken.

New tendencies gave rise to heated debates - opponents of swaddling appeared, who quickly found scientific works stating that swaddling is harmful and dangerous, that swaddled children do not grow up free and independent. The reliability of such studies, of course, raises serious doubts about the competence of the authors, but the revolution has already taken place - the diapers have become a "bone of contention."

In the maternity hospital today, children are still swaddled, especially when it comes to a maternity hospital with a separate stay of a woman in labor and a baby after childbirth. But already on the third day, when the discharge takes place, the question of swaddling becomes open.

Modern parents have a large selection of different diapers, as well as no less "assortment" of arguments "for" and "against" the very process of changing. To the question: to swaddle or not, they must answer themselves. Neither a pediatrician, nor psychologists, nor scientists - the authors of numerous "works" on swaddling, nor grandparents - no one can make such a decision for mom and dad.

When choosing, they should start from considerations of their own convenience - if it is more convenient to swaddle, why not swaddle. If it is more convenient to dress your baby in rompers and undershirts, you need to follow the voice of your heart and ideas about your own well-being.

But first you need to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of swaddling, so that the family decision is balanced and reasonable.


If swaddling did cause significant harm, chances are it would not have been as popular for so many centuries. Swaddling advocates suggest looking at the situation from the perspective of the baby himself. In the womb, he is in cramped conditions - he tightens his arms and legs, and in later periods even movements are given to him with great difficulty due to cramped conditions. The transition to new living conditions for him is a great stress. This is why swaddling is considered a factor that alleviates this stress. In the diaper, the baby is in a position that is well known to him from the prenatal conditions of existence.

Swaddling experts argue that this is the main reason you can and should swaddle your baby. The benefits for parents are much broader. There is no need to worry too much about the purchase of a large number of shirts and pants - they are expensive and will last no more than a few months, since the child is growing rapidly. Buying clothes for growth is not the best idea for a baby. And the diapers are of such size that it will not work out of them quickly. Diapers are easier to wash, a washing machine can easily handle this, while it is advisable to wash miniature slides and baby shirts by hand and rinse thoroughly. Diapers are easier to iron.

Babies have very poor control over their arms and legs. Therefore, swaddling a newborn at night is a great chance to get enough sleep for the whole family, including the baby himself, who will not wake himself up with spontaneous blows of pens on the face.

Proponents of swaddling indicate that the diaper will also be useful for colic - if the baby is swaddled correctly, the painful sensations from increased gas formation typical of children under the age of 3 months will be much less. Also, a certain type of swaddling - wide - is simply indispensable for dysplasia of the hip joints, with immature joints, and this condition is quite natural for many babies who have recently been born. Children with developmental problems of the hip joint have a physiological need for a wider dilution of the legs.

Newborn babies have a very developed sense of touch. This type of sensitivity is almost basic for comprehending the world around us in the first month of life. In the uterus, the baby constantly sensed what was nearby. Proponents of swaddling babies argue that swaddling allows the baby even after birth not to be intimidated by the vast world, since his delicate and sensitive skin continues to touch the tissue of the diaper. For the baby, a feeling of limited space is created, he is not afraid of it.

Babies in a diaper are calmer, less prone to fears and stress, which allows them to quickly teach them to fall asleep on their own. Mothers who swaddled their children from the first days of their lives note that they have more free time when the child is sleeping than those who put their children without a diaper. Not every woman can afford to constantly reassure a child who wakes himself up by jerking and throwing up his hands, because the mother should have time to wash, eat, do some household chores, cook food, do laundry and just relax, take a nap.

Swaddling, according to its adherents, contributes to the development of a more obedient child, with whom it will be easier to negotiate in the future. Such a kid is unlikely to rebel and resist the words of his parents. There is also less risk of growing a hyperactive toddler, who himself will suffer from his own increased activity. Admirers of swaddling argue that children who grow up in diapers are more persevering, they are less conflicted.

And finally, it can be noted that cotton diapers rarely cause allergies in any baby, even if the crumbs have an inadequate immune response to everything else, including baby soap. In this, diapers are somewhat advantageous in comparison with diapers for which no, no, and an allergic reaction happens.


The first and most obvious disadvantage of swaddling is that you need to learn how to swaddle your baby. For an inexperienced young mother, this task seems incredibly difficult. And therefore, after a couple of unsuccessful attempts, thoughts begin to creep in about whether or not to read smart articles about the dangers of swaddling? If you find a reasonable explanation for this harm, then it will be possible to refuse swaddling on completely legal grounds, competently arguing their actions to grandmothers, grandfathers, husbands and girlfriends.

Indeed, swaddling a baby is not as easy as putting on a vest and romper, but training usually does not take much time. And with the second or third child, the issue is generally removed from the agenda - the mother's hands themselves "remember" what and how to do with the diaper and the baby. These skills, like cycling, are not forgotten.

As for the position of the opponents of swaddling, in the first place they note the psychological and physical discomfort of the child. Child psychologists who oppose diapers refer to the fact that the baby is a personality and individuality. And from the first days this person should have the right to freedom. For now - to freedom to wave arms and legs, to take poses, which you like, which are more comfortable and safe. According to such psychologists, a child who is trying to wrap up in a diaper with his head has no choice but to accept his fate. This overwhelms his creativity, courage, breadth of thinking and revolutionary habits. Namely, such brave and non-standard-minded individuals are needed in order for humanity to move forward, and not stagnate in one place.

Psychologists opposed to swaddling say that babies are not alien to the feeling of beauty. And they have every right to beautiful clothes, colorful, corresponding to gender identity. It is unlikely that adults would want, regardless of gender, to walk wrapped in a bag with the same pattern for both men and women. The desire for personality manifestation, say neonatal psychologists, is also characteristic of infants, and no less than their parents.

Pediatricians who say that swaddling is harmful cite a higher likelihood of baby overheating. Closed swaddling, wrapping up the arms and legs, especially if the recommended temperature regime is not observed in the room and it is hot in the nursery, leads to the formation of diaper rash and dermatitis. A wet diaper is unpleasant, and the delicate baby skin suffers greatly from contact with urine and feces if the diaper is stained.

Pampers have the ability to absorb liquid, and therefore the effect on the baby's skin of urine and ammonia in a disposable diaper is minimal, which cannot be said about babies who are not only swaddled, but also use gauze diapers or special fabric panties for wide swaddling.

According to the reviews of mothers who are categorically against swaddling a newborn, giving up diapers also has certain household advantages. So, in situations where mom needs to leave, and the child stays with dad, diapers are often out of the question, because teaching dad to swaddle a baby is almost unrealistic - well, most men do not have this ability! It is much easier for a man to change his child into a dry and clean disposable diaper and replace the sliders and undershirt if necessary.

Diapers, as we know, must be ironed. But you can refuse to iron your trousers in order to save time and energy - if you dry small clothes correctly (in an upright position, first straightening the thing well), then dry sliders are quite suitable for use straight from the rope.

You don't need a lot of space to dry your trousers and undershirts - a small rope or line in the kitchen or hallway is enough. But in order to hang out large diapers, much more space is required. And this factor is sometimes decisive for families whose living conditions are limited to a hostel or a small "odnushka" without a balcony and loggia.

Opponents of diapers point out that tight swaddling disrupts normal blood circulation in the child's limbs, inhibits his physical and mental development. Some even argue that a child who is unable to change body positions at will due to the presence of a diaper sleeps more restlessly. Arguments about a close position for a baby in cramped quarters are met with indignation by opponents, pointing out that in such a case it is possible to buy an envelope for a child, in which he will be able to sleep without much damage to health and psyche.

Methods and step by step

Over the millennia of existence of swaddling as a phenomenon, mankind has invented a lot of ways to wrap a baby in a diaper. The most famous types are tight, wide and partial swaddling, but there are other options. Let's learn how to swaddle your baby in different ways.


The technique for performing this method is shown to mothers even in the hospital, since the classic swaddling is the most common. Spread the diaper on a special table or other firm and level surface if there is no changing table. Place the baby in the center so that his head is above the top edge of the diaper (the diaper is at the level of the baby's neck). The algorithm for further actions is quite simple:

  • fix the baby's left handle on his breast;
  • tuck the left edge of the diaper under the right side of the back, thereby fixing the hand;
  • put the baby's right handle on the breast on top of the diaper layer and tuck the right edge of the diaper under the left side of the back - the arms will be wrapped;
  • the lower part of the diaper should be well straightened and raised to the chest, closing the legs;
  • The right side of the diaper should be brought behind the back, and the left side should be passed over the right shoulder and its small edge tucked into the fold on the chest.

Tight swaddling is done in the same way, but only the baby's arms are placed either on the chest as described above, or along the body.

The so-called swaddling with handles also belongs to the classic swaddling. To wrap a crumb like this, you need:

  • spread the diaper and tuck its upper edge inward;
  • place the baby's handle in the resulting "bag", and then put it together with the cloth on the baby's belly;
  • similarly, you need to wrap the second hand;
  • the lower part of the diaper is straightened and gently folded under the knees.

Swaddling with handles has several options. So, if it's more convenient for mom, she can lay the diaper with a diamond, not a rectangle and hold the diaper under the armpit of the crumbs, the rest is done as described above.

Tight swaddling is not indicated for children with hip dysplasia, as well as for very premature babies.You should not use it even if the child has a fever, if he is sick - the likelihood of overheating and disturbed thermoregulation will be significant.


Wide swaddling got this name not for the free finding of the baby in the diaper, as some think, but for the fact that it allows the baby to take the pose of a "frog" with thighs apart. Such swaddling is used for premature babies, for children with birth injuries, with hip dysplasia, as well as for the prevention of dislocations. In the "frog" pose, the baby's joints are practically not stressed, which is important in certain circumstances. But healthy babies can also be swaddled in this way.

For such a swaddling, you may need certain orthopedic devices, for example, special panties or a Frejk pillow. The number of diapers that the mother uses when implementing this method can also be different - from one to three.

To swaddle a baby with one diaper, you need:

  • fold the diaper into 4 layers;
  • the top layer is turned away so that a "pocket" is obtained;
  • turn the diaper "design" with the resulting pocket down;
  • the lower part, which is now on top, is folded in half so that the fetal strip is in the middle;
  • put the baby in the very center;
  • the corners of the diaper wrap the legs;
  • legs are slightly parted and fix the central part of the diaper.

For a wide swaddle with two diapers, one of them should be large to fold the above structure, and the second - smaller, in order to wrap the baby's body later.

If you use wide swaddling with gauze diapers, you can theoretically reduce the cost of buying diapers by putting on disposable diapers on your baby only when you need to go outside and go to the clinic.


Partial swaddling is a kind of compromise between classic and free swaddling. Mom can only swaddle the baby's arms, fixing the diaper with a special fastener, for example, for sleeping at night. You can use special velcro diapers. You can only fix the legs, leaving the handles free. Such changing is also quite popular and easy way to save money on disposable diapers.

Most methods of free swaddling can also be considered partial. With him, the child is allowed to take a comfortable position for himself. In it, the baby is wrapped in a large diaper, avoiding tight fixation. In fact, a crumb under a diaper can move its arms and legs, but it can no longer hit itself in the face in a dream.

At home, partial swaddling can also be a good help if the mother has not been able to learn how to swaddle in a classical or other way. The baby, who was swaddled freely or partially, looks not very presentable, he looks more like a lump swarming under the cloth, but the voice of the parents' conscience can be calm - the baby is quite free.

How to choose?

The mother can choose the method of swaddling arbitrarily, if the pediatrician who observes the child has no other opinion on this matter. Therefore, to begin with, you should ask the opinion of the doctor, who will visit the newborn within a day after discharge from the maternity hospital. If the doctor does not see indications for a certain method of swaddling, for example, a wide one, then parents can make a choice on their own.

It is possible that they will have to try all the options, because finding the one that is most convenient for both the baby and his parents can be very difficult. If the baby sleeps restlessly without a diaper, but allows himself and others to rest by being swaddled, then you can practice swaddling only during sleep. Gradually, when the baby learns to control his arms and legs and control their movements, the need to swaddle the baby before bed will disappear by itself.

If the infant is violently resisting and twisting out of the diaper, try laying him down with open arms. It is possible that partial swaddling is suitable for such a freedom-loving baby.

Choose what is convenient first of all for the mother, because how well she rests depends on how the baby's care will ultimately be. If the baby often wakes up and worries, it is worth trying swaddling in any case, despite the seemingly convincing arguments of the opponents of diapers.

When making a choice, one should not only weigh the pros and cons, but also take into account that myths are associated with swaddling. Namely:

  • swaddling straightens the curvature of the legs - it is not;
  • diapers slow down physical development - this is also not true;
  • it is difficult to swaddle - try it and you will understand that this is also a prejudice.

Up to what age to swaddle a baby?

To this question, as well as whether it is necessary to swaddle, no specialist will give an unambiguous answer. You can swaddle a child until the time when he and his parents are completely satisfied with this state of affairs. The fact is that as they grow, children themselves can show what is comfortable for them and what is not. Some children refuse to swaddle with violent protests as early as 3-4 months, and some are quite satisfied with the twisted state up to 7-8 months. Many parents give up swaddling immediately after babies begin to coordinate their movements and spontaneous bursts of pens stop. It usually stops by 2–3 months.

Checking if your baby is ready to sleep without the usual diaper is quite simple. Lay him down for a day's rest, applying first a loose swaddle, and then with open arms. If the baby manages to sleep his 2-2.5 hours without awakening and anxiety, we can conclude that he is ready to sleep without a diaper.

Many moms and dads find a compromise. During the day, the child is laid with open arms, and at night they are swaddled, and so on for almost a year. A one-year-old baby who is swaddled before bedtime is not at all uncommon, and therefore parents do not need to blame themselves.

Until no matter how many months the swaddling lasts, it is important to provide the child with sufficiently intense physical activity during the daytime. He should not lie down all day long. The older your little one gets, the more he needs exercise, gymnastics, free position of the body and limbs while playing in a crib or playpen.

Otherwise, parents are free to decide which diapers and how long to use them. If a child grows up healthy, developed, contented, if he is surrounded by love and attention, the swaddling itself does not matter.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

A well-known pediatrician who is trusted by millions of mothers around the world, Evgeny Komarovsky, warns parents against being too gullible. Information of a pseudo-scientific plan about the dangers of swaddling, he says, should not be believed, if only for the reason that it is written and posted, passing off as the ultimate truth by people who at one time, like everyone else, were swaddled.

Swaddling did not interfere with the development and growth of ourselves, our mothers and fathers, grandparents, and if someone has problems with personality or physical ailments, then it is at least unfair to associate them with diapers, because there are more compelling reasons for congenital character traits and diseases are genetics and habitat.

To swaddle or not, it's up to the parents to decide, Komarovsky says. But when choosing swaddling, parents must strictly follow the rules for caring for a child:

  • diapers should be washed only with a hypoallergenic powder, rinsed in chlorine-free water (preliminary boiling), it is imperative to iron them;
  • it is necessary to immediately change the diaper if the child gets dirty on it, this will help to avoid diaper rash and diaper dermatitis;
  • you should buy or sew diapers yourself of a fairly large size so that the child is not cramped in them;
  • diaper fabric should be only natural, no synthetics and semi-synthetics should be used;
  • avoid diapers with bright patterns, as textile dyes can adversely affect the condition of the baby's skin;
  • do not wrap the baby up so that he does not sweat, for this use diapers made of fabrics of different density depending on the situation.

In general, according to Komarovsky, for a child, it is much more important in what conditions he grows than the presence or absence of diapers. His character and state of health will be reflected in heredity, nutrition, parental relationships in the family, care, and not diapers. If the question of harm is very worried, then it is not, says Yevgeny Olegovich, but you should not expect much benefit from swaddling either.


According to maternal reviews, of which there are a huge number on the Internet, children usually make difficult choices themselves - some from birth do not tolerate swaddling, twist and cry until they manage to free their hands. Others, on the other hand, cannot easily fall asleep if the mother decides to go to bed without a diaper. Therefore, the choice as such is often made not even by mom and dad, but by their newborn child. Some consider swaddling a thing of the past and are skeptical about it. Some are sure that gradually society will again come to the point that it will be recommended to swaddle a baby.

Parents who categorically refuse to swaddle a baby, even if he falls asleep poorly without a diaper, recommend making a kind of "nest" out of the blanket, wrapping the baby with blankets and blankets. This makes it easier for babies to fall asleep. Some mothers claim that even in the parental home, pediatricians tried to convince them not to swaddle their children. Many then changed their minds when they were at home with the baby alone.

Anyway, it is worth preparing a few warm and several light (thin) diapers in advance. If they come in handy, they will always be at hand after discharge. If the baby sleeps well without swaddling, the prepared diapers can be used as bed sheets, for wrapping after bathing the baby - a good housewife will not lose his goodness.

In the next video, you will find step-by-step instructions for swaddling a baby.

Watch the video: Swaddling a Newborn Baby! Is it Safe? (July 2024).